Today's video is a keynote I gave in Las Vegas recently! I talk about my journey into marketing as a kid, paying attention to where attention is, how ego is just insecurity with makeup on, the importance of the tiktok-ification of social media, why entitlement is poison, why you need to adapt in 2023, why Facebook reels are so hot right now and much more!
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Gary Vaynerchuk is a serial entrepreneur, and serves as the Chairman of VaynerX, the CEO of VaynerMedia and the Creator & CEO of VeeFriends.
Gary is considered one of the leading global minds on what’s next in culture, relevance and the internet. Known as “GaryVee” he is described as one of the most forward thinkers in business – he acutely recognizes trends and patterns early to help others understand how these shifts impact markets and consumer behavior. Whether its emerging artists, esports, NFT investing or digital communications, Gary understands how to bring brand relevance to the forefront. He is a prolific angel investor with early investments in companies such as Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, Venmo, Snapchat, Coinbase and Uber.
Gary is an entrepreneur at heart — he builds businesses. Today, he helps Fortune 1000 brands leverage consumer attention through his full service advertising agency, VaynerMedia which has offices in NY, LA, London, Mexico City, LATAM and Singapore. VaynerMedia is part of the VaynerX holding company which also includes VaynerProductions, VaynerNFT, Gallery Media Group, The Sasha Group, Tracer, VaynerSpeakers, VaynerTalent, and VaynerCommerce. Gary is also the Co-Founder of VaynerSports, Resy and Empathy Wines. Gary guided both Resy and Empathy to successful exits — both were sold respectively to American Express and Constellation Brands. He’s also a Board Member at Candy Digital, Co-Founder of VCR Group, Co-Founder of ArtOfficial, and Creator & CEO of VeeFriends. Gary was recently named to the Fortune list of the Top 50 Influential people in the NFT industry.
In addition to running multiple businesses, Gary documents his life daily as a CEO through his social media channels which has more than 34 million followers and garnishes over 272 million monthly impressions/views across all platforms. His podcast ‘The GaryVee Audio Experience’ ranks among the top podcasts globally. He is a five-time New York Times Best-Selling Author and one of the most highly sought after public speakers.
Gary serves on the board of MikMak, Bojangles Restaurants, and Pencils of Promise. He is also a longtime Well Member of Charity:Water.

I thought at seven years old, the coolest thing I could do with my time instead of playing Wiffle ball or doing whatever was literally to stand on the corner of Interest literally standing on the corner of cross streets and intersections in New Jersey and would sit there and just watch every car drive by and try to figure out which tree or Pole to put the sign on because that's where their eyes were like. This is sick. but in hindsight, it's the biggest thing I want to talk about today? which is do you pay attention to where attention is? If you understand where attention is literally almost everything that's running through your beautiful mind right now of what you'd like to accomplish in your business can be reverse engineered. Good morning Little! Bone Thugs-N-Harmony always gets me in the right mood.

I'm really happy to be here, especially because it's been a journey to get here. So and I'm actually really excited about the way Serendipity and the world works I think a lot of the things that I'd like to talk about and why I'm pushing for a lot of Q A Um, because I think there's a lot of details that need to go into what I'm about to talk about in headlines I would argue is probably more relevant today as we head into the business dynamics that I think are emerging in 2023. not only potential recession things of that nature, but a ridiculously changing landscape when it comes to leadership of empowering employees and how significant marketing is changing at a level that we haven't seen in a very, very, long time, including the Advent of social media. The way social media is evolving right this second has a profound impact on what: I think you can control? well, you know, being a businessman my whole life over the last 15 years working with Fortune 500 companies and being an investor and being on a lot of boards.

one of the most interesting models for me personally in the world is the franchising franchise or model and it comes with so many unique dynamics that all of you are living. All of them are living. And I think the thing that has always excited me the most is somebody who has a lot of friends and relatives. People I really like acquaintances that are franchisees of businesses is how much more those franchisees can do in today's world than versus the 80s and 90s and 2000s, right? Obviously, the Advent of the internet 25 years ago and how it's evolved and matured to where we are today just gives everybody here a lot more control about driving demand into their stores than anything we've seen in the last 50 years of this model.

