Today's episode is an amazing interview I did with the Founder of Sequel/Sequel Stories, Gustaf Lundberg Toresson! So many people find themselves stuck when it comes to finding their passion. Although many people know what their passion is, they just think it's silly or it can't make them money so they don't pursue it. If you're stuck I hope this video changes your perspective.
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Gary Vaynerchuk is a serial entrepreneur, and serves as the Chairman of VaynerX, the CEO of VaynerMedia and the Creator & CEO of VeeFriends.
Gary is considered one of the leading global minds on what’s next in culture, relevance and the internet. Known as “GaryVee” he is described as one of the most forward thinkers in business – he acutely recognizes trends and patterns early to help others understand how these shifts impact markets and consumer behavior. Whether its emerging artists, esports, NFT investing or digital communications, Gary understands how to bring brand relevance to the forefront. He is a prolific angel investor with early investments in companies such as Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, Venmo, Snapchat, Coinbase and Uber.
Gary is an entrepreneur at heart — he builds businesses. Today, he helps Fortune 1000 brands leverage consumer attention through his full service advertising agency, VaynerMedia which has offices in NY, LA, London, Mexico City, LATAM and Singapore. VaynerMedia is part of the VaynerX holding company which also includes VaynerProductions, VaynerNFT, Gallery Media Group, The Sasha Group, Tracer, VaynerSpeakers, VaynerTalent, and VaynerCommerce. Gary is also the Co-Founder of VaynerSports, Resy and Empathy Wines. Gary guided both Resy and Empathy to successful exits — both were sold respectively to American Express and Constellation Brands. He’s also a Board Member at Candy Digital, Co-Founder of VCR Group, Co-Founder of ArtOfficial, and Creator & CEO of VeeFriends. Gary was recently named to the Fortune list of the Top 50 Influential people in the NFT industry.
In addition to running multiple businesses, Gary documents his life daily as a CEO through his social media channels which has more than 34 million followers and garnishes over 272 million monthly impressions/views across all platforms. His podcast ‘The GaryVee Audio Experience’ ranks among the top podcasts globally. He is a five-time New York Times Best-Selling Author and one of the most highly sought after public speakers.
Gary serves on the board of MikMak, Bojangles Restaurants, and Pencils of Promise. He is also a longtime Well Member of Charity:Water.

I Actually believe that most people know that they're passion is and what would make them happy I Believe most people talk themselves out of it because they think it's silly or they can't make money and I keep telling people video games was not a profession when I was growing up. but most of my friends were passionate and almost all of them if they just stayed the course into video games would have made more money being a video game podcaster than an executive at a retail company. A lawyer like I think it's a pretty profound point of view. They just don't want to say that I want to say because they think they have to be Beyonce and my point is just sing and make 53 000 a year and live under 45 000 a year costs.

But then you're happy because you're singing welcome to Stockholm Welcome welcome to Beautiful Burns hotel where we're now. Um, you're the Sweden Yes, thanks for calling out just for me just for this I Got the email so you know staying on top of the inbox I Heard that once like when you're gonna it was someone who reached the uh like one of the founders of Google and suddenly he got a reply and he asked why and it was like yeah, we were top in my inbox you know I still do it to this day in from 2007 to 2011 when I was starting to gain popularity I replied to every email yourself myself it was. It was just what I thought was the right thing to do I was flattered to get them I'm still flattered to get them. Somewhere along the way, the math became overwhelming, but it's still something.

I think fondly of those you know, especially those long flights catch. Getting to Inbox Zero was like it was kind of like taking a shower. you know? and um, and to this day, random DMS people in my text messages because I have a service called Community in the U.S Oh, that's great. Uh DMS on Instagram And and email is really how I do it Communities where you put your phone number in the bio you can text right? Yeah, it's amazing.

It's a really good platform and it's actually funny I Interviewed uh Kabi Lama the world's second biggest tick tocker and I asked him how he reached this manager and uh, he watched his manager watch Twitch and then it was him and hundred others. He sent him 100 DMS and last, lastly, the manager responded so I mean it definitely works. You know, tenacity matters, you know I think the tact when you're trying to reach someone matters as well. Some people can come off incredibly entitled can come off incredibly unsettling, but there are many people who will email or DM or Reach Out 7, 12, 40 times and I'm incredibly comfortable with it because I can sense the tenacity balance.

