On this very special episode of the GVAE, we keep a promise that was delayed by COVID. In 2020, we held the #GaryVeeChallenge, a content-making contest, where the winners would be invited to be on the GVAE podcast. Today, we have them here. We discuss their business endeavors and lives, touch on the importance of following your heart and putting your ego on the shelf, and the importance of not living for the algorithm but instead living for your happiness. We also dive into the importance of deploying empathy towards others even when we don't see things their way. This was an incredibly important episode for me to make and I hope you all get something out of it.
Thank you to P&T Studios for having us today. If you're a creator in the NY area be sure to stop in and check out their website https://www.ptknitwear.com/ .
FOLLOW KATIE: @nailthoughts
FOLLOW COLIN: @colindarke
FOLLOW DRU: @jedialchemist

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Keynotes: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6vCDlmhRmBo&list=PLfA33-E9P7FCEF1izpctGGoak841XYzrJ
NFTs: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AwMJ6bScB2s&list=PLfA33-E9P7FAcvsVSFqzSuJhHu3SkW2Ma
Business Meetings: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wILI_VV6z4Y&list=PLfA33-E9P7FCTIY62wkqZ-E1cwpc2hxBJ
Gary Vaynerchuk Original Films: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLfA33-E9P7FAvnrOcgy4MvIcCXxoyjuku
Trash Talk: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLfA33-E9P7FDelN4bXFgtJuczC9HHmm2-
WeeklyVee: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLfA33-E9P7FBPjdQcF6uedz9fdk8XKn-b
Gary Vaynerchuk is a serial entrepreneur, and serves as the Chairman of VaynerX, the CEO of VaynerMedia and the Creator & CEO of VeeFriends.
Gary is considered one of the leading global minds on what’s next in culture, relevance and the internet. Known as “GaryVee” he is described as one of the most forward thinkers in business – he acutely recognizes trends and patterns early to help others understand how these shifts impact markets and consumer behavior. Whether its emerging artists, esports, NFT investing or digital communications, Gary understands how to bring brand relevance to the forefront. He is a prolific angel investor with early investments in companies such as Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, Venmo, Snapchat, Coinbase and Uber.
Gary is an entrepreneur at heart — he builds businesses. Today, he helps Fortune 1000 brands leverage consumer attention through his full service advertising agency, VaynerMedia which has offices in NY, LA, London, Mexico City, LATAM and Singapore. VaynerMedia is part of the VaynerX holding company which also includes VaynerProductions, VaynerNFT, Gallery Media Group, The Sasha Group, Tracer, VaynerSpeakers, VaynerTalent, and VaynerCommerce. Gary is also the Co-Founder of VaynerSports, Resy and Empathy Wines. Gary guided both Resy and Empathy to successful exits — both were sold respectively to American Express and Constellation Brands. He’s also a Board Member at Candy Digital, Co-Founder of VCR Group, Co-Founder of ArtOfficial, and Creator & CEO of VeeFriends. Gary was recently named to the Fortune list of the Top 50 Influential people in the NFT industry.
In addition to running multiple businesses, Gary documents his life daily as a CEO through his social media channels which has more than 34 million followers and garnishes over 272 million monthly impressions/views across all platforms. His podcast ‘The GaryVee Audio Experience’ ranks among the top podcasts globally. He is a five-time New York Times Best-Selling Author and one of the most highly sought after public speakers.
Gary serves on the board of MikMak, Bojangles Restaurants, and Pencils of Promise. He is also a longtime Well Member of Charity:Water.

The thing that is stopping everyone is fear. The fear that most stops people is the fear of other people's judgments. Whether it is therapy, which I think is profoundly effective for so many people, whether it is the limitation, this is a big one. This is a favorite of mine because it's working.

Whether it is the limitation of the people around you that you love that bring negativity on the hour every day every week every year. not the cutting out, not calling Mom and saying you Mom you're negative I'm never talking to you again No, instead of talking to your negative Mom twice a day, you talk to her once every two weeks because cutting is not practical Vayner Nation Live from New York City City office we're in Orchard Street I'm really excited about this fun, fun, fun thing to uh uh set up here 2020. We did a Garyvee challenge I'm scared because people love consuming information but they hate doing the things in the information I am now challenging you my audience to make content at scale and I'm gonna pick some winners in January of the people that have gone out and actually made that I put out to the community about making it was behind the deck and the content I think it's well documented for my three guests and many of the people listening. we, uh, believe in content output.

