Today's video is a fireside chat I had with the residents of Vayner! I answer a ton of questions like what to look for when starting work with a new business, how to grow within a company, how to create a good work culture, the most important experience that made me grow as a person, why people are so insecure, the future of the internet and much more!
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Gary Vaynerchuk is a serial entrepreneur, and serves as the Chairman of VaynerX, the CEO of VaynerMedia and the Creator & CEO of VeeFriends.
Gary is considered one of the leading global minds on what’s next in culture, relevance and the internet. Known as “GaryVee” he is described as one of the most forward thinkers in business – he acutely recognizes trends and patterns early to help others understand how these shifts impact markets and consumer behavior. Whether its emerging artists, esports, NFT investing or digital communications, Gary understands how to bring brand relevance to the forefront. He is a prolific angel investor with early investments in companies such as Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, Venmo, Snapchat, Coinbase and Uber.
Gary is an entrepreneur at heart — he builds businesses. Today, he helps Fortune 1000 brands leverage consumer attention through his full service advertising agency, VaynerMedia which has offices in NY, LA, London, Mexico City, LATAM and Singapore. VaynerMedia is part of the VaynerX holding company which also includes VaynerProductions, VaynerNFT, Gallery Media Group, The Sasha Group, Tracer, VaynerSpeakers, VaynerTalent, and VaynerCommerce. Gary is also the Co-Founder of VaynerSports, Resy and Empathy Wines. Gary guided both Resy and Empathy to successful exits — both were sold respectively to American Express and Constellation Brands. He’s also a Board Member at Candy Digital, Co-Founder of VCR Group, Co-Founder of ArtOfficial, and Creator & CEO of VeeFriends. Gary was recently named to the Fortune list of the Top 50 Influential people in the NFT industry.
In addition to running multiple businesses, Gary documents his life daily as a CEO through his social media channels which has more than 34 million followers and garnishes over 272 million monthly impressions/views across all platforms. His podcast ‘The GaryVee Audio Experience’ ranks among the top podcasts globally. He is a five-time New York Times Best-Selling Author and one of the most highly sought after public speakers.
Gary serves on the board of MikMak, Bojangles Restaurants, and Pencils of Promise. He is also a longtime Well Member of Charity:Water.

To your points, the reason it's people is if you have continuity, you win. I Talk in like sign language and like ESP with like Marcus and Hannah and you and like and Kailyn and like we go fast. Speed matters when you trust your fellow employee, you're actually working on the work instead of the politics. So many of you have friends right now that you guys over a beer when you hang out like they're just talking all the energies on the toxic politics I know why we're gonna win and it's because of how I think about this.

I Just want to start with yesterday was the first day of work I missed because of sickness in 13 years. so I'm glad that didn't happen today because that would have been a bummer. Um I Want to start with how excited I am to be with all of you. Um, this is obviously the largest residency class we've had.

This is a program that really works for the organization and for the people that go through it. Um, even people that don't end up at Vayner have been able to leverage it quite a bit, which obviously makes me incredibly proud. Um I've been hearing incredible things about this residence class from so many different places and angles and different people and so who knows to you collectively. Um, and honestly I want this time together to be the most valuable it possibly can.

And so I Uh, I Definitely am looking to do as much Q A as possible to your points, but maybe maybe you have an opening question or two or three based on what you know, the tone, and Tedder is of the group and then after that let's just go into hand Raising and Rock and Roll. I Told Gary you're putting me on the spot I Never prep questions for you I'm thrilled to go directly to Q A I didn't know if there's anything that you cut anything you sense or is in the air or that you've heard from the screw or anything on your mind. Yeah, we just had our first fireside chat uh last week with T and uh, we're pairing Folks up now which is a whole kind of new uh energy. So really I'd really love to turn over to the group to maximize time.