And I think that's something I'd really like to touch on and and really the other thing I'd like to touch on is a little bit of like the dynamic of what we're seeing with how to manage our managers and some of the things I think you might be going through operationally I think there's so many headlines of like great resignation myths and gen Z that and recession. There's just a ton of data and a lot of inputs out there. and I think I want to touch on that, maybe spur some q A on that because I think that could bring the most value. Taking a step back just to give you context of how my brain works and where I want to take this and where I think the value sits is for me.
I was you know born in the Soviet Union I came to the US when I was three and unlike most immigrant kids from Europe during the 80s, I was not getting straight A's in school and educations the way out I just had entrepreneurial DNA From the get from the moment I could like literally remember I was selling something you know when I was six I tricked all my friends in the neighborhood to stand behind my lemonade stands. So I've been in the business you've been in for a long time. When I was six seven years old I literally had a lemonade franchise I convinced may she rest in peace my great friend Marissa Byrd Robbie turnick Andy Greco Eric Godfrey I literally convinced them to stand behind the lemonade stand tables around the neighborhood and I would make signs all day long and I would literally walk around the neighborhood. You know, for the youngsters in here who's under 30, raise your hands under 30.

raise them high. Don't be scared. Yes! So for you kids, this is crazy. We used to play outside so this was the 1983-4-5 and I would literally you know my mom would throw me outside at 9am.

We came back for lunch, we came back for dinner like we were out and I was marketing and I was obsessed at six seven years old with one thing and it took me I don't think I remembered this until 10 years ago when my career was going a certain way and I was trying to be. I started being much more retrospective and how did I get here and what are the pillars that are making me not only be successful but to be very Frank happy. So many of my friends who are eight figure, nine figure ten figure incomes and networks just a shocking amount of them are unhappy and so that really affected me in the last 10 years. I was like what is this, why does this work for me So I've been very introspected for the last 10 years and I recalled this is crazy I would convince my friends to have all these lemonade stands and I would literally I thought at seven years old the coolest thing I could do with my time instead of playing Wiffle ball or doing whatever was literally to stand on the corner of Interest Literally standing on the corner of cross streets and intersections in New Jersey and would sit there and just watch every car drive by and try to figure out which tree or Pole to put the sign on because that's where their eyes were like.

this is sick. But in hindsight, it's the biggest thing I Want to talk about today? which is do you pay attention to where attention is? If you understand where attention is literally almost everything that's running through your beautiful mind right now of what you'd like to accomplish in your business can be reverse engineered. So that's why it was at seven tricking all my friends to my franchise lemonade. Sam business.
And for people over 40 in here, you might remember Big Wheels right? It was like a fake bike I Used to go at five or six pm and ride my big wheels to my four to five locations and pick up the cash like I was Tony Soprano. So that's why I DNA Sports cards became a big thing. They've recently come back so that might be on people's radar. That was big for me and I was making a thousand dollars a weekend selling sports cards when I was 11 12 years old which no matter how much wealth I created, my life was definitely the richest I've ever been and ever will be because when you have ten thousand dollars under your bed in cash and you're 12 and you're not selling weed, you're a real entrepreneur.

and then my life shifted and I think this is where I connect with so many of you. My light shifted very aggressively at 14. I was like winning and doing this amazing stuff and then I don't know how many of you have Soviet fathers but when your Soviet father owns a liquor store in New Jersey and you turn 14, your life changes and so on my 14th. Literally, this is how gangster my parents are.

On my actual 14th birthday, my dad's like you're coming to the store and I worked in the liquor store that day and I went from making a thousand dollars a weekend selling sports cards to making two dollars an hour for 14 hours a day bagging ice in the basement of my dad's liquor store for the next two years. I Don't know how many people by show of hands and don't be scared like the 30 year olds who are high. How many people here saw the movie The Goonies raise your hand great from 14 to 16 I was sloth I was chained to the basement of my dad's liquor store bagging ice which really is the greatest thing in hindsight for me. For a lot of you that are building this business, this is a family business tangent teaching youngsters the humility of hard work for little amounts of money is one of the great gifts you can give your child.

