The Holidays have arrived early this year with the release of the VeeFriends Winter '22 Apparel Collection! This amazing collection of 24 items consists of classic designs as well as introduces five new VeeFriends characters to our apparel line. Now you can show off some of your favorite VeeFriends characters and their inspiring traits with confidence and style!

Chat. She got it. We are live Amazing! Good afternoon everybody. Hope everybody's well.

I'm looking at the chat I'm looking at May and Ben from be friends but first I Want to interact with the people on the chat and here we go. Eve Z Great to see you Jessica V uh thank you for being here Arana uh my comments are not streaming. you're probably getting too many TV scales There we go Sasha Marie Great to see you. That's what platforms are we on right now Facebook LinkedIn YouTube and Twitter Love it and what about Instagram Nope, no cool I'll do something with that I know what to do? What's that? Instagram Nope, no no worries I will do something with that Ben may please say hello real quick Hello friends This is May Director of Community strategy here I'll be friends Hi! This is Ben Head of merchandising and collaborations for Egrets.

So Ben let's start with you real quick actually. Uh, just to go into a team What? I plan on doing everybody Uh, who's on is we are going to actually I'm going to go on Instagram real quick Ben Why don't you talk a little bit about your fashion background for one second? because I just want to get everybody on Instagram Noted on this: Sure, yeah. um I Worked with Gary for five years now, but I've worked in the apparel industry for 15 years. Everything from the marketing and brand strategy side to licensing to production and design.

And like I said, I came over and started working with Gary about five years ago. but in the last year uh when the friends really got popping him and Andy asked me to come over and oversee all of the all of the apparel. Well everybody who's watching right now and joining first I'm going on Instagram right now to tell everybody that we're live. Um, couple things.

one the new winter collection of V Friends Swag has launched May is uh modeling May is modeling the patient Panda hoodie uh I just posted on Instagram uh a post about it my the uh oh very nice Bank uh Dustin if you could put up the URL to the shop, uh I plan on giving away a couple of pieces uh during this session on Twitter So if you have a Twitter account, everybody on Instagram I'm live on uh YouTube right now LinkedIn Facebook and YouTube so please go check it out. Uh well, what's good? I'm gonna sign off but I wanted you all to know we're live right now on those platforms and so we just dropped the new collection of uh V friends and um I'm uh I'm excited about it. so I'm signing off but I just want to come in here and say what's good, what's good? please come and check us live. we're now live on Twitter right? Um Dustin yeah we are.

oh we are sorry and Twitter everyone and I'm gonna give away a few pieces on Twitter. Also, check my latest Instagram post and the URL to the shop is in the bio. I'll see you on YouTube or Twitter somewhere. See you later.

All right off. Instagram Now back to everybody here: I Want to look at the comments Crystal F with the fire Jessica V likes it Jeff p on LinkedIn Um I Want to talk about the attributes Ben When we do launches, we do the Evergreen stuff. yes and then we and then we focus on certain characters. May is rocking the patient Panda But what I'm really focusing on is the traits, right? So that's the Evergreen stuff and then I'm really what I want to talk about here and Dustin Are we able to get one or two people to ask a question about patience or selflessness? Can you make that work? I Could uh, highlight their comment, but getting them onto the stream will be a little okay.
We'll highlight the comment I like that. so Ben Which Which traits did we decide to focus on? Yes. patient. Um.

selfless, Competitive, grateful, and authentic. We're the we're the five and of course we're always like looking to pick five different characters. five different designs every season. So patience? which I talk a lot about competitiveness which I'm starting to talk a lot about selflessness, which I touch on, but might be a good thing for a lot of people here.

Uh, to think about what are the other two, my friend. I apologize authentic and um, the Anaconda Authenticity right? So gratitude? Yeah, the Grateful one The Grateful gar is the hoodie. I've been rocking for a little while so everybody, those are the uh, the um. the traits we focused on.

You're seeing two of them here visually. um I think we have a lot of other people rocking. uh, some of them as well, right? Yeah, for sure. NG on the on the patient Panda Um, that is your actual handwriting like that's your hand style from when you first.

No, you made me do it I know exactly. Um, so we get because you talk about patients so much, we definitely wanted to ensure that it definitely had a very, very real tie to you. And then Richie Hustle's Big Love to You on YouTube TJ Anderson Great to see you. There's the selfless.