Quite frankly, so great. So use the hand raise I will tell you who goes and we will rock and roll. All right. Austin First up, thank you! Hey! Gary Um, so simply put, you're seeing a lot of platforms.

kind of try to do cross-functionality like you're seeing Tick Tock Implement a be real sort of functionality in the photo functionality and you're seeing Instagram now compete with be Real and do more video Centric stuff. Do you think it's gonna end up being everyone doing everything or do you think it's going to resettle to everyone? kind of just sitting in their comfort zone what they are best at? Well, Meta's been doing this long before, you know with Facebook and Instagram and now you have Tick Tock doing it because they're such a big player. I Think everybody will try everything if there's a standalone app that they think is a feature, but some will stick and some won't. For example, let's go back to way back when this really started Snapchat Stories right? Snapchat comes out stories works.
then you have Instagram that was like that big moment. A lot of you probably remember this. Instagram ads it, it's stuck but so did Twitter and Facebook and other things and some platforms it didn't stick. What about Clubhouse when Clubhouse got hot I made a video that said everyone's gonna try to make this a feature everybody did Facebook concluded Instagram all of them it was Twitter spaces that stuck right? So I think with be real or anything we see for the next half decade all the leaders will try to implement it and some will have it stick because it worked for them and they did a good job and some won't and that will be the constant flow that we see.

All right. Thank you so much of course brother Hi! Gary Um so I Just started on my first new business pitch which is really exciting and I was wondering what your biggest piece of advice was for entering this kind of new fast-paced assignment mindset. or like, tactical things. Whatever the concept of if I'm playing a new business, what should I be thinking about is that is that where you're going I just want to make sure.

Yeah, you know I think I think the thing to look out for is what are clients reacting well to? That's always a good thing to learn. You know, like why did that client think that that was cool or why did they ask us to double click into that? Um I think that this you know a lot of what we're trying to do in general and definitely a new business is osmosis. You know I think the other thing to think about is what to parrot you know from the Kalens and others. So I think it's a huge learning experience.

but by far the most interesting thing I'd be looking for is what are people reacting best to and why cool? Thank you of course. Hey Gary how are you? It's nice to finally meet you I Hope you're having a great day. Um, my question is, uh, what advice would you give to someone who's eager to try out many different roles? and how should one go about finding their place at? Vayner You know? um I think Boehner is a very unique organization where um, where we're willing to let people transfer from media to account account to strategy strategy to project management. So you know figuring out what you're about is raising your hand and asking to try something new and you're at the right company for that.

and whether that works out here or somewhere else, it's a constant game of raising your hand and patiently and humbly asking to try something else because you don't really know what you love or you're great at until you try it. Like there's a lot of people who love riding bikes who are actually meant to be better skateboarders. but they never tried skateboarding which is just too bad. And so you know I think staying curious, asking questions of the people that are in those departments.

Boehner's best strength is that we have a culture where people will feel weird if they don't like reply to questions or like are are not nice to each other. So take advantage of that while you're here. You Slack right use use it and ask people you know. hey I'm in media but I I'm curious about project management.
Why do you like it? What do you have to be good at? So staying curious and staying on the offense and knowing that you're in a company that rewards it? Yeah, thank you. Because uh, sometimes I feel like I want to do like too many different things and I feel like it's like too much going on. So thank you. Stay with me here for a second.

The thing is, it's good to try to do a lot of things or be curious. but curiosity is the strength. Curiosity is a strength. You know the only thing you have to do is be empathetic to the organizations you work in.

So like if you're a Vayner what are you, what are you a resident for right now? uh, I'm a Creator resident. but I've been like shadowing like PMs and like trying to look maybe for at PCS and like Community Management Just like all around, as long as you're fair in return to Vayner If they want you to be a creator for a year before you even try those other things I Think we're curious, youngsters, Get caught is audacity. You know there's that level of entitlement and it's not a Gen Z thing. I hate when everyone's like gen Z I Saw this in Generation X when I was 22.

Like people are, people are entitled consistently. you know, and so you know as long as you're empathetic that Vayner would like to give you that at-bat and project management, but it's not ready just yet. and whether that's Vayner or you decide to go somewhere else for all of you, as long as you're empathetic to the organization, if they're really trying, well then and you're willing to be patient, then you're in a good spot. It's the LA I will say that where younger Generations got caught is the world's faster now because of technology and so patience is definitely something people struggle with.

You know, and because of the way the world is. Insecurity has always been poisoned, but now people literally are living their lives so publicly that if they're insecure and they want success so that they can Flex it eliminates patience I mean the amount I mean you. You'd be stunned if you saw some of the emails I get from employees who left here for a five thousand dollar raise when we weren't willing to do it because they just wanted to buy some dumb and now we're like what the did I do you know and so you guys are all and gals are so young. it's about being thoughtful.

