Gary Vaynerchuk builds businesses. Fresh out of college he took his family wine business and grew it from a $3M to a $60M business in just five years. Now he runs VaynerMedia, one of the world's hottest digital agencies. Along the way he became a prolific angel investor and venture capitalist, investing in companies like Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, Uber, and Birchbox before eventually co-founding VaynerRSE, a $25M angel fund.
The #AskGaryVee Show is Gary's way of providing as much value value as possible by taking your questions about social media, entrepreneurship, startups, and family businesses and giving you his answers based on a lifetime of building successful, multi-million dollar companies.
Gary is also a prolific public speaker, delivering keynotes at events like Le Web, and SXSW, which you can watch right here on this channel.
Find Gary here:
Wine Library:
Medium: @garyvee
Gary: I love you, I have read 2 of your books and you are great. BUT… the Pareto Prinicipal is one of the most amazing principals of business, economics, relationships and life in general. Know it, study it and then respond to it. Yes, it is THAT important.
Apply everything you read and learn within the context of your own life. What's right for one doesn't mean it's right for the other.
Most beliefs are called laws or principles only because no one has yet come up with a believable contrary response. Think for yourself people! Using Pareto principle here would mean only 20% of AskGaryVee's videos are useful 80% of the time. I think 99% of the videos are golden jabs.
HAHAHAHAHA. What a badass. I love it.
Just do it! No over think things ✨👌
Dude is the Krishnamurti of business.LOL!!!
In a word: "Whatever the f**k it takes." …period…
Holy shit Gary's wearing a shirt and jacket!!!!! *****
Being straight forward sincere here, I read a lot of other people's "laws" and after some time, it never works out for me.
I can take some learning and adapt it into my life but always need some adaptation. Cause this is ultimately my story. And I wish I had realized this sooner.
I agree, there is no need for a theory. We tend to overthink things as humans. There could be so many, theories on anything. But all it is all about executing. At the end of the day I guess we should just HUSTLE hard and more importantly smart. Thanks for the video 🙂
I think people over think shit! lmao. White boys crack me up. lol
Epic answer of the year!