It's a humble hunger versus an anxious expectation. Yeah, right. And so because they come in both forms, it's either very frantic and almost like you owe them. And and they just think that and then they watch something like this, they're like oh, I'll just email every day, but when there's no soul behind it whereas other times, you can tell that the person's being thoughtful, they understand that you're you on the other side are trying, you know and and I appreciate that.
and and I get excited sometimes when I'm able to get to it. Like many times in the last 15 years, especially last five years as more demand has come my way. I actually get a sense of enjoyment when I'm like, you know what this is gonna, this is the time I'm gonna reply to Carol Thompson or Steve Johnson because like you see them, you see them, you see them. but you're trying.

And for people that are listening or watching when you have somebody on the other end who's getting bombarded with demand, many of those individuals actually really want to do it. But for me, for example, where it really went awry was I had to take a step back and say look my family, my own health and well-being and really the responsibility of the 2000 employees I have I started realizing six years ago five years ago I'm like, damn it I'm more accessible to a person that reaches out to me for the first time, then somebody within my own organization and and so I've had to make those adjustments. but I still fight I'm the flight here from New York to Sweden snuck in a couple email replies and a couple DMs like I'm Believe it or not, that's the biggest thing I miss about traveling for the last two years Zoom I am a program like a robot. Yeah, pure efficiency.

I used to reply to people because I would get up and go to the bathroom in between meetings in my office and that's where I would get certain things done with Zoom. It's like there was no Serendipity time the airport and traveling was when I would catch up with friends, catch up with my family, catch up with like the fans and the community that got wiped the last two years. and so it's um now that we're just starting to come out of our shell I am actually enjoying it I missed it and I knew I would I've loved so many things about the new world of you know not having to fly to Chicago for one meeting and fly back. it's good on your health.

all that I'm excited about both I'm a very big and guy I think most of the world's problems. most people think the world is about ore. this is right versus that or it's this or that and I think it's and and so I'm excited about the digital world and the physical world. and uh, and that's how I think about it.

And speaking of flights, when you have a you know it's a long flight from the US to Europe U.S to Sweden do you stay connected on the flight or do you get that six seven hours offline which is like the only you know There's actually some videos running around from 2010 11 of me. That says, my favorite thing in the world is flights because I'm disconnected. It's like the airplane and the shower. like literally the bathroom and the airplane and then obviously the airplane went away.

And listen, it's pretty awesome to be on the you know I still think it's one of the coolest things to have. The internet in a plane like technology is amazing I don't tend to get disconnected. The flight I took specifically for this trip is my most challenging flight. The 8 P.M New York flight to London or Sweden or Europe is a killer for me because it's too early for me to go to sleep.
Ah I only sneak in three or four usually I Love sleeping. A lot of people see my energy. They think I'm who I am and they're like Gary doesn't sleep I'm like I sleep a lot seven eight I sleep very adequately I'm usually I'm a great sleeper too. knock on wood I Don't want to jinx that.

This one's the challenging one because you land and it's the next day. Have you had good sleep or long sleep throughout your career? Is this something that happened like my career? You know it's funny prior to sleep. I I've always I Honestly, it's not even that I'm like thoughtful or brilliant or smart about it or was educated. The only thing I think I'm great at is being me.

I Really believe that I think self-awareness and leaning and lack of judgment on one's shortcomings are two incredible ingredients. Sleep falls into that category I just have always needed to sleep. you know I wasn't functional I'm not functional at Three Four five I don't feel great I don't know why I would do that and I've always thought people were confused about time. You know the badge of like I work 18 hours a day I love that.

But I also work 18 hours a day incredibly effectively. So my 18 hours are like some people's month and so whether I get seven hours of work in a day because that's the Serendipity of what's up my life or an hour or 18 and it Ebbs and flows always 10, 11, 12 I Love working I'm effective and I I've always. You know some of my friends over the last four or five years when I've created better Clarity on how I do this, they're like wait a minute I'm I'm out grinding you Gary I'm going 18 hours a day I'm like listen I'm I was I'm like yeah, but you watched three hours of YouTube videos like being effective and efficient in your time and that's why I've always been very okay with Progressive thinking when people thought I wouldn't you know when they're like oh, four out four, four day work week A lot of my friends the last three four years like you hate that right? I'm like, not necessarily I actually love it I would love for the world to be off for three days because then I could get three days I can get more rest. It's what do you do in those four days? Yeah, but isn't that affected a lot about this? Like FaceTime culture that is.