But do not downplay you don't have. you're not chaotic, you're not too CR You know crazy about that. That's good. You're trying to figure out your I think it's a strength, but you just have to be.

You know, unless you're an entrepreneur and you control your way, you have to know that there's you. Know we're the most pro-employee org on Earth and even for us, it's hard for you to be like hey, I want to be PCS because that spot might not exist at this exact second. Thank you of course the first time. well thank you.
The first time we met you mentioned that we are the future of the company and I'm in that within this Residency program. I've been having that as a mindset going into the next five years. What is the best mindset? That and the learning path that I can take to become the future of this company. And I'm not saying to come where you are I'm just saying like to grow in this company and to be to be a big part of it.

Uh, it's a great question I think a couple things. One is self-awareness you know. Let me give you an example of what I mean by that. There are plenty of times and I'm as happy as it gets professionally and there are still plenty of times that I say huh I wonder how cool it would have been to have the DNA that would have made me pop like I'm envious of a lot of my senior employees I'm like you know, you know, like yesterday, like being sick that was.

It was not only bad to have 103 fever, it was even worse knowing that I was missing things that were really important and like I can't like rely on anybody else to do that role. So I think first of all, self-awareness When you have ambition, you know even you asking that question. My fear is that you push yourself into places on an ideology versus the reality of who you actually are. So I think the best way people can be the future of this company is one.

They have a good sense of themselves, Two, they have a good sense of what they want in life: financially, creatively, work-life balance. Three, This is a big one. I Want everybody to pay attention to this one. three that they have the capacity to change their mind five years from now, so some of you right now might be like I actually do want Gary's job I want to be the C Global CEO of Vaynerx in 20 years and I think that's rad.

On the flip side, you may fall deeply, deeply in love in seven years and then start a family and be like that. You know I want to be like my mom or dad or I want to be the reverse of my mom and dad and I want to be at every recital and every ball game and that's not going to let you be the global CEO of Vaynerx. That's just real talk. So I think that if you have a good sense of who you are, if you're comfortable in who you are, and if you're willing to change your mind of what you want, that's a huge starting point the next.

Things Are One Let there be no confusion. Unless you are a very nice person and nice to others, you can only grow so much here. There's nobody that gets to the upper levels. So if you're in a place where you're still insecure you, you know, like if you have big Ambitions here and you know you're testy because you yourself are slightly unhappy.
I Started thinking about things like meditation I started thinking about things like therapy because there's been so many people that have the talents to get to the highest levels here, but lost along the way because they didn't have the human capacity to be the person I need them to be with each other. They're political, they worry about their money, They they try to tear down other people who they think are trying to take their spot. So all that stuff and then finally and I'm gonna pound the living out of this without the essence stopped. You can only get so far strategic, organic content and something you'll be hearing a lot about soon.

Called Pack Platforms and Culture The Future of Communication over the next 10 years, which is going to impact all of you is whoever is the most significantly talented in understanding how the platforms work and understand the cultural nuances of hundreds of different consumer segmentations not culture as in the cool slang term for urban hip-hop culture. I Mean do you know what 40 to 47 year old Middle America Hunter and fisherman type dudes care about and how to get them to buy chocolate milk right? So it's all cultures. it's all ages, genders, races, interests Financial levels and one thing I worry about in this company I Talk to the team you know as most of you saw the video with Brittany King and we just have a very strong strong passion around the Eni and different things that nature. One of the things I see from so many of my well-intended senior Executives is they think the strategists and creatives that will be best for the consumer cohorts are the people that look like the consumer cohorts.

And that's not true, right? Like I don't think like you know you know a 40 year old woman is the only person that knows how to sell 40 year old woman stuff. I don't think you have Hispanic to understand how to sell stuff to Hispanics and so I see a lot of well-intended subconscious thinking that I'm excited to change over time because I fit only one demo you know with my age and gender. but my whole career is built on my empathy and compassion and intuition around all people. and so I it's also I think a lot of you are probably aware that in your Circles of friends, family, acquaintances, my my brand hits for a lot of people all that looks super different.

and it's because you know the messaging is contextual even though it's still grounded in the same truth of love over hate. I really appreciate that. thank you and yeah, that's why I hopped on to actually divas that there are a couple of tick tocks in there for them because it's something that I've found funny. but I appreciate that Gary Thank you keep going I appreciate you Sarah how you doing G I'm good my man.