We believe that the doing matters. It's kind of like in the content world, it's similar to the working out physical fitness world. You can read about push-ups and eating well, but you kind of actually have to do it to get the benefits of it. And we we did this contest.

We said we'd pick a couple of winners, have them on the podcast, and then I don't know if you guys and gals remember but there was this thing it was called Covid. Kind of threw us for a loop. Uh, and you know one thing I'm proud of is I juggle a lot of balls with. that means is certain things fall, but the intent is always to deliver on all balls in the air.

This was one that was in here and here we are three years later and uh, our three winners are with me. Uh, we are at P T. Studios Podcast Studios here in New York City Which by the way Serge correct me if I'm wrong. Who's up behind the one, two, three and fours? Um, creators can come through here and do the podcast right.

It's a bookstore podcast combo. Um, yeah, and it's free. So how do they do? How do they do that? Do they just go to the website or just roll the into the bookstore? go to our website and click on podcasts in the menu tab and it'll take you to everything you need to know about the store and how to sign up. So I'm excited because it's a win-win-win kind of day.

I Like when a lot of people win number one the global audience of aspiring Podcasters that are listening to this right now should really come to the studio. and the three individuals that we're on right now. I'm excited for them to share their stories. that's a win and me and my team delivering on our word that feels good like things on my chest.
that's a win. So a lot of winning going around. Speaking of winning, why don't we go around? Uh to the three individuals, let them introduce themselves. Ladies first to my left.

Okay, say hello, tell us a little bit about you my name is Katie Masters Nice to meet you, nice to meet you. Also known as nail Thoughts on Instagram and all the other social media platforms and I like Myspace like when you say older like no? oh yeah Myspace Tumblr I Love it! Um, and I started doing nails in 2015. I actually opened my own private Salon space. It's literally a little smaller than this space and yeah, and it's just me and I just grew my clientele with reviews and Word of Mouth not as much.

It was more like reviews just reviews online reviews and then Yelp yep, I don't know I don't know if that's a California thing or what, but it's so funny every time I'm somewhere else I'm like oh, I'll write a Yelp review they're like I'll write a Google review what's going on but uh, that's how I grew my business. um and I had to stop taking clients because it was just I was booked six weeks out and then from then on I think I was just going. Did you ever consider I apologize Did you ever consider raising prices I did Yeah because I did it multiple times. Yeah for everyone who's listening I hear that a lot.

that's why I just jumped in to give everybody value. A lot of you are you're the person that makes the money, the lawyer, the the lawn mower like the like you're doing the thing. the service when the correct when you are hitting capacity. Yes, you could always do more, but then there's a burnout for all of us.

Regardless, well that's 30 hours a week, 70 hours a week. There is a threshold. It's raising prices that help you grow your business if you choose to do that. Obviously there's a million ways to expand products and services totally.

and so yeah. I did raise my prices a few times and then eventually I just went so hard with social media I didn't know why I didn't have a goal but it was very much in the Heyday of Instagram like it was just everything was hitting. it was just back in the day and then I think I just build my community up so well that a gel brand that I loved cocois reached out to me and they were like do you want to have a gel line with us And so we have this collaboration and it's amazing and then the pandemic happened and I shut down and I started doing press-ons like hand painting. Yeah, crazy and I would make you know 60 sets at a time and for a month and then I would put it for sale and it would sell out in like under four minutes.

It was crazy. It was so great and I think just launching the colors and the press-ons I just was like dude I love this I Love launching stuff I Love marketing stuff I love selling stuff yeah, me too and so I think that's kind of where I'm at right now is like an awkward transition of maybe stepping away from doing nails and continuing to do my clients listening or like what did she say they're like what but it's very much like maybe like the rock or you know, in wrestling you come out of retirement once in a while and just like do it see, there's like some cool stuff you can do. Yeah, that's awesome. Let's keep going to the left.
That's a great starting point. way to give us that context. I'm sure that resonates with a lot of people. 100 Uh, Colin Dark C-o-l-i-n-d-a-r-k-e I'm the amidextrous artist I've uh, been drawing and creating artwork my entire life since I was five really and uh, in 2019.

especially prompted by The Garyvee Challenge I started producing more and more content on social media and a lot of my drawings just took off and got viral on Tick Tock and Instagram and YouTube and so I've had a lot of fun with that. I'm also an attorney and compliance professional so I was kind of balancing doing all that at once and just two weeks ago I left my corporate job where I helped build up a Fintech over eight years and now I'm just doing my own individual law practice and Consulting business kind of leveraging everything I've learned over the years to help smaller startups and clients and I'm trying to transition or integrate that into my social media. You know, by social media presence. They kind of right.