I Highly recommend it! I Highly recommend it even and I'm going to tell you how it manifests. Business is about life and being a human I One of the great compliments I can get is what just happened which is as we were walking here you know the wonderful people that were setting me up. They're like do you want a coffee I'm like I can get it like it's just acting humble like you want like back to happiness. This is kind of the latest thing that I'm in the lab on in my flights and in the shower and when I'm sleeping.

Humility is such an unlock for happiness, but people just don't want to go there. They make a couple of bucks or get a blue check and social or have a couple of followers and they start to think there's somebody and it's a dangerous drug. Ego is just insecurity with makeup on and I highly recommend to everybody. Start to fall in love I don't I don't like like you could have 79 locations in this network and make 43 million dollars a year and are you a good person? Are you happy like? So we have to change the conversation around success but that's another talk for another day.
So I'm in my dad's store and this is where I Really this is where I want to go with the meat of it I want to give you some context but growing up in retail 15 hours a day for real? just you know, like my Dad should be in jail for child labor every weekend every family vacation like we didn't have vacations we didn't like I worked every Saturday for 20 years like real real stuff I Didn't leave my dad's business until I was 34 years old. So by the way back to the 30 year old crowd. For the people, how many people here consume my content on social. Raise your hands, Thank you.

So for those people you know I pound patients I Put it out I Believe in it so much. I Think for a lot of you here who don't know me or haven't consumed it I Believe patience is imperative if you want to build something in a meaningful way. I Think a lot of the issues or the shortcomings or the concerns one has in here is, they have a theoretical number that they've made up of how much money they want to make. that's completely arbitrary on how much money at what age and it really screws people up.

It makes them take shortcuts, it gets them and see, it makes them feel unhappy. So there's a lot there with like patience and that's what I deployed I Lived in that store for 20 years when I went full time in 1998. after I came back from college um the business was doing 3.7 million dollars of top line revenue and 10 gross profit it was called Shoppers Discount Liquors for a reason I remember when I was 16 I was like that when I started to get to see a little bit under the hood I'm like Dad why do we? You know we said you buy a case of Budweiser for 12 bucks and you sell it for 12 bucks I'm like you buy a bottle of Absolute vodka for 15 and you sell it for 15 I'm like what's that he's like we make it up in volume. brother said that but I'm razzing a little bit.

but I think this will make sense for you I believe in the Lost leader I believe in the thing that brings people to the store. So I learned that model but the business was doing 3.7 million dollars in 1998 and by 2003 in a five-year window I grew that business from a 3.7 million dollar a year business to a 60 million dollar a year business with no Capital infusion no VC money, no credit line because my dad's an immigrant, no credit line and the way I did it is basically what I want to talk to you about today. The way I built that business in five years was based on two core things: marketing and management on the marketing front. I have a big thesis if anything sticks for you from a business standpoint in this talk.

I'd like you to remember this term Everybody here outside of the help that corporate is doing in marketing that you decide to do in marketing and here's a good one. It doesn't even require a lot of media dollars. It's not running the advertising, it's about the creative you put out on social. The thing you're always looking for is the thing I inherently understood in 1998 that I later understood how to communicate it.
It's called underpriced attention the number one thing everyone here has to leave Vegas for and go back. If they want to really substantially grow, their business is becoming great at operating in underpriced attention. Underpriced attention. In 1998 was email.

How many people here have done email marketing in their careers close enough to it that they could have a sense reason? hi I just want to get a set good. So this will make a lot of sense for a lot of people. In 1999, I had an email newsletter that had 200 000 people on it that had 90 open rates. So for the people that don't follow email, you're crushing it today with 30 open rates.

meaning you send an email, 30 of them actually open it and then there's a whole nother thing to do. people even act on it. In 1998, I had 90 of the people opening the email because in 1998 we had it ruined Email yet, right? You didn't get all the spam you've got in the last 25 years. We were opening it and I realized very quickly Direct Mail was working for me.

but email was free I Remember I was sending so many emails in 19. Here's a here's one prediction: I got super wrong from 1998 to 2000 I sent so many damn emails because I was convinced that at some point they were going to charge for this. But like it just didn't make sense. It was too effective I was saving tens of thousands of dollars on Direct Mail and radio and doing email for free.