oh man. so good to see you. Um I don't know if you remember uh NF tampons? that's me but thank you so much for being here. Thanks for having us.
um my question to you is I mean I'm on Consulting I'm in I'm a Creator I'm in Consulting Um so I'm I've been introduced to pack in some capacity. Yeah, um and my question is how do we get? um, how do we push clients more towards uh, just diving themselves deeper into culture and not being so? Not to say like let's not focus on what's trending, but like, be more ahead of that curve of where culture is going as a brand. I Think for us, all of you don't have this context, but the strides we've made in the last 36 months are so profound for us, it's there's going to be no option if you work with us, so it's gonna be easy. It's gonna be a byproduct of how we sell how we talk because of what you are doing.

and look, you know you've had a real front row seat like Consulting was a really good spot this time around. You know, like it's how life works So you're getting to see a lot of the stuff and you can see what's happening. You know with Jimmy John's this or St Jude that like we're writing about this, you're either relevant or you're not. You know? And so I think for us to answer a question, we're gonna get them to do it because they're going to have no damn choice.

You know? like it's what they're paying us to do. So I think we're going to continue to go more and more there. makes sense, makes sense. Yeah, appreciate you.

I'm really glad hey Gary how you doing I'm well my man. Um, all right. so what I want to touch upon is obviously everyone talks about the culture and now that we've been here for a while I've experienced that firsthand. Um and it's kind of hard to describe like how how effective it is and and you know I understand why that makes us different than other agencies.

But my question about culture is how did you get to this point with your mindset regarding culture? like where does that come from? Is that something that you were raised with? Is there a moment that made you realize that um, it's it was something I was born with and I know that because it was funny I had my I had my friends that I grew up with when I was from first grade to seventh grade in Edison New Jersey on the on a podcast the other day and it we didn't get to some of these things on the podcast but it got my brain remembering they were talking about. This is really funny actually they were talking about the fact that I used to get into fights a lot so I was like a real like Scrapper New Jersey kid like like I'm talking like fix like bikes yeah and and it reminded me that a lot of my fights came from me defending when people picked on people. so I was on like some superhero from the get kind of thing. meaning I've always been uncomfortable with people being mean to people.

It's what really me up with Society right now because both sides of the political party are fully into that place now and so I the answer to your question is this is some real I am so uncomfortable when there is tension I can't even live within it. it's it's a visceral reaction to me. you know, even if like you know this Dustin even when me and Dustin are traveling right if I don't like the way his face looks I'm like are you good like it's my natural state everything cool like I don't like it and because I have so much intuitive like spiritual energy that comes natural to me I'm always I always know I mean there's some like some of the stories of employee. You know how some of the eight and nine and ten year employees come and tell you like he knows or this? It's because it's it's some spooky I say it's like I'll be going to the bathroom and I'm like I don't like the way that felt and then I'm like admins.
can you give me 15 with that per like So there was no choice then so cool I gave you that frame up. Now it gets even weirder then I go into working for my dad at 14 so this is my natural state, this is my essence and then I go into work in my dad's liquor store and it's the toxic disaster my dad who I struggled with for the first seven or eight years on this and maybe even 10 years on this and maybe even 20 years on this until I realized that my dad grew up in the Soviet Union where every employee stole everything and it was so toxic that it Formed him. My dad's point of view was that employees were your enemy. My dad's greatest fear 24 7 365 in my teenage years was the employees are stealing right? and I just want to say um, that like congratulate you on the fact that you've established a culture here that genuinely feels like a family only two months in with my team and idea, generation and teamwork and everything that goes into the ad business.