Yeah, you're putting out more other legal and compliance content, not just the drawing, right? Yeah, it's awesome. So I'm just starting that now. it makes sense. That's what.

Two weeks and I started. Yeah. I just came up with a logo and had people kind of vote which logo they like the best for Colin dark Solutions and join this uh, little entrepreneurial like startup law firms. I'm the sixth attorney with the firm and it's called Go with Canvas and it feels like the startup culture from when I first started the business I was in which is when I had the most fun because I was wearing tons of different hats.

Yeah! I was able to help marketing I was able to like share all my ideas with every aspect of the business. and then as we grew it was like no, no, no yeah, you're uh, you're the attorney yep and I've never been just the attorney I I just clearly don't like that you draw right? right? So you've got to create. You've got the gray and the black and white. You've got them both.

Yeah, and I've got to. um I have to do them all all the time. So if I shut one thing off, it's like it's not good for me. Like it like I start slowing down with all things.

Yep, so um, the more I could just run towards something that fills me with joy which is like creating something versus kind of like something that was depleting it a little the more energized I am. So the more I will do with these different businesses and with my art. So I love it brother thank you my man. Take us home! Beautiful! So uh, my name is Drew c um I am at least in this context rapper, musician, um, my good brother Faron and I shout out to the black OC Uh, we at the beginning of 2020 at the behest of Gary Actually, he had a conversation with the legend Nipsy Hustle about three years ago and he made a very bold prediction saying there will be a big time artist in the next decade that puts out a song a day.
I'm telling you right now, somebody's gonna wake up and do something called 365. I know you're starting January 1st and they're gonna go that within the next decade someone's gonna come out and they're going to make a song a day. Just the the nature of content to contextualize the conversation you were saying. there's there's too much opportunity for someone not to.

That's right. And so Farren actually came to me with a suggestion, let's blow that out of the water. let's make a song and a music video every day. Love! And so we started on January 1st 365 2020.

that was our that was our mission and we got the whole community in Orange County behind us, all the all the creatives, all the musicians, all the producers. we had a real large communal movement towards actualizing that that vision in large part just to say hey, Gary's right and the opportunity is there so why not be the ones that capitalize on it and go for it? I flew out I moved my whole life from Denver out to Orange County We rolled for about three months covet hit and then we we got about three months more. We got today 187 and after George Floyd died Yes Fahren really felt this deep cause to go and document that. So he actually went and made an amazing documentary called Bang for Change Everybody Go check that out, it's it's a really really powerful visual representation of what was happening on the ground both.

Um in Orange County and all across the country. at that time he put a lot of really really good work into that amazing and it felt like at that point the the movement shifted. Yeah! so I've been continuing to make music. That's really the the core passion that I have is to be a Creator and to use my voice to to tell stories and to speak and to connect with other people's stories.

Beyond that we've we've started a retreat company we run Retreats around the world. We have one of the biggest Wellness Retreat companies in the world at this point that we've started and are pushing that. I'm a people person so a lot of what 365 taught me was more. You know the creative side of me is for me, but there's a lot of me that I was I was actually withholding and so it's it's transitioned me now, people skills to operationalize it to do something exactly makes sense and to give people the inspiration to for them to do that same thing too.

Yeah, it makes sense because I think a lot of people feel that and so now I've got my hands in a couple pots like the the music is always cooking, it's always there, yeah of course, always coming out with new content on that front. and then yeah, being able to really bring people together in a more communal format to really focus on their well-being, their mental health, their spiritual well-being so that they can go out and produce whatever they need to produce to be in that same inspirational level. That's where I'm at now. All right.
Well, to that point in our little four-person family here for the rest of this hour. Um I Want to be here for you as much as possible? That's the most interesting part for me. So why don't we go back around the horn? And why don't you fire away with some questions? Because I think your questions are many, millions of people's questions that over the next three decades this will be consumed by. and so um, and a lot of them are Universal and some of them are contextual.

Um, you know there'll be a time where people will listen to this and be like what was covet. Yeah, you know that's just how the world works, you know. and so um, but I'd love to answer anything. anything very narrow, anything very broad.

So let's fire away. Um I mean I mainly have two sort of questions. The first one would be you know as I transition away from services to yourself and doing Services um I don't know I Guess the main thing I'm worried about is so many people followed me for nails and the art. yeah and posting oh here.

