Tea With GaryVee is a Q&A show where Gary answers questions in a much more detailed, slower format. He gets deep! On this special " youngsters" episode, Gary addresses a lot of questions and concerns from people early in their journey and has a lot of great advice for anyone just starting out! For a chance to be on the show, text your question and number to 1-212-931-5731, or if you’re international tweet your question with the hashtag #teawithgaryvee… Enjoy!
Can't hear Gary!
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Hey guys garyvee is a godly fellow
Sub to me plz Subscribeers
i love how he just cussed in front of that kid lol gary's awesome
Late to these tea sessions, but literally only advice that has been helping me as a mother , and transitioning to new career /passion.
Only start something if you're truly passionate about it. If you do it just the for money, fame, or "stuff," it's not sustainable because that will lead lead to burnout and depression. Passion is what keeps you going when all the other stuff isn't fun or exciting anymore.
Garyvee is the man giving such a good perspective in life, he has inspired me to open my own YouTube channel!
It would have been great to have GaryVee in my life when I was much younger but I am so glad he is now 💕 Thanks for the great video
I love hearing these stories! Gets me so motivated! Love your vibe Gary Vee!