Yeah, as you know. I've been traveling the last two days been fairly Off the Grid I Noticed this morning for a quick second as I was driving to the LA office that those without the hoodies it says tea on the webs on Shop.b Is that right? Like like to me that makes me think t-shirt but is that the official terminology? Yeah, there's a there's a long sleeve t-shirt like and then an actual short sleeve t-shirt Yeah, like this. I saw this right. Like the selfless, right t-shirt Okay, it's lighter.

It's not like, uh, it's not like this tea or a whack thing that I'm wearing. It's not like a um material. it's t-shirt material. just a long sleeve.

Yeah, a really special one because it came right from how you always talk about selflessness about being like focusing on yourself first and then when you're in a good place that allows you to be self selfless, right? Sorry. I'm trying to make sure you can see it. but like right, if you focus on yourself first and then and then you're able to focus on others afterwards. If you, if you don't demonize being selfish and you realize that you have to be happy and in a good place like the only reason I'm able to be selfless is I'm good.
Most of the people that I interact with which you know are friends and family that I know deepest. The ones that are incapable of generosity emotionally are the ones who aren't good. And so for me, there was something along the way that made it obvious to me I'm like oh, I've got to be good before I can help anyone and like so much of what I see manifesting in the world is someone not being in a good spot and then thus lashing out and so yeah. I'm very I'm very passionate about being selfless.

However, selfish sounds like a really bad thing in our world, but I actually think it, we need to and there's listen I view it as more of you know I use it as slang. it's really being content and at peace. but yeah, I'm very into this selfless sloth like you know, like I just think um I just I really like that combo and I'm really happy about it I Feel like a lot of people in the Be Friends Community are super selfless like we see a lot of people giving a lot to the community members and making a lot of friends. but really like when it comes down to it, you really have to take care of yourself first.

So I feel like the little blurriness that shows here is like super on board. Yeah, it's much more clear on the website than it's here. but I see it like it's really rad. Um, okay.

what else do we have I want to show people more stuff and then I really want to ask questions. By the way for Dustin who's on here right now? please in the comments Crystal Groves good to see you Joanne m Jermaine J If you have any questions, please put hashtag question first. like if Adam Maguire right now on Adam M or Brian Reed if you have a question of any kind, put hashtag question and then ask your question. My preference is that they'd be around some of the themes we're talking about here.

Uh, and then we're gonna do a Twitter thing at the end where I'm gonna give away some of the stuff. What we're talking about here if you're just joining us, is the new winter collection of Be Friends Swag has hit the market. It is available at Ben May what do you got to show us next? Well before we go there I Saw Kelly Had a comment and she said how does it fit I'm 5'4 and I'm wearing media right now. It's very cozy, feels really good on the body.

um I like it a lot Ben this was something I saw in the chat yeah they said if the hoodie is hard like cardboard I'm going to come to your office Gary and return it to your personal plan and said me too um you know I Yelled at Ben and said the last set was 2 too. you know, rough on me I like softy soft. Can you explain to people from a technical standpoint of them common English For the people that bought the last set what the softness factor is compared to the last one? Yeah and you're right. You definitely heard I heard you loud and clear in the community.
loud and clear and if you look at the actual not to get too much into the details but if you look at the makeup of the material. the first launch was 100 cotton and a really heavyweight sort of um, rough cotton like it was and then these now are 80 cotton, 20 polyester so it's a bit of a lighter feel and also the poly action gives it like the softer touch that you're looking for. So um it. We did hear you all loud and clear and you should notice a significant difference.

where Adam rips what are your thoughts without being a don't be here like do you like hard because you're cool like then and you're all. you're a hype beast and you like that? or are you a little bit more soft and not cool like me and you like that you're a competitive clown. Hoodie here is soft and cozy and you're good. Yeah! I I Like the style, um a lot softer, feels like you can like go to sleep in it more than the last one.

and uh I want to describe myself as a as a soft one but I enjoy I enjoy the quality. A lot of work is a lot more coffee. well you're soft like if I punched you in the stomach. you did it at the Jets game and I took it pretty well.

that's true and I actually actually to give you a ton of compliments I love the way you play basketball and so I would actually argue. You're right, you're not soft and I find you very competitive and so when I saw you just roll up modeling clearly for the first time in your life, uh I'm excited to see that you're the competitive clown. This is my first time I wish I would be proud to be debuting and uh, the competitive clown turns are found upside down like that. Um then talk to me about the sizing.

I Saw a lot of people talking about that. A lot of people are going to go right now and uh and yeah, you know here's a question about do we carry Biggins and to all sizes talk a little bit about that. but then also I've been Rocking The Grateful Gar yeah back to like literally I've worn The Grateful gar sample more than I Bought the last collection combined because it is soft but you got me a medium and the sleeves do go kind of the cool stuff. Ah there it is.