Watch me. Do this. Watch me do these nails. and do you have that same audience after you move it on them? Yeah, instead of putting out content for them, now you're selling them something and that changes the relationship as well.

Yeah, and by the way, the the handsome gentleman to the left of you is going to go through that as well. Now right? You have an audience following you for drawing and now you're talking about legal And by the way, the old man in the middle here went through it as well. I Built my career for five years on talking about wine and then just one day said I'm gonna talk about business and marketing now and everyone's like what so couple things you you can fear, the fact that there's a start over you can fear that you're not going to get as many listens and Views you can fear that you'll get comments that are like you're a sellout or I miss the old you. But what you must fear the most is when you want to do something that is in your soul and stomach, staying for them versus going for you will make you the most unhappy.

It will bring the worst out of everything. and so unfortunately it's just the way it is as humans. If you stay for the wrong reasons, even when those seemingly are wonderful traits of being loyal or trying to do the right thing by somebody that right by you, it is not sustainable. Yeah, so what you need to do is everyone who goes through this journey needs to put their ego on the Shelf.

They need to lean into humility. They need to lead, lean into the joys of the early days of starting at zero and so like yeah I mean you'll and you know this even the way you were talking about Instagram You've already lived through things changing with platforms that have nothing to do with your content. There are Ebbs and flows and times where you're getting more views than ever, then you're more viral than ever. Even Think about sports and music like there's just sometimes you're on and bad, like you're having a good season and other times you're not music.
You can go through 24 months where you're as big as anybody in the world and then like you can go three years and people like forgot that you like, they hear your song and they're like yo. what happened to like you know like you know Three Six Mafia even though they're Legends like it's just the way it is, it's just the way it is. So I think you need to lean into a Zen place of I know I am doing this and it came earlier. The way you talked about selling, you're there Katie I know so like yeah, it may hurt, it may not do as well.

Your first post a couple years ago or a year ago or whatever might do better than future ones because it was the first time you ever sold anything you built up so much Equity People some people just bought that just to support you because they've been enjoying you so much. but then balance of like what you give versus what you take it changes. All of that's okay, all of it's appropriate I Think you just need to realize it's going to be a slog or it might not be because it's not like you're doing what Paul and I did. You're not going so far away.

Totally. It's not like you're now selling like you know tires right? exactly I'm like, guess what everybody So I think what you what you're probably worried about is you inherently know already. It's harder to get views than it was when you blew up and now you're gonna tweak it and that probably is going to compound that. Don't Don't live for the algorithm, live for your happiness.

Yeah, you understand Yeah, like being uh, you know being associated with likes and followers dictating what you make is really one of the big vulnerabilities right now in the Creator economy. people are people are like showing too much I mean I really worry for people that are attractive but both boys and girls hit me up pretty often about like yo how do I stop showing my you know boobs and ass and chest and like pecs and six-pack like I'm not that person anymore but every time I try to go into anything else I'm like listen, your audience came for the visual modeling and now you want to talk about like you know, origami like there's gonna be a transition, but you can't keep showing your skin because you addicted to the likes. You've moved on and want to talk about being a barber. Yeah, you know? Yeah.

so you're just gonna have to deal with the transition, but you're gonna find a new audience. My audience is bigger than ever because of where I went even though it was a hard reset. Yeah, and then what are your thoughts on? This is just my second question. So the gel line I have.
It's continuing to expand. It's a professional gel line, right? So half of my audience is gel nail techs, nail salons professionals. Makes sense. Um, and then if I were to relaunch, Pressons for example, completely different audience.

So I'm kind of stuck on. well. remember the days of the content. We're all consuming.

Being based on who we follow is changing. Yeah! So for years I've been pushing do everything on your channel and everyone would always get mad at me. yet the algorithms did the work for me. As we all know, it's thou no longer social media, acting like an email newsletter where everyone sees everything you post.

It's the content is the variable of what people see. Yeah, so you'll be able to actually post both. Yeah. I'm like worried about the mixed messaging because will that up the algorithm? It's right.

The content is the variable if if literally if you were put out in. if you put out 800 pieces of content as a barber, about being a barber and your next post is about you rock climbing and and talking about like the protein bar you ate. If that's a great rock climbing protein bar post, it has the potential to do better than any free post you've ever had. The algorithm is not penalizing you per se for doing something different.

Yes, in the first early seconds, if your audience doesn't engage as much, there may be some things, but it also may lead to the thing that you should be doing just like you said, serendipitously found from your music to wait a minute I'm actually something else like you. You're not going to get as penalized as you think, if nothing else. Do it for a year and see what it feels like. Yeah, more than ever.