And it was crushing. That's the underpriced attention of 1998 having a website, doing email. And then finally, the day Google AdWords came out I bought up every wine term you can imagine for six months there. It wasn't even 10 cents a click floor.

It was five cents a click and I crushed. And so in a very short period of time with absolutely no money with no money, I was able to grow a very large business and it became the foundation of how I think and I sit here today. For example, how many people here produce organic, no paid advertising, organic, creative and post for their business on Tick Tock raise your hand I Want to leave right now one more time. Raise your hand if you're posting for Tick tock.

So this is like a travesty. Every single person here, whether you think China's manipulating the kids or not foreign, every single person here has to immediately understand what's Happening Here on Tick Tock because it's not even about Tick Tock it's about The Tick-Tock a vacation of social media then for as few hands as went up right now you can't imagine like how the juices are flowing through my body because in a good way because for me 30 of what I like about public speaking is I Know this format is the format that gets somebody to do something that they haven't been doing and then four years from now I get the email I mean I live on positive affirmation. So I get the email of like hey, I was at the conference like this is a big deal ever. This is real now whether you have one unit or three units or 30 units in this system.
My personal belief, by the way I don't own your business I don't know you so whether you do this or not is kind of irrelevant to me. Other than I know it will be historically correct and I hope a lot of you do it. And for the people that raise their hands earlier one more time, people that consume my content. So all the hands that are up right now all of you know I've been saying this for four years.

This is not this week. For four years I've been talking about this. What's the difference today than 40 years ago is Instagram and YouTube and Twitter and Snapchat are all now doing the same thing. Social for 15 years was build as many followers as you can and then post.

It was almost like email marketing. Build a list, post a certain percentage, See it. That whole game is now out the window. Now the creative is the variable.

There are people in here who've never posted on Tick Tock are about to get motivated by the next 30 minutes. We'll post their first Tick Tock tomorrow and some of you will get 12 views on that and others will get 13 000. Even though all of you have zero followers, this is you know this is a very profound thing. like I Understand I'm like speaking it a little bit quick, especially if you don't have the context.

the fact that you can post videos and potentially millions of people can see them. It's a very big deal and if you have not at least done 10 hours, that's all I'm asking for. Which is time, but you can do this at midnight. You can do this when you travel back.

10 hours of homework on best and all you have to do like let me give you a website that all of you should be referencing to get all the information for modern marketing by the hour. I'll I'll spell it out because I know a lot of you are taking notes. G O O G L E Dot com You can literally type in how does a fitness store do Tick Tock enter how do I make tick tocks for my gym and anything you can think of. The amount of information for free is Saturn Of course some of it isn't great which is why I want you to spend 10 hours so you can cross reference and not just the first article I Genuinely believe standing on this stage that if everybody in here spends five to ten hours getting deeply educated on best practices on how to make organic tick tocks, or you can make them.

Instagram Reels Facebook Reels have exploded and that demo is extremely interesting for this audience and their locations. but it's all the same practice. How do you make videos that actually bring people value? This is not an infomercial. This is not a commercial.
This is a video that brings value to them. Thus brings awareness to you. Thus brings business to you. This is a real commitment.

The reality is. Whoever here out flanks the rest of the world in producing social content is going to win. What is holding so many people back here is ideology. There's a lot of people in this room that are not doing this because they made a theoretical decision on what it is or what it can do.

But let there be no confusion. The data is very clear. The attention of our society is on these platforms. Maybe you wish it was still in magazines? Maybe you loved radio for some weird-ass reason? Probably you have an issue with it because social media is being blamed for humans activities.

Because to remind everybody social, human social media are empty pipes. They have nothing. It just takes what humans put into it. Social media hasn't changed us.

Social media has exposed us and so maybe you don't like that. I Respect that. You can do whatever you want as a human being. As a business owner, you don't get to decide where the customer's attention is.