Why don't we allow her to say hello to the V Friends Community good hi guys, how are you I'm Nia Spencer I do cultural engagement management for me like I Don't know if you rock this size. like do you find this goes a little large because for me the medium hoodie it goes a little like I actually I'm gonna buy a small Bend because I want to see how it fits on me? Is this rocking a little bit like talk to us about it yeah it's a it's a little oversized like that's the the look and feel. However, the first drop right in September was like a little more boxy. this and you'll see it.

You get like there's still a bit of a drop shoulder. like it's not technically a drop shoulder but it is a little like oversized fit but it's coming a little bit in terms of the the width and like. come a little longer so there's a little more length and everything and a little less width so it isn't like a by the way in the comments I'm reading right now like you and Nia like you guys are cool like people want the oversized no but honestly let's call it what it is. yes you are and so like people do want the oversize I just don't 100 and and G it's not like we lost the oversight, it is still oversized.
but every draw we're gonna get somebody like me who's normally meeting him and it went to here like I might win with a small right, you'll be fine. Small will be fitted right. So if it's like yeah, you should buy your true to size if you wanted a little oversized. If you want fitted you could size down for sure.

So we have double XL I Saw some people asking we're up to double XL right? Yes and small This is small by like let's talk normal English because some people want it yep sorry did you ask something G I ask small how should they consider it and then RJ's got a question that I'll that I don't know if you can see but uh Dustin will give it to you like I I would say everything is a little baggier like a little more oversized than true to size. So if you if you know PA Explorer says these prices are absurd. honestly in the Discord so I want to address that from your perspective, you know I give you a lot of creative freedom. Yes, you know you're playing a little bit more to that hypebeast crowd that super premium fashion set.

When you see the comments on Twitter or in the Discord these prices are absurd. You know, do you feel like you know I mentioned to everybody I was going to talk to you on Friday Saturday or Sunday or Monday Yes, you think you need something more in the 40s kind of like that champion kind of like that style like like explain to people why something like this could be a hundo for a hoodie like that. like what are what are you trying to accomplish or what do you know about the fashion industry that might make someone better I would I would say two things you like like obviously everything has a price and a better quality gets the more the price goes up right? Um, we're also at a spot where we're not making tens of thousands of their redesign, right? They're special pieces. Um, that affects the price right? But overall I would say we're not taking blank hoodies, existing t-shirts and just printing graphics on them.

These are our own fabric. It's our own construction, our own fit. We're like trying to get the exact feel that you all want. There's heavy, like high high detail, clean embroideries on these pieces.

We don't even call these pieces. as you know, we don't even call it merch right? Like These are like apparel pieces that aren't made to be disposable. This is in fast fashion. Like you always talk about.
patience in the long game and everything. We're making pieces that have to match your lifestyle. These things need to last in the long term, so it's a quality play right? These are high quality pieces that we're all developing from scratch. Like I said, our own colors, our own fabric that plays into the cost.

Um, again, like people that know the apparel industry, there's like all types of inexpensive blanks like Guild and blanks are called or whatever. all style blanks. We're not doing any of that right. These are all our own thumb scratch pieces and the price matches the quality.

I Would actually say this like I said I Worked in apparel for 15 years. If I was at a different company and we were making apparel at this quality level and paying the prices that we're paying to make these pieces the end price of the customer, the retail price would be way higher. and I Don't even talk about that. You're saying the price should be lower and keeping it lower for the community because you want it more accessible.

I Gotta just give you your flowers on that. No no but I to your point like I think for you know like the buying power of something like you know an Essentials is going to allow them to have margin that's greater than ours even at a higher price point I understand but I just want to make sure people can hear you know NG Also too like everyone sees what's going on in the world, prices of fabric shipping dies. and to the point of the people saying this is expensive, there's a recession yes, but the supply chain and the cost of goods are through the roof and that's why anybody watching right now. The last thing on Earth that I'm interested in is anybody purchasing one of these? if this stretches them Do not do that.

All right, let's go let's talk about gratitude. How do the two? Yes sir. I'm gonna ask how the two of you that both of you Nia So be ready. think about gratitude.

but go ahead finish your final thought. Just the last thing on it is like also in the strawberry you gave 555 of these teas away like that also like plays into like the value of what people are purchasing. and the last thing I say I encourage anybody. By the way, that's that's gone for anybody who's watching.