Social media is about the individual piece of content versus staying to the things that you always needed to talk about, right? It's very much. I get stuck and like oh I've been posting this all the time and then it's very much like okay, well this is for professionals and then oh also I Know the professionals won't buy this, but here's another product for people that just want press-on nails. It's all under the same umbrella which is great, but you should do it both there and I Also think like once every 20 times you should do just one post about you talking about both parts of the world. Yeah, it's like a nice reference point.

might be a good pinned for you yeah or a pinned post. Yeah, now that we have that like top left corner of your of your main accounts. As for people that are in Social Creative every day probably are following with what I'm saying: you may want to have one Manifesto Video As a matter of fact, in general, that's probably a good strategy for most people. The top left pinned post for everyone should probably be a long-form video kind of giving everyone a what's up here? Yeah.
I Think that actually we might have Cr. we might be crazy creating the movement of a standard practice right now because it actually makes a lot of sense. It does. Everyone's top left pin post should actually be a recap video of what's up.

Yeah, like here's what you'll see here. Here's what you can expect from me. Here's what I'm about and this is me: I like that I like it. me too.

Awesome yeah I like it. um well that was a lot but I was yeah it makes sense. yeah uh when I was yours is a much harder turn. Yeah yeah.

and I've got I've gone off on like showing different sides of my personality. They do get like hate sometimes. yeah, like it's a drawing. Yeah, yeah, especially yeah.

Something, it's like I came here for the drawing. Yeah, it's like well, you're going there of course. Yeah and opinions are like and possibly hard for us human beings to handle that. We're incapable of handling an opinion from someone that isn't ours and it goes into my DMs and stuff and it's like all right so like this is getting rid of some people that I don't really want following me anyways and hopefully the people that appreciate it.

I'm not gonna I'm not actually I'm not to actually use you but I'm gonna level it up and I just want to hear this I actually think in Collins important statement that I want to tag on to because I want to bring Dolly in this podcast look I think we all know what we're talking about. you know, subtly talking about here. Whether it's politics, social issues, there's a lot going on this concept of people being mad at you and no longer following you because they don't agree with something that you said being people that you didn't want following you anyway I think it's something we need to challenge and I'm not again I'm not. It's just normal talk I'm alone and by the way and by the way, I'm sure I've said it as well, so it's not even about that.

It's just a fun combo that I'd like to bring up. just quick little commercial break. I Really think we need to think about that? That is the point of the joke I made prior a minute ago which is like we need the only way out of this anxiety that everyone's feeling is we need to get back to the capacity to have some form of Civility and empathy for understanding why someone doesn't see it your way we have to like. For me, some of my friends have I'm aware whether they're to the left or the right, why they don't see something the same way as me because their mom or grandmother both raised them and like we're really about XYZ I'm not even going to go into the specifics, but we need to get back to Like having compassion for and to your point.

column is why I jumped in I'm not mad at the nasty, the nastiest stuff that gets sent to me I'm trying to have compassion for. um, but to your point man, it hurts like when you are getting really railed on. like and sometimes scare I mean I think guys have it better than girls like girls DMS get really scary because guys on tilt to women are like anybody on tilt like women on women. men on men is always bad but guys on tilt to women sometimes go into really uncomfortable places.
Yeah, very dark and so like in general we need to have. If someone has the capacity to go dark on you, they're not in a good place. Uh, by the way now I'm like it's so funny I just realized why I'm saying this in the last 72 hours and Sid is in the room right now and Sid and I got a very interesting DM from Twitter about six months or a year ago from somebody apologizing for something that was really detrimental to me and I don't want to go any further but like a real heartfelt apology and at the end was I was just in a bad place and I was using you uh in the last 72 hours I got two more of those not to the same level of the one that I'm referring to with Sid one was solid I remember it one very honestly I don't really remember so it was kind of minor. both apologizing in DM for doing bad things and using me and both ending with you know, explaining the justification.

you know, just in a very dark place in my life I was in a bad place in my life. It is just so clear that the people that are sending the nastiest stuff are not in a great place and it is on us. Anyone who's not I'm in a super great place. so I'm doing who I'm doing, but a lot of us are just neutral.