Um, it's never felt so like pure and genuine and it comes so easy. So I think you've done a great job at, you know, responding to that I appreciate that and I'll say this for the people on here and if you don't have it, if that's a 10 and you're sitting right now and you're not, you're not in the chat and you're thinking that's not what I have then that's that's something I realize is real. We have 1800 employees and I'm a human being I understand how works I'll give you an example. There was something that happened years ago that really stuck with me.

somebody who was an 11 on culture an 11. out of nowhere like little smoke started popping up XYZ made me upset today XYZ and when I got to the bottom of it, her father was dying from brain cancer and she brought that to work and like of course when you're scared, you know this. All of you know this about yourself. when you're most scared, it's only one of two things that are gonna happen.

and so I don't sit here in an ivory Tower delusional that everybody's hitting at an 11 of a ten. but I do sit here in my Ivory Tower Knowing that I spend an ungodly amount of energy, time and effort, you know, and tons of money compared to companies that look like this on trying to get every situation to 11 of 10. And that's why we went because there's never an interest for us to look the other way because we don't value the money. We value the culture.
We need the money to pay the bills honey. Empire right? I Got to be practical. This is not delusional. School But I'm feeling really confident and I will tell you every month that goes by we've got it better and better and better and that's really especially lasts for years and that's really exciting to me.

Thank you thank you just to build on that. Gary I Think that was a nice reminder for me in the All Hands the other day when I think one of the questions was how are we going to win and I thought you were going to go right to stock you're like people first like oh, that's right, that's what we started with. So what's a good reminder for me too personally as well? Yeah, to your points. The reason it's people is if you have continuity, you win.

I talk in like sign language and like ESP with like Marcus and Hannah and you and like and Kailyn and like we go fast. Speed matters. you know, like when you when you trust your fellow employee, you're actually working on the work instead of the politics. So many of you have friends right now that you guys over a beer when you hang out like they're just talking all the energies on the toxic politics, right? All of it.

So yeah. I mean I I know why we're gonna win and it's because of how I think about this. um hi um thank you Sarah and hi Gary Oh just a little tip Gary um in case you are feeling not so great still Ginger turmeric and some oreganol you'll It'll clear you up for sure. um my grandma Esther who's no longer with us and my girlfriend Mona both agree with you very very feverishly.

Yes, very much. We come from a long line of herbal women. um but basically my question is actually kind of building on what we were just speaking on. um, we know that we're moving into the recession and like unprecedented time.

So just as a Creator I wanted to know like what I could provide do or communicate to my audience members you know, but you know that is valuable to them during all these craziness and times because I have a very very strong moral compass but still being beneficial to the client as well. So like I I hate selling out. You know I come from the hood Harlem So I'm just like I don't want to sell out. but I Also, like you said, we have bills to pay so it was a way to be valuable to them.

You know the it's a great question. First of all, one of the things you know to be honest. even though yesterday was even though yesterday was tough like I Can't believe I got sick for the first time ever today it gave me a few minutes to kind of like especially once my fever broke to look at the election and it was interesting What went through my mind I'm like man, it wasn't even like a political stance, it was an opera my brain was in operations of Vayner mode. I was like wow, this very big day for the Democrats is just going to make my day-to-day a lot easier because people's tensions are not going to be as high because you know not to talk too much politics.
but obviously we have a young company and that lends itself to a certain direction. You know the the biggest thing is a four years ago I told a lot of our employees we expect our clients to be our activists for us, right? right? and so similarly to that with your question, you can share your truth on what will be relevant. but you have to be empathetic that these people have jobs right? and they may have to make it 20 to 30 percent more vanilla than you would want it to be. I Actually think it's one of the biggest reasons we win I Because I have no boss I'm able to go a hundred absolutely and so most of our clients on a good day can only go 70 and we have to be empathetic to that.

Understood for sure. Thank you Gary Of course hey everyone hey Gary hey Sarah you guys Sarah is a superhero like flowers to you Sarah But uh, my question Gary uh you've been talking a lot about like how the last 36 months have been like really crucial I Just wanted to ask you what is probably like the most memorable or like the most important life experience you've had like in the last like recent years that have made you like, really develop and grow as a person with just like business-wise personally wise in relation to anything. Candor has forever been a weakness of mine and has always been the um, weakness of this organization. you know I just don't like confrontation.

You know the you know your gift is your is your curse. The reason we have this great culture is because I hate negativity and confrontation. The reason it took us a little while to get it really good is I love it so much that I mistreated it and where Candor really mattered I was unable to deliver it. Thus that trickled down to the organization and so the biggest vulnerability this company had for years was the most senior people over time realized that they didn't actually know where they sat with me and so what that did was it was a very devastating day.