When we promoted this earlier this morning, the first 555 orders got that t-shirt defense wearing for free. We've eclipsed that. So I just want to make sure um that nobody acts on that keep going brother and just pricing was I Encourage anyone like you don't have to take my word for like look at the market, go to the Supreme Sereno Palace Kith like look at what hoodies that are this quality and have this much thought and consideration put into them like are going from the market with you can't find an embroidered hoodie like this quality on any of those right Go to Kit Supreme Go to work and those are like and the reason those things are more expensive is they are so cool that people buy them to flex. I You know our brand is not there yet.
but on the flip side to me, what I'm excited about is rocking something that says grateful or selfless is like the thing that really is exciting to me. You know what I mean You know those those brands have earned that so that that I just wanted to answer that question that's popped up a little bit. Let's move on to the essence of what's going on here. A couple things one talk to me about grateful when you when you two hear that.

ladies First, what do you think about? Yeah, go ahead. um appreciation of like being thankful for all the things in your life and like the great parts of your life. So I thought this was like are you are you are you able to do that Nia like is or are you like 99 of the 8 billion people on Earth that you you're more capable of seeing what's not going as well as you want versus breaking things down to Simplicity and being like I'm grateful for what like on some real um like to be honest of course like as soon as something happens I'm definitely thinking in a negative sense and then once I start to think it out I start to become grateful and think about like at least I have this instead of thinking about what you don't know if I start to think about what I do you know I get it. Um so what about for you Ben just that like when we were designing this and said Gary we're thinking you talk about like people ask you how do you have this energy all the time right and how where does all your energy come from and you always talk about gratitude and gratitude for the health of the people in your life and your relationship and time with the the important people in your life right? And we actually built this out where the flower that's on it like that's going through the grateful that I'm kind of I forget the name of is a flower that you often give to people to symbolize gratitude for them.

So like all there's all these sort of like meetings that we're like extracting from the things that you've talked about over the years and like building them into the product. And so I got to figure out I Can't remember what the name of the flowers, but this is a flower that you give to loved ones or people that you have, uh, gratitude for because you always talk so much about your energy coming from being so grateful for the people in your life. That's how this this graphic came to be. And I know you know that just I Love that Thank you Neil Let's let's do we have any other pieces to show.

Let's go back to Competitive real quick. Yeah! I Just wanna I Wanna know to Rips and to you what competitive means to you guys, he's coming quickly. Um, it's funny I just um. For me, it's constantly like the idea of just like trying to get better.

um, often like looking at like what I'm doing and what I'm working on and just like the typical sort of like competition with yourself knowing what you want to achieve and what you want to accomplish and focusing on those things. If you're competitive, when you're younger, you don't have, you're not as sensitive or as, uh, vulnerable when you're older. So I like your sayings of no way to place trophies, kids learn when they're young to lose. um and it also kind of instills more ambition and motivation in people growing up.
So I was always pretty competitive. um I think that it's funny that the cloud is competitive because people don't really associate it like like I don't know. Sometimes a little creepy, but they're never like aggressive or kind of what's so funny. I Actually, you you want me to give you Alpha to Y The competitive trait is the clown.

Need it, Need it completely. The competitive clown is the competitive clown because I find competition and clowns to be very similar in culture. which is, they have very opposite reactions. Pretty aggressive.

There are people who are petrified of clowns and there are millions who adore them and they bring them so much joy in their youth, right? competitiveness? There are so many people in the last 30, 40 years who've tried to demonize it and take away trophies and this, that and the other thing. And meanwhile, there's so many people that view it as the core thing that brings them happiness and so like we've demonized competition. But there's many parts of the world that think it's profoundly important and so they both are actually going down the same path when in reality it's right down the middle. Like, you know, like you don't need to be scared of clowns, like it's going to be okay and like it's okay to be competitive.

But of course, if you're like so competitive that you're like physically abusing people after you lose to them. Which goes through my mind when I lose stuff you know like I want to fight. You know, like you know that's that's unacceptable. But being competitive is an incredible driver to a lot of people's happiness.

So I think competition and being well block father. That's deep my guy. I I Will tell you. the most fun part for me about V friends right now is how few people including my team including Andy and let alone these two may let alone like my most.