You know a lot. it's different in different countries I guess But like if you're in my experience from Big corporations is that you're expected to stay there until your boss goes and then that can follow you even if you start your own company because you feel satisfied in a way if you just stay there for a long time. Yeah, and like, by the way, we're up with that. My dad had a liquor store.
we only closed the store I don't even know what it meant to leave something that you were doing early. Yeah, I wasn't in office culture and when I got when I started being a meeting I'm like when's the right time to leave you know, like yes I I Think that's absolutely right. But this goes back to the bigger point that I focus on which is like whether you love me or hate me, Whether you love somebody who's got a different point of view in the world or hate them and everything in between, you need to figure yourself out the end like there's people that work nine to three, four days a week, there's people that work 7 A.M to 10 p.m seven days a week and everything in between. And there's ways to do it well.

And there's ways to not do it well all in between and the question becomes who are you One of the things that is incredibly scary for me in my growth of popularity is I don't want people to Parrot me I want them to Parrot me in the concept of fighting for happiness through self-awareness and then doing things that fulfill you. But I don't want them to directly copy me and I think that that's a big responsibility that I think anybody that gains popularity, whatever you're doing works for you, communicate in a way of what the bigger framework of that is not the individuality. Gary what's your morning routine and people ask me that as if that morning routine would work for them? Yeah, and then they go to PE successful If they right? I wake up and look at my phone immediately because I have a global company and I'm worried that Singapore had a fire in the building the night before. like I have responsibilities.

Other people want to meditate for 30 minutes. It's be touched technology that sounds brilliant to me. Like when people when my friend's like Gary you got to do what I do I wake up and then I meditate for an hour and don't even look at the phone I'm like that's brilliant for me. I actually release anxiety by looking quickly and making sure nothing's on fire because anything that's like bad we lost a client.

This person quit like normal stuff that people think that isn't like. My great strength as an entrepreneur and a businessman is I Actually don't give a about the business. Let me break it down. I Love the art of the game more than the trophies that come from the game.

So for me, losing a client is not fun I don't want to. but I'm not crushed because of the revenue I live within my means. Oh and now now all of a sudden my saving money content's about to do well. I've been putting out all this saving money content.

Nobody likes it at all. I'm like ugh I have a funny feeling it's about to become very popular. When you have a lot of responsibilities, you have different. Frameworks yeah and so.

but by the way and this is very important to hear and this is I hope helps someone. but if tomorrow I decide I want to meditate for an hour because I convinced myself well I could have just slept an extra hour. So what's the difference? Because that's logical then I will. and I think too many people struggle with changing their mind.
For me, it's one of the things I'm most proud of I mean speaking of of self-awareness I think that's such a interesting concept and uh, it totally depends on the context you're in. But what's your advice to people watching or listening that you know they really feel they haven't found themselves and they try to copy these. You know, wake up early tips or whatever it is, but it might not fit them like how do they back out or zoom out the filter they're in like concern even when you ask that question is this is why I struggle with the way we do education in the world I Genuinely believe that we take very young human beings and we force them into thinking there's a structural right way to do things and conforming to it, right? Most people who are like I don't know that or what I'm doing what it's because they subconsciously think there's a right way. The right way for every person listening right now is to take one thing for me: two from this person, one from that two.

And and it's not taking for that, that is you. There are many things that I hear from the most successful, most happy people I know and I'm like yep and there's other things I'm like, nope. This this world is struggling to be comfortable in their own skin I Actually believe here's a wild one. I've been really working on this one in the lab, about to put it out to the world a little bit.

I Actually believe that most people know what their passion is and what would make them happy I Believe most people talk themselves out of it because they think it's silly or they can't make money and I keep telling people, video games was not a profession when I was growing up, but most of my friends were passionate and almost all of them if they just stayed the course into video games would have made more money the kids I grew up with would have made more money being a video game podcaster than an executive at a retail company. A lawyer like I Think it's a pretty profound point of view and the reason I'm still sitting with it I Know I just put it out there and I've subtly put it out there in the past I Really want to keep working it in my brain, observing reading emails and comments, but there's something there that feels right to me I Think people know they just don't want to say that I want to sing because they think they have to be Beyonce And my point is, just sing and make 53 000 a year and live under 45 000 a year costs. But then you're happy because you're singing. Yes, you do not have a private plane.