Mike No question, the most difficult day of my career happened about four years ago when I realized. So my number one thing is that my job is to eliminate fear as a leader. When I had to realize looking myself in a mirror that me not being cancerous led to a lot of people not knowing where they stood which actually created fear was heartbreaking and you know I feel like now we're much better for it and so I would say that is the answer. Thank you sir.

Hey guy, um good. how are you man? Very good. I Guess my question is kind of related to the future of the internet. Um, like you might have seen like people are saying, we're in a crypto winter right now and we wanted to know like I wanted to know like what's your perspective on why you think there's a divide between people who are pro metaverse and why Like big tech companies like Snap and Apple and stuff are still like nieces or who don't believe fully who don't give in to the concept of the metaverse and what's really causing this divide according to you and Financial interests.
Okay, Microsoft wasn't into the Internet, financial interest and and timing. Uh, you know the Metaverse. If we're talking metaverse, you know, Because you know this. The Metaverse can mean a lot of different things.

So if you're using the Metaverse as slang for web 3, that's one thing. AKA Blockchains that have consumer applications like Nfts. If you're using the Metaverse like VR I believe that VR will happen one day. but I also think Facebook could over invest in it because it might be too early.

You know, like I don't like investing in things all the way. Um, until it's a little more obvious that it's real. Nobody here knows anybody who spends two hours a day on VR So I think that you know. but I think to answer your question, it's all financial interest.

And by the way, this is one day you'll realize what's cool about being 45 or 46 or 47 like I'm going to be in four days is it's pattern recognition. Let me give you an example. You know how people say like why does that need to be an Nft? Can't you do it this way Let me give you one that's going to blow all your minds when I launched My in 1997. which in itself is wild because there are many people here who were born after 1997.

So when I launched in 1997. do you know what people said to me, they said Gary why do you need a website? You could just do a catalog. Think about that. like for real Like real business people, real grown-ups like why would you build a website? You could just do a catalog.

You know, Why do I think tickets are going to be Nfts? Because they're better than QR codes And why did all our tickets be our become QR codes What was wrong with paper? So this is just pattern recognition for me, right? Thank you Hey Gary how's it going? Uh, thank you for taking the time to meet us. My name is I'm on the media side of PNG grooming. Uh so my question for you is what would you say to be the turning point in your life That kind of shifted to who you are today and what could we take like from that? Like if there's any advice that you can give to us from something that's happened to you in your life that made you to who you are today. I Don't think there's something super clear Brother: I Think what? the real answer to this question is.

Something happened to me between 9 and 14. That isn't very clear to me. Still, that flipped me to a level of self-awareness and confidence that guided me my whole life. But like one thing that is very Bonkers to me is how completely non-penetratable I was to peer pressure in high school.
I Still don't fully even understand it to be honest. like when I recall the things I didn't do in the face of why it would seemingly be so easy and so obvious that you should do that if you're a kid. Good parenting good DNA Circumstances I Do think there are some big advantages of growing up in the dirt, you know? Um, but what I would tell you to give you an answer that maybe brings value is how quickly can you fall fully in love with yourself? Like that you're so in love with yourself that you don't need validation from anybody else while you balance that love with of yourself with extraordinary levels of humility to offset the vulnerability of loving yourself. Awesome Thank you.

Got it? Gary How you doing I'm well brother, how are you good? I'm gonna throw you probably the most important question all off speed here Jets Great season so far Yes, at what point at what point do you think this becomes for you? A disappointment season? where like you had these expectations now? um what point do you think like it's like damn like that sucked Not gonna happen I'm too locked in and this is how it has happened in the past many times. This season is such a blessing because it's a year ahead of schedule. A lot of things have gone wrong from an injury front, but it's you know I'm too educated in knowing what's happened here, which is we've hit too much Pay Dirt in the draft and we've managed our salary cap too well. Of course you can always have injuries look at Buffalo they got it.

Looks like they dodged a bullet, but you know, earlier this week there were scenarios where Josh Allen might be out for the year and they did everything right five years before we did. To get to this point, the Jets could literally Win Every Game the rest of the Year brother which they won't but they could and could lose in the first round of the playoffs and I'd still be ecstatic because the foundation of what they have is to choose strong So not this year. I Think years like that where you get disappointed when the team overperforms is when you know you can't go back the following year you have six free agents that are your best players. The Jets seven best players are in their first two years of their life.

It's crazy what the Jets have right now. This is it. Finally got there, you know? Yeah, no. Great season.