Inner Circle Have no idea how um how deep these things have been thought through like grateful Gar I would I would say great gratefulness is my is my fuel and like the Gar is an animal that you know like literally is Gary without the why and so like when I was like pairing it up I'm like this is important like so there's a lot more thought and wait till we start doing the children's books and the cartoons and the movies. there's so much conversation we're like I will say it again for the 97 000 time this is what I'm gonna do for the rest of my life and we're going to really incredibly, uh, enjoy the process of creating these characters. And I think the competitive clown is going to help a lot of parents and kids in the 2030s, the 2040s, the 2050s and so it's exciting to be in these early. Journeys where you know when I started? Wine Library TV I Don't think people understood what that was going to mean for me in the wine business or in my life when I was you know, an early user of social media in 2006 I Don't think people understood like what that actually meant when I started Vaynermedia, Nobody understood that I was going to change the entire advertising industry and so I feel the same way about be friends.
It's exciting for me. All right. let's show something else NG like it's watching. I'm about to give away some of the pieces for free on The way you're going to do that is you're going to Tweet out your favorite piece on So get ready for that.

That'll be coming up shortly. Um, let me just see my schedule here because I know I have another meaning. You know I'll be good coming up shortly. Um, and so you know you're gonna tweet out to me: hey Garyvee, Dustin start getting this ready.

Hey Garyvee, you don't have to put it yet. Hey at Garyvee this is my favorite piece and then link your favorite piece on um, So be ready for that because after we hang up here, I'm gonna go to Twitter right away. after I'm gonna close with it, then I'll probably hang on for five more minutes. then I'll give you 10 minutes after and I'm gonna pick Seven Ten people Five people.

whatever I can have in between two meetings and give away uh, a bunch of pieces. so that'll be coming up. But let's put back the yeah, you have that on hand. Good awesome.

We'll bring that back up. Let's put this because I want people to check it out. Let's see the next piece. Perfect.

You're fine. Claire Come on in. this is Claire this is a little delayed on there. Go ahead, introduce yourself.

So I'm a cultural Engagement manager at the Friends look at that authentic Anaconda um sorry, there's just a little delay over here. G No no I'm I'm actually responding to PA I'm responding to PA Explorer in Discord because I appreciate PA Explorer Um and uh, I'm just letting you set up the piece. so go ahead for sure. Um, just going back to like us, you know, listening to the community and seeing feedback on the community and everything, right? Um, in the first in the spring drop we had, we had the genuine giraffe where it's a genuine it had the giraffe print in the graphic and um, we got a really really great response to that piece that we're thinking in this collection like how could we do something similar and keep that energy going because the community had said they liked it so much.

So we extended it here to the authentic graphic with just like the print of the Anaconda within the graphic and it's all embroidered and um I know it's hard to see on the stream but it came out really really clean. Yeah the the this one is pretty fresh. like I like back to like when I think about where I'm what I'm gonna rock like um you know it's kind of fun. You know Fortnite Chills has a few designs seem off.
You know this is what's so fun about fashion. To me, we just spent the first 15 minutes on this. you cool kids like oversized I lived that life in the 90s. Everything was oversized I used to wear jeans that I could fit my friends in like and like now I want like soft and fitted.

That's where I'm at. But you know, back to like: reading all the comments, it's fun to see like which ones really rock for people, but ironically this authentic line the authentic Anaconda has gotten probably the most positive feedback from what I've been consuming in the last hour like it seems like it's really hit. So talk to me about authenticity, you two Sorry, go ahead. So for me, the virtues of authenticity are just staying true to yourself and staying true to others and also just not letting external influences disrupt your peace and your sense of self and individuality.

I love that I love that too. I feel the same and gee, it's sick that like everyone that's coming on like had their option of picking what they wanted to wear and this is what? Lexie Claire chose this. Oh is that right? Yes, exactly So everyone's like wearing like based on like the trait that like jumped out. They're clear knowing how cool you are like like it's uncomfortable I never even want to be around you because you're that cool.

like are you rocking the authentic because of the word or because the camo thing is. So Flex So many people talk about the camo-ish part of the snake in the authentic? um is it more what the word means to you or do you just like? From a aesthetic standpoint, you're like I like this because it's got that black camo thing that is, you know, kind of flexing for a lot of people I think Definitely a mix of both. It initially caught my eye because camo is one of one of your friends. uh I really liked it was.

Also, the word authentic really resonates with me as well and just trying to stay true to my own. Vision like with whatever project I'm working on I love it. Ben That's right. how about you, you were forced to wear that shirt because you were excited about the first 555 orders.