Wouldn't say we're remarkable, wouldn't say that we're dark. Yeah, I think all of us in the middle have to look in the mirror and say I need to choose bright because it feels like the middle. Decided to choose dark in the last seven to ten years and so everyone in the middle if you're just kind of like okay, not loving life but not like hating it that you want to go around and threaten people and on people, you just choose 2024 like well I'll give you a lot of time I'll give you the January 1st. Can you rewind this six months in a row and just like can you choose in 2024 to just choose light instead of dark I think that could really help anyway I apologize I wanted that tangent but I just realized why.

Because man, it really hurts like you know, like like, and it's you know and what people think is like. Everything everyone says is like intended to hurt them and it's not. P everyone's sharing everyone. We're all kind of equal in our opinions, like it's your opinion and like of course there's a moral right or wrong people's moral right and Wrongs are different too.

like it's a wild world. We just need to be a little more optimistic and a little bit more empathetic. Yeah, rant over. Go ahead brother No no I appreciate that and that is kind of.

One of my mottos is just bring Sunshine yeah I do focus on. That's how I show up so can I give you a piece of advice that would be epic for your soul. Epic. Oh yeah, yes the next.
DM you get that's really nasty like you for saying that I'm unfollowed, no audio reply and DM and be like hey, Johnny I get it and like the world right? Like because nobody this person loved you at some point or liked you at some point. Yeah, you know. follow me right I get it and like I get it like it's it's it's acknowledging that everyone gets it. hey I get it like I'm sorry to go I respect that I wish you nothing but good on your future Trails I Just want you to know that I saw this and I appreciate that you ever followed me or that you ever got value for my drawings and I wish you well I'm telling you, that's a big deal and it will work for you.

and of course I'm sure you could be. This makes sense I'm saying this for the hundreds of thousands that are listening in the short window in the millions over the next years. It will be good and you'll like it and it's good and you'll leave a good deposit for yourself and the world. It's like humanizes you too because then you're not just like they comment and not thinking that you're just like an anonymous person.

Oh yeah, sometimes with some of the negativity I like go like paragraphs about where I'm coming from now just so real quick on that. That's where I like notice how I said audio versus written word the other day. Yeah, the other thing I've learned. it's good for everybody.

Audio allows you to create tone. Yeah, written word. If the person's in a bad place, they're gonna read it in a very different voice than you wrote it in. Remember what's dangerous about the written word is the person is actually reading it in their mindset, not in your intended volume.

and Nuance I have that with someone that, uh, one of my team members and she would bring in emails. She's like can you believe they emailed me this like read it like you're happy and you're doing it. Oh wait, yeah, it's not that bad. It's like okay, how dare they yeah it's really like why.

I like audio and video? Yeah my company. We had a we had an interesting meeting yesterday with all 2000 employees. We had to talk about like something that's not going well in the company where people are kind of doing the wrong thing. but I knew if I sent it as an email people would be scared and it would become this thing.

and I knew if I could do it on video in real time like I could impose my intent and my energy which I think made it land ten thousand times better. So for all the leaders here, before you send a group email to your 15 employees, your nine employees, or 17 employees, all your customers consider a video or audio because you might be able to get your point across dramatically better because it has the nuances versus you being at the vulnerability of where that person is in their mind. At the time of reading and again, back to the anxiety in the world. 15 years ago, the email was less scary.
There's more people on tilt and anxious today and looking for a gotcha and all that. and so the written word is more vulnerable today than ever before for people that are trying to communicate certain things. So keep that in mind. Yes, um, as I'm tilting towards this uh, focus on representing fintechs and small companies and kind of you're one of my like ideal clients.

Yes, so when you're assessing going with a small Law Firm or a consultant like what goes through your mind and like what's like I buy from people and so this is why I love you. You're about to explore the world of LinkedIn So my intuition is no I could be wrong. But I'm going to guess here that you weren't like overly focusing as LinkedIn as your primary place to share your drugs? No, no, right. So now here we are.

So what's really rad for you? Because you seem very curious and creative? Kind of more of my mold. You're about to get serious about getting good at LinkedIn because LinkedIn will be your entire and I mean massive driver Business Development And for someone like me, if if it became on my radar through an introduction, through it, cold email, through a cosign from someone, or through a piece of social media, the first place I would go is to LinkedIn to see what your presence is. and if I have 49 videos and I'd be like oh I like this guy, he seems like really like like you, you know your demeanor, it's already good. It's like you've got a good demeanor for a lawyer.

Do you know what I mean Well this is a good juxtaposition. I like this tone. Um so I think for you, what you don't need to do is put out the video or written word or even like if you're doodling or Draw you're you're as much more than doodling. If you're drawing while you're talking about issues or opportunities, that'd be really rad like especially because you could draw like a lawyer yelling at someone or office fintech or SAS company like yeah, you know it may seem nerdy, but it's not nerdy for the person that's trying to make a decision right.