but guess what? Most of the people I know on Earth that have a private plane are miserable. Yeah, so what the are we talking about here, right? And that is why I'm passionate. One of the struggles I have is my great passion is to redefine success as being content and happy. The problem I have with that is I'm financially successful I try to remind people but they don't believe it that when I was doing the entrepreneur thing in the 80s and 90s, that was bad.
bad for you, bad for yes it was that it wasn't going to work out I'm a loser I'm bad at school right? But I was so about my art that I had to do it anyway. So I've been a weird way. lived the majority of my first 25 years on Earth under the context of I don't care I'm just gonna do me later. It worked out for me.

one because I had the talent, but two, it's crazy to take photo. You know we're welcome taking photos. Entrepreneurs weren't cool. 30 years ago they didn't have any status in culture like that, so that worked out.

If you even deem that as working out I Can tell you right now there's a lot of negative ramifications that a pure business person like myself has that comes along with notoriety. It's not all roses I Love it because I love people. but most people don't love people like I need people like I love people. Look what just happened with us Yeah I'm at a very serious conference I just got off stage I knew this was in the air you know and you came up and said hey, I'm like if I don't say yes right now yeah then I'm not gonna have time to do this and so he's gonna be disappointed.

That's literally what just happened I was like it. Let's go. We walk through the rain and we're sitting here right now. But I do that at scale like I like The Stranger On The Bus I like like and so you know I was born for this era not because I've gifted gab or I'm an entrepreneur but because I really genuinely love people.

Do you know you don't know about the the moment I started really digging your content was when I was hearing you really swear a lot and curse a lot of stage in Sweden you can curse how much you want. There's no censorship here so just go nuts if you want. I love it I did it Yeah yeah I don't I but I'm only good as at being me I Hit the scene in the tech business World On stage in 2006 2007-89 I Guess people have told you not to curse. This is a big thing.

I hit the scene in 2006 Seven Stop There is no No Nate to do you hate I never spoken I was 32 years old I didn't even think about being a personality. The wine show took me to a different place I'm like what I'm a businessman I'm like. Okay, let me that was right after the YouTube show started I do my first talk I think in 2007 or eight I think 2007. First time on stage.

it was like I found my home. This is why I push people to try different things I don't know what my passion is Gary Good. Spend the next three years trying stuff. take a cooking class, go skiing, play board games, drink wine, drink bourbon drink Sake Eat strawberries.
get into sneakers like you're not going to know unless you try, right? So it's a fun advice. Everyone's so upset and disappointed they don't know their passion. and I tell them this is the best day of your life. You get to explore for the next three years.

just do a bunch of things and so I found my home I was like oh my God I'm great at this like I knew it because I suck at a lot of stuff. You know what I mean I know when I suck I can't do anything I can't even rollerblade or skateboard or ice skate or ski like I know what it feels like to not be good at something. but I have very good hand-eye coordination so I'm good at ping pong and darts so I know good and bad. I did the stage and I'm like I'm good at this and I loved it and so I start popping off and I'm getting booked Now we're in 2008 Something? Yep, 2008 2009 and I'm getting a lot of emails before.

I had anybody represent my speaking saying hey, you should stop cursing. Nobody will ever take you serious. hey, you need to wear a suit on stage. Nobody will ever take you serious and I just remember thinking I don't want to be taken serious then like I just don't want to do that I'm okay with not making more money like everyone told me Gary you'll make so much more money speaking if you stop cursing you.

Fast forward 15 years later. Now everyone's casual I mean I don't even I Don't know unless I saw somebody wear a suit today I was like that's nice. like like you know I actually want to start wearing suits because I think it's like a Counter Culture move. you know, like and so I'm not joking By the way, please do it.

I wore a nice suit to the wedding uh six months ago I'm like this is nice. this feels nice like pocket square. That's the way it was supposed to be. I think you know we were supposed to dress up.

it wasn't supposed to be and that's why I keep pushing the kids and even 50 year olds I'm like, You Know what? what's supposed to be what's supposed to be Everything that's supposed to be changes anyway, right? Everything Changes Everything Changes And so you just gotta be you I sometimes think I Totally agree with I think we all have it in us. and I think when you go to sleep at night, a lot of people you know what it is that you want. you know. but for some of those reasons, you're scared.

you're scared of people's judgment. Yeah, before you made it before you made it. Yeah, you're scared of what people are gonna think. Man, you know I pound on this.