You get to decide if you would like to execute where the customer's attention is and grow your business. If you are so theoretical about social that you would not like to do that for your business I Commend that I Find that admirable. It's also a very bad business strategy that's up to you. I'm unemotional about it, but that is what is happening And so the reality is is we have this: Mass underpriced attention and let me tell you why.

it becomes a humongous deal for everybody here. I Don't know if you know the term CTV or Ott connected television or over the top, but I definitely know you know what. Hulu Netflix Amazon Prime HBO Max and all the rest are these platforms are taking all the attention out of Television The amount of people here who watch NBC on Wednesday night at 9 00 PM is zero Zero commercials have 80 billion dollars in ad spend a year mainly with the Fortune 500 companies BMW Nike All this those companies are now, especially with a looming recession coming. Finally starting to understand that when they run a commercial on a sitcom or a reality show on cable that they are taking good cash and lighting it on fire and throwing it in the garbage.

This is what I do for a living in. Vayner X If you saw earlier I run an advertising agency that has 2 000 employees globally I've been the Pied Piper for Social for 13 years and I can tell you because I'm in the trenches. the biggest companies in the world are about to reallocate their money much more into social than television. Why am I bringing that up? I Believe For the entrepreneurs in this room, there's a 24 to 36 month window when the getting is good.
It's not as good as it was four years ago. But I believe in three to four or five years, it's gonna be really not good because the 80 billion if 40 billion or 20 billion comes into Tick Tock and Facebook and Instagram and whatever it is, be real. Vine it's always going to evolve. Not if when that money comes in everything, I'm passionately communicating to you right now will not be as easy.

There's a substantial opportunity in 2023 to take this underpriced attention opportunity and really grow it. And I hope that we can go into Q A we can go. And by the way, when we get to Q A, don't be. Don't be scared.

Nobody's doing it right. So you all have the same questions. There's so much opportunity, so please ask questions in detail on this subject matter, but it is a substantial, substantial opportunity. And very simply put, if you have one to three stores in this unit, any of the brands I believe that you should be putting out somewhere between five and fifteen posts on social media a day across three to four different platforms.

And to the reaction I appreciate that. The reason I always get Jesus as a response to that is because most of you know you're posting once a day if you're a super star, once a week if you're like in it and once a month if you're normal and never if you're kind of 50 of this crowd. So to go from those numbers to hey everybody I love you and like to see you win so much that you email me and tell me I change the course of your life. But I need you to post 15 times a day? That sounds outlandish.

But to remind all of you, almost every brand in here is communicating things around health and fitness to human beings that they think is outlandish. For most human beings on Earth of the 8 billion doing the kind of exercise that is required whether physically or mentally, and having the eating regimen that is required to actually be in shape is Jesus They don't want to do it. so a lot of people in here are just Hypocrites because you really sell it and live it in physical. but you don't live it in marketing and business.

And let's talk about the other part of the M M management. look: I I give you a sense of how I grew up I'm the least interested person in entitlement I Believe entitlement leads to anxiety and depression I Think entitlement is poison. However, there are way too many business owners in this room that deploy very quick entitlement on their employees based on age discrimination without factoring in the opportunities that 24 year olds have to make money today. just because you worked for nine dollars an hour at Safeway doesn't mean they should when they know how to make thirty thousand dollars a year making tick tocks I Understand what you would like the kids to do for your business, but that is not the reality of the world until business owners wake up to the options that the internet has created and start really thinking about how they manage not to be soft and fluffy I hate a Genzir as much as everybody else.
but I know I Also hate Boomers because I know 40 000 Boomers that are lazy as this is not a generational thing. this is a human by human thing. The difference is when I was growing up in the game if I had the options to make money that the internet now provides for me. when I was 11 years old graduating college, I wouldn't have graduated.

Middle School We can't fight reality. There's way too many people in this space because I watch it a little bit. I Can't speak to anybody here individually other than I saw some of the people hashtag this event that I looked at their accounts and paid attention how much they're posting and you really aren't posting. Um, we can't fight reality.

We can't fight the reality of where our customers attention is I Understand that you've done direct mail and you're comfortable with it and you don't know how to run Facebook ads. It doesn't change the fact that Facebook ads perfectly destroy Direct Mail Perfectly every day of the week. I Understand you're comfortable with it, but it doesn't mean it's the truth. I Understand you worked hard and grinded and you expect everybody to do that.

But your whole I walk 10 miles and 13 inches of snow doesn't mean anything. We have to reverse engineer the reality of the market. That doesn't mean be soft. We have businesses to run as a matter of fact.