For everyone who's listening right now. A Fintech's or consultancy like that's not cool. It's not cool until you need it. Like like nothing's like, like very few things are cool.

music, fashion like, we know what's cool. but like many of us buy things that aren't cool like insurance is not cool but like Geico has those Geico like you know and like Flow from Progressive and like State Farm they exist to make you buy their insurance because it's not fun or interesting or cool. but everybody who's just listening probably has State Farm or Geico or Progressive because of those three characters right? So um I just thought that Harrison Ford just walked into the bookstore but I was wrong but he really did slip like me. I was like Han Solo's here.

you see me like oh my God I see it? Uh anyway so I think Linkedin's gonna become huge for you and I think you know, um that would be the decision tree for me and for a lot of people people more and more. back to Yelp The evolution of Yelp and Google reviews is social. Think about everybody in this room just with head knots. Like Now when you're thinking about going to a restaurant or taking a trip or buying something, think about how much more now you search on Tick Tock or Instagram or YouTube than you did five or seven years ago that used to be Google owned that that is not where people go as much anymore and now Ai's coming and so like content, content, content man.
soak all that in for a second. Yeah, so my question is is kind of it. It came up as we were going through that because what you're talking about about like the state of the world and the need to choose the most positive and the most light. That's really like what I lean on as a person I feel very passionate about and you know what's unfortunate.

I'm sorry to jump in. when people here choose positive, they think they're being delusional, right? Okay I don't want to do that I need to keep it real I'm like you mean real negative like I'm keeping it real if I see a lot of good. Well, especially with the state of the world, right? because that anxiety can actually fuel where people come from in their perspective. I think that's what they want and it's funny I Don't believe in like the Illuminati or the Matrix I Really? I just don't When I say they, it's just the collective of people that are all.

It's just momentum. Yes, we have a momentum of negativity, right? So in in that right in this momentum of negativity. I I Wholeheartedly believe in the the need for individuals to choose to not be caught in that wave. Yes, and I also see the difficulty, especially when it comes to creators because there is this box that you can kind of put yourself in where I'm the nail person or I'm the drawing person or I'm the music person.

I Ran into this in 365. one of the biggest challenges for me personally was I got to the point where I had this idea in my head of what success was right? this is what being a successful musician is going to look like feel like be like and I got to the point where I had it I had people who were like very invested in the process and who were very kind in their feedback. They would always provide me their energy but it wasn't what I expected. So I felt disappointed a little bit and I think a lot of people feel that a little bit when they get to the point where they're like wait, I kind of made it but it's not the thing I thought it was going to be and I don't know if I can necessarily change it into the thing now that actually needs to honor me and my soul.

So this is kind of a long-winded question how I'm putting it together, but you're painting a very clear picture including one of my favorite subject matters. Where which is expectations always lead to very vulnerable Frameworks Yes, especially when you have expectations of others. My question here is when you're looking at the world as it is where where content is kind of the driver Now yes and it's not this one and always has been. the newspaper, the radio, the television was the driver.
Content has always dictated everything. the words out of your mother's mouth in your house. It is the way the world works. So what's different is it's democratized to allow anyone to hit scale that we had never seen before.

So individual content In that sense. individual humans have the capacity now to hit the scale that countries used to have the ability to. that's profound. That's called the Internet.

That's scale. And so when you have that that realistic experience for an individual, you could actually have your message shared and it. and for a lot of people I Think where they get scared is well I don't want it to put me in a box the way I share it and there is this negative momentum in the world and so I have to stick to being as positive as possible. But I don't want to put myself in this box.

My question for you would be when you are looking at individuals, right? None of us are in a box. We all have so many different talents and skills and perspectives and a lot of beauty we can offer. Yes, the insecurity that stops people from doing that and from actually being in the whole self. their whole self, not just a little piece of their self.

What is your advice to those people who who know it's there, but who just can't necessarily pull it out of themselves in a way. they can show it to start working and putting in the work on the elimination of fear. The thing that is stopping everyone is fear. The fear that most stops people is the fear of other people's judgments more than the fear of not having money which isn't.

Which is like, profoundly interesting because one money has a level of practicality, the other one is a boogeyman. So to answer your question, whether it is therapy, which I think is profoundly effective for so many people, but has a cost associated with it. Whether it is the limitation, this is a big one. This is a favorite of mine because it's working.