People are scared to take a financial step backwards for their happiness. There's I mean it is almost unacceptable in almost all societies around the world. I get to travel a lot to downsize your home, sell your home or apartment and get a smaller one that is like no, no whereas for me I've loved the last 20 years of my career where I do things and then do less versions of them because I need to save money for something. It's a very real thing for me.
People are worried about what people perceive you had. Alexis Now you have a Toyota that's a problem. it's it's down. Whereas for me, if we can ever eliminate that stigma in society, we will have a much happier world because then people will do that.

Save dollars to be able to go after their dream. I Can't be a singer and do open mics and not make money I've got to keep being this corporate executive. Well, you don't have to. If you can downsize, but then imagine people with families I have incredible empathy.

If you're a mother or father and you're the breadwinner to the organization and you come home and now you're taking to and now that your kids have to share a room, who wants to come home and see their seven and four-year-old go from their own rooms in a nice backyard and we're going to move to a neighborhood that might be not as nice? No backyard and you're sharing a room That is very challenging? The problem is I Think if someone is living unhappy, much bigger challenges are in front. Resentment, unhappiness, alcoholism, escapism in all sorts of different ways that tend to lead to problems. You must get a lot of emails though from people who have tried this like gotten over. You know if you are, you have this job and you're having this career progression in the latter, but suddenly they take the step out.

I Guess you get those emails too with people are thanking you for inspiring them to do that. Like what do they say? the people that actually downsize their homes. Let me give you one that will surprise everybody you know which email is most important of all those, the one that failed on trying to do the other thing and email me and thank me because they will never wonder what. If that's not, that's when I You know, watch this.

See it. Yeah, that that is when I knew I had something when I was doing it and doing it. See, this is what's why I read my emails I talk about things differently because I have a different communication style. but I talk about different things because I read my messages.

Um, because I need to synthesize it. Yeah, I can get data. My team can make it, but if my team presents it to me, they've looked at it first and vanillaed it down I need to see it. If you would estimate how many messages you'd get in a I don't know a week or whatever.

like what are we talking about I must have like skyrocketed. Oh, it's absurd I probably get 5 000 messages a day between DMS on social email. out of those 4 500 a podcast requests. Yeah, yeah.

I get a lot of podcast requests. That's very true. Going back to bring value to everybody when I started seeing hundreds over the course of a year. not every day, two a day, one a day, five a day, one every three days.

Just want to thank you. You read: I was this I took this jump I'd opened a restaurant for two years I want you to know and you and you know when I'm reading it I'm a bad reader too I think I just want you to know I'm about to hear like it's a success I Just want you to know We shut down the restaurant yesterday and I just want to tell you that I'm so happy I experienced it and something. It's funny stuff I realized it wasn't as much as what I wanted or I'm just glad I did it for a year and I got it out of my system or it made me realize I actually love law I love that one. Yeah, it made me realize I loved being a doctor I thought I wanted to be an artist but after two years of not being a doctor and doing this artist thing I Can't wait to go back to my practice and I'm like this is awesome.
The grass wasn't Greener the grass wasn't Greener or you appreciated something when you were away from it because you took it for granted and so we just aren't curious enough. We don't explore enough. we don't draw Outside the Lines enough as humans I always have all those things and I'm very grateful for the fact that I live in a time where I can use modern technology to get out the things that I believe in and that it's caught a lot of people's attention. You kind of pioneered the long-form content where it was chopped up to smaller pieces.

How do you you know I really admire you. You're on your intuition and your vision. How do you see this extrapolate into the future? Like we're all going to become creators if you're a lawyer today. Is that like what can they gain from you know clients? It just depends what you want.

For me. What? I love about it. Content creation is self less and selfish behaviors in one format. Meaning those emails have like thank you or like you've seen some of the stuff like you've saved my life I mean that's crazy CR I don't even know how to explain it to you I don't know how to explain it to anybody who's listening right now.

What it feels like to have someone look you in the eyes with tears in her eyes and said that they were going to take their life and one video you made made them stop. They went into rehab, This happened, their brother did this for them and now they're alive and they want to thank you. And that happens to me abruptly in an airport or a and I always tell my mom or dad because that's who I'll usually talk to about it when I catch up with them or when it happens I'll call them because in a lot of ways everything I am for me is just a byproduct of them so like it's really funny. then uh for people out there listening and I know you have some of these listeners who are getting success.