I'll go the other way. The amount of people that have Labor in their stores every day and there's nothing going on should be required. I mean if I could control every business here, I would have every person in our stores that has downtime producing tick tocks and Instagram and YouTube instead of standing there waiting for somebody to come in thank you. That's it for instance, right? This doesn't have to be hard.

This has to be a reframe of thinking. When you hear 15 a day, it gets real scary when you know that you have unlimited employees just hanging around waiting for people to come into the store. All of a sudden you get real excited about we can do 40 a day if I get Carl and Sally to do some. and all of a sudden you're not pissed that they're on the phone dming trying to hook up tonight.

you're pumped that they're on the phone making some content to drive your business. Anybody named Carl or Sally in here sorry, sorry Carl 2023 is not 2015. it's not 2009. it's definitely not 2 000.

And looking around, it's definitely not 1994. we have to adapt mentally. The problem is, the mainstream media and social media are doing a phenomenal job of talking about negativity and what's wrong. Just certainly notes fear cells.

Most of the parents in this room use fear to control what they want their kids to do. It's how it's How Humans are wired the DNA game and I have the greatest mom in the world and a lot of great circumstances that made me the reverse: I look at everything I just talked about like if I'm sitting in this crowd listening to this I'm pumped I want to run through a wall and like take everyone's money look if you tweak your perspective on how the world's operating and instead of buying into the propaganda for control of your mind, you look at the optimism that these tools can create for you. If all of a sudden you look at your employees like your teammates. literally.
I'm so affected by this if you look at your employees I have 2 000 employees at Vaynermedia alone I genuinely think I work for them I Swear on my children's health I work for them. Of course you do. If you're a great leader and you want to build something meaningful, you work for them. I was raised by a dad who taught me the reverse that that's why I know the difference and I used to be mad at my dad but then I got kind of like a little bit older and realized my dad grew up in the Soviet Union where the country controlled everything and the employees stole everything.

the whole country ran on the black market. literally this is the first like oh I'm so pumped I mentioned earlier. So it's my birthday and I'm going to the liquor store and I'm super sad. No, it's not my birthday today I'm going back to the story but it was my birthday a couple of weeks ago so if you want to clap it up I'll take it foreign.

so it's my 14th birthday I'm driving to the liquor store as you may be able to tell. by the way, I'm talking I talk all the time. My dad does not talk. We're completely the opposite.

We live 45 minutes from the liquor store because my dad wanted to have land because he likes cows and pigs and so we're 45 minutes from the liquor store driving on Route 78 in New Jersey to the liquor store. my dad says no words I'm talking a mile a minute like I'm coming in dad and like wait till you see what I got I'm gonna sell every bottle of wine like I'm like hyped even. you know like I was I didn't realize I was gonna get paid two bucks an hour at this point. Laughs! We pull up to the store after 45 minutes he says not one word, he turns to me and he goes, keep an eye on the employees.

They like to steal. That's what my dad taught me I grew up in that environment I grew up in an environment where I watched an owner be in conflict with his employees and then I've run businesses for 25 years where I've done the reverse I'm investor in over 500 companies and watched closely on tons of boards I'm watching. This is my passion. Yeah, if you cannot deploy empathy and compassion for your employees.

I Once said something, my dad brought up this weekend. actually I said Dad if everybody who worked for you was you, they wouldn't work for you I tell a lot of my friends who struggle with their employees I'm like I had a buddy who's like I just want them to work as hard as me I'm like then give them equity in the business equal to you. We have to reframe this conversation. You have to make it enjoyable and interesting.
Not because you're soft because you want to make money. This isn't like. I'm not asking you to be nice and reverse engineer them and be compassionate because I'm Mother Teresa I'm telling you because I want you to build what you want professionally. You're out of options.

Yes, tons of people are about to get fired. Tons you. You do not have a great resignation on your hand. Next year you have more overclive but overqualified people apply for your business next year than you have in the last 10 years.

That's good. But if you don't change the culture in every one of your stores, it's not going to mean anything. It's going to be a short-term blip. And it's not going to mean anything.