Thank you. Hey how we doing everybody? uh uh. just wanted to ask. This is a follow-up from a question that was like a little bit earlier.

but you talked about uh, building self-awareness and like doing that as a practice over time. But at this stage of Life sort of in this kind of position where we all are, how would you recommend building that kind of awareness? Like right now in steps, there's only two. This has always been a question I've always been scared of and over the last seven or eight years it's gotten the hair easier. There's two ways I Think about self-awareness One is incredibly personal and the other one requires others.
one. I actually think that almost everyone actually knows the truth about themselves but have built up so much posturing that it becomes their subconscious and they can't even like tell the difference. So I talk a lot about with my friends and family and people I care about and and groups like this. like just really go there in a dark room by yourself, you know, and like just really go there and be like no, no, like Gary's right.

I'm just gonna do this because I think this is gonna make me happier and just like actually put pen to paper on the that you're full of about and I really like even just watching you all like move right now on screen all of you can probably come up with one thing that you say and act on that you know is not true so that's Big John right that's big. The second one is kind of cool which is like how do you get three to four people that know you the best right and you spend some time with them prepping you, prepping them like you have a dinner. you hanging out once and you basically build them towards this day a couple weeks out where you ask them to really call it like it is from their perspective. What are you good at? What are you bad at? what do you do that them up but they've never been able to tell you because you love them, they love you and you kind of make these three to ten people feel really safe to really tell you and you know that it's true.

The thing that works for me is I don't lie to myself I don't want to trick myself. you know what I mean John Like people posture bro like I just and this goes back to loving yourself over others I Think the biggest reason people posture is because they value other people's opinions too much. You know the facts. You know what I mean my man.

like I'm just not really worried about if someone thinks I'm cool or good looking or smart or clever like I'm just not there like of course I'd like to be liked but it's like and I'm normally very liked by anybody that knows me. you know I know that you guys and gals have people in your life that don't like me. That's because they watched one video Once out of context and take a hot take. They don't really know me like that and so like right.

Like Like it's just. it's just really being honest with yourself and and putting the people that are closest to you into a framework of being honest with you and then you start working on it. Let me let me give you an Insight At this young of an age that might really hit for some of you, let me tell you why: there's no value in posturing or faking the funk. It's because you can trick the 98 percent and the two percent is who you actually want and the two percent are the ones that are turned off by your you're just tricking people that are trickable that yeah, that's pretty much fixed.
Gary My grand, my grandfather he taught me you can't a that was his line so you know totally that you know what. Couldn't have said it better to you? Like because nobody has ever tricked me. ever ever in my entire life nobody has tricked me ever I know that there are other what am I one of one? Definitely not and so I say to myself then why would I do that and lose Equity with the people that are most talented just to trick the ones that are trickable because when you're tricking trickable people, somebody else might trick them onto you. That's what I was about to ask.

Like in terms of like I think you got to earlier, but like the losses and games that come from that from trick and trickable people but also not tricking like not basically not bullshitting the like bullshitter. It's just the same thing, right? Like for you guys, you're so close to this given your age. like think about all the people you try to be friends with in high school because they were cool or good looking and then like now, just seven years, five years, six years removed from it. you're like what the you have no interest in those people.

it's just that keeps going on past. High School Yes thank you thank you Also thank you Gary for all those very inspiring words. Definitely appreciate that. Makes me feel better.

but my question is is definitely a Hot Topic in my media right now which is Twitter and so I was part of like the state the Twitter spaces talk yesterday and so I felt like got to hear a lot about like uh, elon's like rationale or basically implementing this Eight dollar you know, verification a month like to basically weed out all the Bots and like deception but I'm curious. do you think this is gonna like be a good thing for Twitter or do you think it's going to be like the end of it I don't think it'll be the end of it until I mean look how big Facebook is and Instagram came along and snap came along and Tick Tock came along. So I think people think in absolutes. The only thing that will end Twitter Quote unquote AKA Twitter becomes Myspace is if the leaders are not capable.