Like that was is that where you kind of were more went um thanks Claire um thanks. uh drock I literally did like I didn't know you were there and literally your lat like it's so funny that was my mom and dad do all the time. How are you? So did you also equally get to choose something? you did you were you were allowed I Won Okay and so break it down: I'm working with your great year I mean but building slowly and I think that a lot of your audience, especially the people that have been with you for a long time realize where you came from and kind of how you've been able to build your brand over the last 12 15 years. And I think is a very important lesson that a lot of people need to learn.
I I myself had to learn it. Uh, I learned that working with you a lot you know, is it something you still struggle with? You shared something so publicly like kind of like the other day on social and I was like I was wondering if it was patience for more enjoyment. Like where do you sit unnaturally being good at it versus working on it I think I'm naturally good at hitting like long term I think I have a good understanding of time I just sometimes feel like I am bad at hey this will take two more years until I can get to the spot where I feel good about it if that makes sense. of course Macro Micro always see what about you is there and this design is fresh by the way.

I Love them! Panda Geezer Is there a piece that stands out to you the most? Let me look real quick while you guys, you guys are such stupid. Well first of all, the sweatpants stand out. I used to make fun of AJ in my brain not directly of how much sweatpants he wore when he was in college. Whoa Yeah, no question.

The thing that stood out for me Ben Yes I used to make fun of AJ like we'll get you on in a minute James uh I used to make fun of AJ a lot in my brain because he would always Rock sweatpants and I was so jeansed out but something has happened in the last you know I think it was coven right I was wearing sweatpants. probably so much because I didn't have to and then now like traveling when I TR You know this drock like how many times I you know I mean a shirt Now you're like no but you definitely know what I'm about to say drock for years when we were traveling like insanity. The second we would pull up to the airport I would switch out of whatever I was wearing and I would open my luggage and I would put a hoodie on and a beanie and turn into airport Gary and call it a day I've now noticed that I want to travel with sweatpants. The weird part is I have a real system for my wallet, my headphones, my wallet, my phone.

As you know, drock headphones not as much but wallet and phone I'm unstoppable I don't lose them because I have a whole touch thing but with sweatpants it could like slip out. It me up. But punchline being um I'm so much more into sweatpants Now that off top the biggest thing that has my attention with the collection is the sweatpants. is that because I'm covered I feel like your whole life? Yeah yeah yeah.

and then I'm probably gonna say cream selfless I think cream selfless looks insane and black Anaconda and then Navy grateful long tea. those are ones that kind of like are making me feel it right now and like a little bit and like so I love patience. The problem is we've been pumping patient pandas so much like I'm in this new place where I like want to talk about all the characters? this is just me as a human being. It's like supply and demand like if you eat your favorite you know thing too much you kind of get to get off of it.
I'm like a little bit like rare robot patient pan empathy. although I'm like you know no like selfless, sloth or authentic Anaconda so I'm a little bit that's affecting me a little bit right now I Can sense it but visually like no if it was like any brand, not be friends I think selfless selfless, hoodie, cream sweatpants combo would crush for me. Love it And and this means for the future we need. Uh garyvee um sweatpant with zipper pockets? Yes it's logical lion Jennifer and be friends land? um We're about to give away several pieces so um, get ready for that.

I'm looking forward to that. uh and we'll keep going with that. All right. let's see.

James Cook in the full grip. Very comfy. Yeah! stand up for you all James Do you like why? James Do you like the wide sleeve t-shirt thing? the cool because it makes your arms look like twigs. Well you know I do have to work out a little bit so not bad.

You don't have that going for me. but no, this is a medium tea and honestly I do like the oversized because I am a hypebeast. but yeah, if I would have ordered this online I'm 5 10 I would have got a large I would have been swimming in a large yeah okay it is oversized I'm the same way. this is a medium and normally I'm like a large extra large and it didn't even do it Ben this is why I'm buying small on on the you know.

yeah, same with the same with the sweatpants. Hold on real quick I apologize Yes Clayton Andrew shell I'm about to give away some be friends drip uh in a little bit we're gonna do it on Twitter So make sure you have a Twitter account. I'm going to tell you all what to do in a little bit and I'm gonna give away. um you know, uh the way I'm gonna do it is I'm milking this as long as I can I Got a little bit of a client fire meeting that I have to do but I just I'm enjoying hanging out.

We're having a lot of fun on this big day when we drop the winter collection of Be Friends apparel. uh so. but I'm gonna prep it for five minutes here so everybody who's watching gets a shot. then I'm going to uh then I'm going to uh, go to my meeting but in between my meeting I'm just going to see all the tweets star or I'm just going to reply to be friends Winner winner winner winner winner bang out.