You'll have no retention. The second those highly qualified people can get a different job to pay more, they're out. And more importantly, while you've got those qualified people, they could. If you have a good culture, they're going to affect the kids who might be your future managers.

And so I Highly recommend you get off of your high horse on this issue. We are combative with our employee and again, I'm talking in generalization, but this is very common and I just think we have to rethink it. You're not being soft, you're not over pandering, You're not conforming to Gen Z Ways you're not eating a blue pill or red pill, You're not doing that. You're just trying to run a business.

And I'm telling you right now, the amount of 18 to 22 year olds who are wildly aware that they can make the same amount of money just making tick tocks and making ads, or going to thrift stores and flipping or doing Amazon Prime Drop Shipping or a million other. They just they're not lazy, they have options, and we have to accept that. And I Highly recommend you take a step back on this issue because between marketing and management, if you really dial this and look at it slightly different, it can have a tremendous impact on your business. Tremendous impact.

Those are the two pillars in this scenario. Franchise or franchisees. What control you have you two percent for the marketing you have. You can, you don't you know? I'm sure they have some sort of ideology of how much money you need to spend in marketing.

What's cool for me is I know if you just put that towards making the content versus running the ads, you will do dramatically better then when I know you're paying employees anyway to stand around and you can get them to do it so you have no additional cost then I get really excited God forbid you're sitting here with a little Charisma or interest to be on camera. now we're flying and by the way I Want Everybody here is I'm not telling you that you should be on camera. some of you are so awkward, you should definitely not be on camera. but if you're not awkward and you do like it or if you're and here's a big one, if you're in the middle, just do it for a couple of months so you can be the judge of the people that are doing for you.
The number one mistake people make is they're not practitioners in it so they have no idea if they're 24 year old niece is doing a good job. If you just spend 10 hours and 10 weeks living this, it will have a substantial impact on your business because the Staggering returns that I see from franchisees who take control of doing output for them locally because corporate needs to do corporate things you know. Listen I'm on I'm on a board of a Qsr which has franchisees franchise orders. My marketing company does a ton of this work like the franchisee franchisor thing is.

Got this. instead of crying about what they're doing wrong or being pumped about what they're doing right, you should be taking control of everything you can be doing right. If that's what you want your employees to do, why don't you eat your own medicine? You don't like what they're doing for social, you do it I Really believe that I Really do not because I like them I don't give a about them I mean it. It's because I like when people take control of their Destiny when they can and this internet thing.

By the way, if this was 1987, you didn't have the money to run commercials locally. If this was 1987, you weren't buying full page ads in the newspaper, that would. It was just too expensive. This is practical so if anything and then I'm ready for Q A So I don't know what a writers and you can Runners where you at like thank you so there's one on each side.

great one in the corners, one in the middle. So in about a minute or so, please raise your hand and we'll get to as many as possible with any detailed question of anything I talked about. but I'll leave with this wrap up. The two biggest elephants in the room that allow you to really grow next year is how you actually treat your employees and you put them in a position to win and how you actually treat your marketing and I have a feeling a lot of you understood very quickly how it doesn't have to be much more expensive to get it done, you just have to put in the Reps You just have to put in the Reps Thank you All right now by far thank you.

Now by far the best part. I Don't know about the six of you that are leaving. You're gonna miss all the good I Don't care that you have to piss. Stick it out all right.

Hands up. Let's do questions. We'll go in the middle first. Pick anybody, stand up please and give me your name please.

Such a pleasure! Thank you! So um, where social media leads for other computer Studios Give me give me older we talking 70 to 90? No. 50 to 70. So where is it? Just got it? So couple things: Facebook is like unbelievably good right now because all the big companies canceled Mark Zuckerberg and all the little companies are a little scared with the way it's going right now in. December So all the money's out of the system.
so the organic reach is through the roof. Just so everybody knows the way Social Works is. There's a feed, it's just inventory, there's people's attention, all of us, and then they fill in. If they don't have ads, Organic fills it, just people posting, which is what I'm trying to get you to do it.

If they have ads, those people will take precedent. That's how they make money. But If the demand is huge, everything works so on. Tick Tock Right now, there's so much consumption both ads and organic are working on.