My intuition is that Elon is more capable than the way they've been running it. and the only other thing that could hurt it is market share loss and that would require somebody to build a better Twitter right? And so I don't know if this is going to work because I'm not in the business of predicting I'm in the business of watching all of a really big point of view on it in 60 days in 150 days. I Know that I can tell you that the problem with people's povs on Twitter is Elon bleeds a little bit too much into politics for people and so they have their hot takes on their political points of view. not on the rationale of what's Happening so you know for me, the global Town Square is why I invested in Twitter Right there it's my Twitter stock certificate I invested in Twitter in 2006 because I was like the World's Gonna Want this? The world needs its place to talk about the latest episode of Love Island The world needs its place to talk about what happened on Thursday Night Football The world needs its place to talk about.
you know, their favorite couple breaking up? It's it's a human need. Obviously the political divide in our country has been overwhelming and has led to the anxiety and people are really good at talking about all the bad things that social media has done without realizing all that social media is is empty vessels that expose us. And so you know I don't believe one person on Earth became a racist because of Facebook I think Facebook exposed that they were a racist and so I don't know I think social media has exposed me to be a better person than people thought because I am a better person. So I think this is a game of exposing, not a game of changing.

And so until we realize we have a lot of work to do on the parenting front and on the education front and humans are audacious. We need we need way more humility. Way more humility. I Love watching all of you come into Vayner and thinking you actually know something about social media because you've been using it for your teenage years.

That has nothing. using social media to hook up or watch some that you like has nothing to do with using it to sell I Felt that since joining this company. yeah thank you Gary you got it brother All right. got a couple minutes left.

hi Gary thank you for coming to speak with us today and I appreciate the time my name is Caitlin I'm on Express as a media resident and my question kind of ties in with what you're just talking about and then back with like toxic work cultures that have like appear in a lot of um big companies but not here thankfully or like at least it like tries to avoid that and so because as y'all were just talking about social media we were I personally am just coming out of college like we we use social media in a very different way and coming into the workforce you kind of have to realize and we always should have been monitoring our own media because it's great that it has like been super transparent but sometimes I've heard I've been like scared by what my parents say like what you put on social media, even college or whatever well then like you somebody will be like Boo take it against you and like if like other work cultures could be so toxic that they'll somehow find a way that they lose your job or just take something in a bad way and I just kind of wonder how to go about that because I want to friend my co-worker You wanna you wanna You want me to give you a real insight on this? Yes please! Caleb Any company that is going to fire you because there's a beer pong photo of you or because you and your friends wore bikinis on spring break is not a company you want to work at. True. So there's that you tell. Mom and Dad you don't want to work in those shitholes anyway.
And comma I've got something even better for all of you now that you have Vaynermedia on your resume. that completely trumps where the you went to college and whatever the you did on social Awesome! Well I thank you I Love that mindset and I hope to find more more companies. Take this mindset with them in the future. they will because as we continue to crush all of them and get bigger, they're going to have to copy us exactly.

Thank you! Gary All right Crew Love You This Was fun Thank you Gary Really appreciate it. Thanks again thank you so much Thanks Gary Love you guys! We love you! Thank you.

14 thoughts on “Advice every intern and recent graduate should hear fireside chat with residents”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars YouAndImpact says:

    Great video 👍

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Casey Wach says:

    it's like neurolink for the gut.

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Prathamesh Lakhe says:

    GO Gary x VaynerMedia crush'em all… XD

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars SHIVANSH TECH says:

    Lk 178 beautifull sharing

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Nash Potatoes Outdoor Show says:

    Gary is the man! Glad you're feeling better bro…

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Myles De Coito says:

    Gary, your ❤ of a father in that last response, 🌹That comment needs to go viral. I have two daughters, and you stirred me with those words of wisdom. Thank you leading a company that does not judge our young people for decision they made in formative years. 🤙

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Todd Norman | hand3seen says:

    twitter spaces underrated

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Clay Makes Money says:

    If your reading this: JUST START! Just start following your dreams and creating the life you want!

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ARNO says:

    If you read this – Keep going, these times provide a lot of opportunities for growth! 🏆🚀

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Shuvam Upadhyay says:

    G my man!

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars John Hargreaves II says:

    So much great advice about awareness and positive culture creation. ❤

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars 𝗚𝗜𝗥𝗟𝗦𝟰.𝗫𝗬𝗭 says:


  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars 𝟭𝟴𝗦𝗘𝗫.𝗫𝗬𝗭 says:


  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Nomad Black says:

    I love you but you are a coward Gary

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