Let me give you one that will really help you a lot and it may not sound like good medicine at first, but I'm telling you every compliment I get Gary you're the goat. You're the right Every one of them my brain says because my mom and dad made me everything that says you're Gary you're a snake oil salesman, you're a piece of I take on accountability. It has worked for me, It keeps me very like even keeled. the accolades I don't let get to my head keeping me humbled.
the pushback I accept accountability and try to understand why they want to push back which keeps me very grounded and I'm just right here. and I think most people do the reverse. the compliments and what do they do You want to hear bad stuff like well, my mom me up. So anyway, that's how I think about it given the context and the times we're in crypto markets.

yes and Nfts? Yes, no, it's perfect. I mean I'm so pumped about being on interviews for next six months. Yeah. I've been waiting for this.

Yeah, you know, so it seems like you consume my content I'd like to. You know this is what's great about having receipts on the internet. I've been making videos for a full year saying 99 of these projects are going to zero and what's happening now and 99 are going to zero and and so I'm excited because there was a lot of bad behavior. scams people only in it for the money, which is fine.

people are allowed to do that. but like you know, money doesn't have soul, you know it just doesn't. It just doesn't and I'm I'm an entrepreneur I'm fine with money I don't I don't demon I Hate when people are like they made money, they're bad that is. That's completely unacceptable in my opinion as well.

However, on the flip side, we are now because of the correction the bear Market In the most fun part, because I've been through this. I was there in 2000 when the internet stocks failed and everyone said the internet was a fad. It was earlier than that because Windows 95 was a real big play into the internet like so. but I only look at the customer.

Do you understand that every kid under 18 was trained, trained on Roblox and Minecraft and fortnite and Madden like, what do you think they're going to do with digital assets? It's going to go from Collectibles with a hint of utility to utility with a hint of collectibility and that's what this year is going to force. Now that people are not going to pay 50 000 for a pumpkin with a cigar on it, people can ask what do I get by owning this Nft and once people understand that sentence, what do I get I Know that many people had the best four-day weekend that they had three weeks ago in Minnesota because they owned a V-friend which gave them a ticket to Vcon and they had their Comic-Con their Coachella their Mardi Gras and I'm very proud of that and I think I will continue to build utility and now the good stuff will happen. So I think the greed, the short-term Behavior will get fixed. I think there's still a lot of pain in front I don't think we're at the bottom because I think the global economy is in deep like inflation's real.

like there's so I think there's some more shaking out to do um and then I think in the next five years we will see profound Technologies built on top of the consumer blockchain and I will clip this video in nine years and you'll smile and be like that's you know and I'll When it's clear to the whole world that the blockchain is as important as the internet, then we we own Nfts to do things. Do you see similarities in the early days of social media? because they were really early into that? Very much. The only difference was there wasn't Greed from everybody there was greed and VCS and startup people. there was hundreds of social networks that went out of business.
hundreds. So I've met a guy who uh, sold his company to Facebook and I was like what what did you do oh I I took Facebook and I made it red instead of blue. Yeah, that was it. There was there.

There was. there was things like Bibo AOL bought Bibo for 850 million dollars. Like so you know there's always that stuff. it happens.

but I think you know this is a very exciting time where I think the real stuff's next. Okay, this is a question that I love. Is there something that you believe that most others do not at all? Yes I believe. Nice guys finished first in business and the world doesn't Most people don't think there's a place like they think you get run over.

I Think people that say who and by the way here come the comments already. Gary that's I'm a nice I Actually love talking to people who claim that I'm wrong when I talk to them for like seven minutes. Eight There's only two things that happen. Nine out of ten of them have this one of two situations.

One, they are so afraid of conflict with you with no in their scenarios. they're scared they don't have the ability to be candorous. Thus, they get walked all over. but it's really on them because of their fear of being candorous.

They're not authentic and they fear conflict. And they can't be candorous. That is not the other person's fault. And believe it or not, I'm great as a public figure with Candor but I've had my struggles operating in in my life.

Or number two, they're manipulating. There's a lot of people who love to say they're not. many people try to do nice things for me. Carry Out Gary I See you're flying to Sweden I'd love to pick you up at the airport and drive you to the hotel I'm like that's very, very nice.

but what I know what that email is actually saying is I'd like you to pitch I'd like to pitch you my business or ask you for advice for 45 minutes after eight hour flight on the way to. you know and and I'm very flattered. but let's call a spade a spade. That wasn't a kind act that was an act grounded in I'll do this because I want to ask you this.