You know, three, four, seven, nine, something. whatever I can do between walking to the client over there in a three, four seven nine, ten, twelve with you know we'll figure it out. Um uh, and the way we're gonna do it is you're gonna go to Shop.b and pick your favorite item. Link it into your Tweet We'll tell you exactly how to do it.

So uh, get ready. Looking forward to it. James you look cool man. thank you.
What's up you like? sweatpants or no? no man I'm a jeans guy. yeah the black cat I mean like I would definitely Rock these yeah, they're coffee too. Embroidered black cat yeah, that was a call for me. she really wanted embroidered May is in charge.

That's right Geo would also say too if people are getting the T's um and they're a little oversized like the T's like both the t-shirt and the long sleeve are 100 cotton. If you wash it in hot water and dry it like well the first time, it will shrink up a little bit. Understood Good good to know. Uh What uh.

what else do we have there? We want anything? Yeah, Well I'm a little drock because we're always wearing fish and Panda right now you like the gray with the black writing drock? get in there I want to see them side by side? Yeah! I Also see what? Oh I like the green can I see what Dustin's wearing because I know it's not. be friends stuff I just want to see what he's actually wearing everyone. you all look very cute. Wait a minute.

this looks like a holiday card drock. Get in there, get in frame I Just wanna Just Wanna I'm gonna take a little photo. Smile guys! a little hot little holiday card bang Thank you Thanks Awesome! I Know it's like kind of a last minute here. There's um, the classic pieces on the site, right? Yes, be friends.

Core items: Do you have a favorite colorway? Yeah. I mean look I mean I know we really built a bunch of like um I like the gray a lot I like the gray a lot I Do not agree I do like the green like yeah I'm pretty excited about this. like we haven't had the green like the green long sleeve is something I'm definitely gonna pick up I'm gonna rock that. Um, all right, let's ask questions I want to answer a bunch of questions Dustin Let's do that I want you to stay there.

may get the rock into the screen too. You can make me small. Um, if you have a question I see a bunch of you right now. uh please put hashtag question and ask your question.

We'll give you a bunch of questions after the next five to ten minutes and then uh when hats Ben the hats that I saw from you? That's for next spring? Yes. Okay, so spring and then the little collaboration I Want to do with that startup that I met at Vikon. Could that happen before? Yes. Yep.

so we don't know and we got to figure that out. Okay, yeah, okay, cool. uh. Justin you're in charge.

just fire away with the questions. Cool, uh. And then here we get in like Christmas Ben are they gonna be before? Christmas yeah. um um if if people order today right, like they should get a um, they'll get an order confirmation, they'll get a tracking number on it.

Obviously like the closer it gets to Christmas the the more difficult it is. But um, everybody that's ordering us. Definitely. Yeah.

December 8th U.S What about International It's a little weird I'm so scared. Email from Lynchie exactly I sent you from Lindsay about the toys Customs Everyone will have a tracking number domestic for sure. Okay, cool. Well we did different for this drop was actually on our website before we would have folks pay for Customs when it reached their country and a lot of them would be stuck there and get sent back.
So now we actually Implement on our website. So when you actually check out, it includes custom so when it hits your country, it goes straight to you. For me, the reason question is why Grateful Gar over Gratitude Gorilla Gratitude Gorilla obviously already was in the toy line I Want to do more stuff? but more importantly I Want the word to represent people like looking at Drock and May right now I'm imagining them walking past me in an airport and I'm like oh, patient like I Like that. You know, like they're patient, right? Like I just there's something there.

to me. grateful means I May who just passed you I'm grateful versus gratitude. It plays a little different so it's self-expression through the words. That's why.

Grateful over gratitude. Are they soft? or 100 cotton stuff from Joanne Ben 80 cotton, 20 polyester soft I like how Adam's described it which is like you would sleep in this or yeah by the way. by the way I just I have a huge insight to why I've worn The Grateful Gar hoodie Sample you large for me and I'm gonna go with small when I get my original uh why did that happen? It's because um it's soft and the reason I wear hoodies when I travel is to sleep on the plane with the hoodie over my head and so this series I'm buying for that which the last one then you made them hard. class you know, like the cool thing you know? Thank you Yeah! Shout out to everyone that loved the drop in Spring the heavy ones and by the way Jeremy H 80 cotton.

We made it so it would shrink a little bit because that gives people control if it's slightly oversized a little bit, you know. uh MF Santa said kids size soon man I know I don't want to give away too much, but let's just smile and move on. All right. Next question: when will we get a zip up? Hoodie Ben Why have we not had a bit of is it could be not cool Ben And that's why we haven't had one right now is zip hoodies are super cool and we and we can definitely have one.

