Family 1st! but after that, Businessman. Just a guy that Loves the Hustle, People, wine and the NYJets. Check out the new site, and tell me what you think at
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Gary Vaynerchuk is a New York Times and Wall Street Journal Best-Selling author, self-taught wine expert, and innovative entrepreneur.
You can also find me on Twitter:
Gary Vaynerchuk is a New York Times and Wall Street Journal Best-Selling author, self-taught wine expert, and innovative entrepreneur.
You're saying the same shit you say today and it's still relevant. haha
You're invited to Belgium to set prices, check stocks, organize after sales of American companies. Thank you. Come soon will ya.
Hey hope i'm not too late and that you get this message. Have you ever successfully sold anything to someone that is extremely smart yet also very negative, dismissive , and grumpy and constantly points out the bad in everything you said to them?
So many people associate sales with sleazy because they don't understand what is really involved. The common misconception is that people are shoving a product down potential clients' throats, when in reality a good sales person finds the problem and offers the solution they have to make life easier for another person or group of people who are also in the grind. The misconception of a sleazy sales person throwing garbage at people is resonated in some of the social media posts you have talked about such as the Oprah post as well as the Nicki Menaj google plus post, they are just online versions. Referring back to the video of you calling the beer glass company, you call the company, identify who you need to talk to, state your simple case, and then don't go for a direct slingshot of crap into the guy's mouth. Instead you plant the seeds for a basic relationship to be established, and more importantly a call to action in the future where the business you were hypothetically were selling to will most likely remember who you are. That video is such a great demonstration of sales that more people should see who have misconceptions of sales.
Nothing stops this dude from producing videos.
We're all into sales. Including employees who have to convince the employer to hire them for a job. In every conversation there is always someone buying and someone selling. I wonder what Gary's definition of the word Entrepreneur means to him? Maybe he explains it in another future video I haven't watched yet.
You are hilarious "IM A SALES MAN, AND I'M PROUD OF IT "
your videos fuking suck stop advertising while im watching other vids, the fact that u pay you tube to advertise yourself is stupid, u should fucking be ashamed of yourself
Fucking awesome!
Thats right boyee!!!! Lol. But for real and i love being one! Keep it ip Gary
Not only are you a salesman Gary but you are one of the best. Love the last phrase in your video!
I completely agree with you but I think sometimes motivation has something to do with it too. If you are a salesperson but care about the people you're selling stuff too you shouldn't need to hide it at all; however, some sales people are just out to make commission and that's when people start to get suspicious and the salesperson has to play it down.
I understand where you are coming from Gary, but I think we all know that sales as a profession has been given a bad name by a mountain of really bad human beings disguising themselves as sales people. For every Gary Vaynerchuk that believes in their product, sells quality products and advice; there are 20 other losers who feel it is necessary to badger someone until their mark says yes.
sometimes people think that it is demeaning to present themselves as a something to be embarass about. i dont understand. im proud that im successful at what i do (being a salesman)
You are the inspiration that drives me to write my blog, make my videos, and to make my mark. I truly appreciate your candid videos and information! One day we will have a talk over drinks.
Awesome Gary!