Facebook It went so crazy ads for so long which is why their stock price was so high for so long that it was hard for us to get organic reach Facebook fan page which a lot of you might remember and again, you can write this down Google How do I build a Facebook fan page if you haven't? And more importantly Facebook reels which are similar to tick Tocks and Instagram reels have exploded Facebook dominates 50 to 70. As far as tick tock, Tick Tock's biggest growth right now is 50 to 70 because so many grandkids are getting their grandparents on it. You know this: A lot of you here know your parents are on Tick Tock and they're in that demo or you yourself are in that demo. So yes they will because it's coming.

But Facebook reels are huge. But then there's also best practices. For example, every one of these social media accounts as I'm sure you know, even if you're not deep in it has a place where you can put a link of your home page or have you like it's all strategy. like that link is the most important.

like where are you sending that? Most people are on mobile. A lot of people I see in this SMB Franchisee World They'll put a link that isn't even mobile optimized. so they saw the Tick tock or the Instagram post. but then they clicked the link because they're interested.

But then like, the whole experience is crap and they're out. So is your website mobile optimized? Should you send it to a website you create that just has a phone number and an email like you have to be it's you have to be smart. That's part of it. But I think Facebook Reels is a real place for you to focus on and again, that 15 comes 15 posts leg comes in the mindset of three times, five, three posts a day Instagram YouTube Shorts has exploded.

If you know what that is YouTube Shorts Again, you can write that down and Google it tick tock. LinkedIn has become a monster LinkedIn for this industry because I made a post six months ago about it and have been reached out by several people in Fitness with locations. LinkedIn is acting like Facebook did seven years ago. So you get a LinkedIn account, you just post Fitness and then you make it tailored to the business world, right? Think you have no time because you're a busy executive 15 like.
you start playing with the context so that's that you got it. I think LinkedIn would also be strong for 50 to 70 is really strong on LinkedIn But again, context matters. So if you know you're posting on LinkedIn you may make a reference of burnout at work, whereas if you're posting on Tick Tock you might make you want to keep up with your kids and your grandkids. It's the psychology that matters.

14 thoughts on “A keynote every franchisee and franchiser needs to hear going into 2023 xponential keynote”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Coruscant 5-D City MOVIES says:

    Hey, Matt? Since I had to listen to endless hours of your storytelling this week, I need you to do me a favor. You're gonna see a little girl with brown hair. Very messy, lots of knots. She doesn't like to brush it. But that's okay. Her name is Sarah. Can you please tell her that mama found her red shoe? She was so worried about that shoe, Matt. But it was just right under the bed. Give her a big hug and a big kiss from me and tell her that mama misses her. Tell her that she is my angel. And she makes me so proud. So, so proud. And you tell her that I'm not quitting. You tell her that I love her, Matt. You tell her that I love her so much. Can you do that for me?

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars HumbleVids says:

    4 mins in so accurate 👌

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Krati Agarwal says:

    great video! big fan! please visit India and do some event or meet-up here

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Keep on Growin' with Mike VanDuzee says:

    Sorry Carl, lol.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Food By The Word says:


  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars KeywordManagement says:

    I disagree with Gary on one point…Social media platforms are not just a bunch of tubes that reflect humanity…They are carefully thought out platforms that implement human psychology to elicit certain behaviors to drive ad revenue.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Leo Borgelin says:

    GaryVee playing Pokemon Ranger with the people's attention. 99% weren't really interested.

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars 𝗚𝗜𝗥𝗟𝗦𝟰.𝗫𝗬𝗭 says:

    👆 – NЕW А DАТING ONLINE 🥰✅l👩

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars stacy lowrey says:

    Is there a version of this with non echo audio? Maybe a podcast ? I really want to listen but it’s giving me a headache and it’s hard to follow / clearly hear 🙁

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Bharathi Raja says:

    hi gary im bharathi from india have been your follower since 2014 i always admire at you and your action , from then i wanted to work for with you please guide me through life i can be great like you.

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Thembelihle Masina says:

    All I can think about is earning volume commission instead of celebrating Christmas this year

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ISMAIL BOOKS says:

    Man First comment

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Marko Putinja says:


  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars greg johnson says:


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