There's so many people that will do something for you with full intent of asking for something far greater on the other end. That's not kindness, that's manipulation. So I tell the nice guys and gals that don't believe in what I'm saying to really look inside themselves and understand. Are you manipulating to an outcome you want? Are you? Are you lacking the ability to be candorous thus rendering the other person to not even know what's happening because you're keeping it inside or you actually feeling finishing glasses? As a nice guy, there's all.
Also, this part, you may be nice. You also might not be talented like you know and and what is finishing first and last mean my point of Nice Guys Finish First is you will feel good about yourself I am surrounded because of the career that I've built for myself. with very successful people in their 60s to 90s Um, that generation a high percentage of them are deeply unhappy. and why is that they burn? Bridges They they compromised their value systems.

They for their success correct money again. I Want everybody here I'm trying to make money I Want to buy New York Jets They're expensive. It's not the money part, it's that people were convinced that money would make them happy. Money's not the problem The Narrative is the problem and that's why I'm passionate about changing the narrative, doing what you love, and living within the means of what that thing pays you.

Whether it's fifty thousand dollars or 50 million dollars is the game, you know many people make a million dollars a year. Very stressed right now because they overextended themselves. They bought a plane and A and a house and a second house and a third house. and we're getting hard to get sneakers and watch right? It's not about how much you make, it's how much you save, it's how you manage it and most importantly, your relationship with it.

And most importantly, your relationship with your own values and who you are. Money is not going to make you happier. It's just a proven fact. At this point, we have to stop acting like it does.

When are you going to buy the New York Jets You want to reel I'll leave you with a bomb the realist answer and I've never said this publicly is next week. No. I wish um you know what's funny I Really believe it's gonna happen which is crazy because a million things have to happen besides even the insane wealth creation which is going to be very hard I I hope it's as late as possible. Yeah, because of what's next.

Well listen I want to win a Super Bowl and all that like I'm excited to operate. but what I would say is if God came down and she or he said to me how do you want it I would say give it to me with 10 years to live and let me get one Super Bowl in that window not because of anything else but because the process of trying to get them is the great joy of my professional life. Thrill of the Hunt is so much more fun than the kill. Yeah, that's what you always realize when you stand up.

So real for me. I've been so so real for me. Would you say that you felt like more happy when you've been in those real grind moments than in almost any other? It's not even a comparison I Actually struggle with my notoriety I'm in the point of my career where it's hard for me to do something and people. and like universally, everyone thinks it's not going to be successful.
That's my favorite I Love when the world's against me. As a matter of fact, the Nft thing's pretty fun. I Was gonna be pretty happy. These must have had a lot of that of course, but then it was so successful.

But now Nfts as a macro has got pressure and I'm like this is good I like it So yeah. all right now I Really have to go see ya. Thank you so much Foreign foreign.

14 thoughts on “$100,000/year or a career you actually love?”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Gulf Coast Investing says:

    Thank you Gary! My last video was about you!

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars effect me says:

    Great advice !!!!!! I totally agree it depends on the person as to what they can or can’t control ….. most importantly to never give up !!!!!

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ADEL SAAD says:

    Bro Gary really changed my life and my way of thinking

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Renate Brunner says:

    I am so fortunate that I made productive decisions about my finances that changed my life forever. I am a single mum living in Toronto Canada who bought my second home in September and is hoping to retire next year at 50 if things continue to go smoothly for me

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Janice Coleman says:

    Gary is absolutely right. The Ikigai Model!

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ben Lerner says:

    Saw it on Sequel first. Love this interview!

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars TRI CALL YOUR MAMA says:

    Make the money first then work on the passion on the side until the passion makes more than the full time job. Passion doesn’t always equal money but the money allows for the passion

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Cyberbully says:

    Need $100K to survive now

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Brian Carter says:

    lots of really good real talk at the start of this one, maybe top 5 podcasts from Gary over the last 2 years

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Rimles Creatives says:

    100k a year will be the career I love 😎

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Brendan Evan says:

    I’m taking the money. But also doing YouTube on the side until or unless it can pay more. Gotta pay the bills. Love you Gary.

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ben Torrey says:

    My goal is both….ill be a travel nurse here in a few years…and i think ill have made it

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Marci EscapeLifer says:

    👑⛏OnTheRoad personal, 🫂I hope 😊 from Hungary 🎉🍯👑♒️

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tim den Hollander says:

    Absolute 100.000 a year

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