We can definitely have one, we'll just work on one that makes sense for sure. Ben can we do a couple of things in a very small little batch like look I think I already went into Discord and said I'm going to do this We do need like a 40 50 hoodie thing I Think we need to attack that but then maybe also like a zip like smaller little something for like February or March before the spring launch. that maybe addresses some of these things as you gather the feedback. Yep, yeah, do it next does I'm still looking Okay, no worries.

Um then let's tell everybody how you win because I'm gonna have to leave soon for this client thing everybody's watching. I'm about to give away some swag so we've got a little sense now at Um, if you go to and pick your favorite uh peace. uh then what I need you to do is tweet me right I'm gonna need you to tweet me do you have Dustin the way we're gonna do this So uh, go to Twitter and put you've got to put hey at Garyvee this has to be exact. Hey at Garyvee this is my favorite piece Dustin I Don't like the way you have that up.
but hey Garyvee this is my favorite. Type that out instead of your favorite piece in parentheses dust change that to hey Garyvee this is my favorite and then the link hey Garyvee this is my favorite and then the link because then I could just search people that mention my name while I go to my meeting like a bunch of them or I'm just gonna reply to be friends say winner winner winner Yep hey Garyvee this is my favorite and a link and then Dustin put add link but then put after that. So then we can just hold this up here the whole time and I can for the last five seven minutes I Can uh get everybody to understand how they can win, Let me go to my Discord and let them know away pieces. Yeah, everyone come in real quick.

we're gonna do one little last time you were all coming in for one last shot. comcar asked about. uh, we didn't do any unique. Um, you know we're doing a lot of things for holders.

We've done stuff with Apparel in the past. We didn't do it on this drop cam but we have a bunch of stuff coming in a lot. Uh, on the horizon for holders of V1 or V2 so that's the information on that. All right little group photo.

Get in there, take your photo. I'm going to screenshot this. Very cool. Very nice good.

Smiles James You have a good smile man. thank you. You're welcome All right. I Reach out for a bunch of cuties.

Um, all right. here's here's they're all. They're all rocking their favorite. They had all the choices to do that.

Benz is unavailable if you're following earlier today. Then t-shirt was was completely based on the first 555 orders. but for everybody watching right now who's not bought one on and would like one. Maybe they can't afford it or maybe it's just fun to win free shipped The way you do that is right now.

um for the next five to ten minutes before I do my four o'clock meeting you can uh go to Twitter and tweet hey Garyvee this is my favorite and then link which of the one pieces uh are your favorite and I would love to give away a bunch and so uh hope we can do that. Thank you team! Uh, just gonna read some comments a little bit more here. we're gonna keep that up. I'm gonna tell everybody how they can do so leg can't afford.

This is exactly why I'm doing this. Hopefully a bunch of people can get one. um one more time. Here is how you get a free piece.
Any of those that you might like the best go to I'll go to Twitter excuse me and go put tweet out hey at Garyvee this is my favorite and then link one of the items from um I'm really excited about it I Want to wish everybody, uh, a happy uh uh, holiday I Hope everybody has a great Christmas um or whatever you were celebrating Hanukkah Kwanza all the great stuff um really excited to you know, actually get to interact with a bunch of you. Um, because, uh, during the holidays I have a little bit more down time ironically in between like family stuff and shopping and this and that like. So it's gonna be a lot of fun to be able to do that. uh Stephen Stillwell big North Hunter didn't represent I went to that High School uh it's a weedy, witty weasels winter I like that uh, but like John uh Joe Good to see you one more time for people joining us late um I literally have beef Twitter just for view friends it's perfect I Really hope a bunch of you win this.

I'm actually gonna probably cut short so I can pick a couple more winners. Um, if you would like uh Dustin maybe you can split with me right now. um could be fun. Uh, if you would like a uh a piece from this collection for free I'm going to do a little uh Santa work here on Twitter right now go to Twitter and tweet hey Garyvee this is my favorite with a link to whichever piece is your favorite on Um and um I'm excited Stefano asked Good to see you uh let's see who else is here Ellie G Paul H in the building Liam d um great to see you Derek duck um Sebastian thank you for joining Seacrest Uh, great to see you all right? Yeah? I'm gonna spend a couple extra minutes I guess I'm downloading Twitter Love that! Um, great to see you Awesome! I'll see you soon Thank you Thanks Dustin You got it!.

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