Got got one a text last night I won't use last name Rachel Big shout out to you I love your text at midnight last night she pointed to a piece of content that touches on what I'm about to say and it's changed her life. Whether it is the limitation of the people around you that you love that bring negativity on the hour every day, every week, every year, not the cutting out, not calling Mom and saying you Mom you're negative I'm never talking to you again. No, instead of talking to your negative Mom twice a day, you talk to her once every two weeks. The limitation because cutting is Not Practical If rather, there's negative energy in your life, It's unlikely that you're gonna sit here, hear me, say this, and never talk to your brother again.
Nor is it right. The limitation gets you to a stable place, which then allows you to go back to that person on offense and try to get them into a good place. The cutting out forever does nothing. You still made it, the continuation of consuming it at the scale you're consuming.

It does nothing because you're not getting to a sound Place yourself to be able to help them. The limitation: limiting the energy that you're taking from your loved ones or closest people on negativity is a massive way to get to where you want that you just asked. Health On the physical side, exercise, eating better is a driver to people getting there as well. And then my favorite, which is when you limit number two, the negative and you expand the positive.

Putting positivity in your ears is a massive game just like the negativity that was put in your head by your parents, by your teachers, by your best friends, by your significant other, by your husband, by Your Wife by your boyfriend, by your girlfriend, by your two co-workers that also hate their job. When you convert that to limitation and create the capacity for 30, 40, 50 More Positive: Bringing positive notice that a lot of popular voices are just pulling more negativity on the other side, that's not going to get you there. You having negativity and then you deciding to deploy negativity isn't solving the problem. it's a short-term good feeling of like you're not getting punched anymore, but you're punching down.

Okay, but what about like yeah, but what about having a healthy conversation that stops the punching on either side? So my brother, it's about eliminating fear. The way you eliminate fear is by putting in the work, therapy, exercise, meditation. There's like a lot of different ways to actually get there. Spirituality is exploding because it's one of the ways, right spirituality amongst young males.

Unheard of when we were coming up the game, sir 25 years ago. a dude talking yeah, maybe a far-fetched hippie somewhere. Now it's mainstream. people talk about spirituality.

It's wonderful. And this is an East Meets West game, right? This is good. We're getting I see mentality hitting a level of purple that politics isn't I Think we're starting to take stuff from a India from a Buddhist from a Asian from a uh Eastern European Like the stuff that some of the people in my life are doing around Grounding: these are the things my great grandma used to tell me. She's like go outside and take your shoes off and walk on the grass I'm what the is going on here or like put onions on your feet.

everything's from your feet I'm like onions on my family. All this weird stuff that seemed like I was like embarrassed because like no American friend they were just taking medicine and like go to the doctor and my family's like eat this like thing We just pulled out from the crowd like Grandma's you know now this is becoming something that people are starting to talk about again. I Like this: I think we're finding the middle and I think for everyone who's listening, find the middle and that middle is you can't be delusional, but the cynicism and negativity is just not working for anyone. You tearing down others because you feel suppressed is not going to work.
It's just War it's what. Can I expand on that a little please? Because when you talk about the elimination of fear I'm a big proponent that it's a very hippie and cliche thing to say. but love always wins, Always right and love is the the absolute remedy to all fear. I Always say love is undefeated 100.

It just might be losing at halftime. Yes, and that's what's happening right now. Loves losing in halftime right now. Love was losing in halftime in the 60s.

Like it just it Ebbs and flows. Love is just losing at halftime right now, but you're I don't think it's hippie I think it's the most practical on Earth Hey so I work with a lot of young men, especially and for a lot of them. A very common theme that I see is that they Don don't have practical access to actionable love in their life and so it's almost like the fear wins by default at that point. So what's your advice to those people? to young people, men and women both I Personally work with more men, but I'm sure women feel it too.

Everyone feels and when it comes to being a young person, you don't have like a great family. You don't have a lot of support of people around you. Fine, Find your family, Garyvee find your family. Yeah, are you kidding me? That's why we love friends so much.

You pick those you picked them I I Didn't pick my brother and sister though. I'm very lucky because I love them both. but like and I have a great Stitch But I know a lot of people that don't like. We pick our friends and by the way, changes too I Love loyalty.

Do you know much? I Love loyalty I Love loyalty I'm still a Jetson Knicks fan I with loyalty. but if your friend changes and you've given everything you got limiting that is okay too. It's it's fighting for love. It's fighting for positivity and it's putting that on a pedestal over any other attribute.

People put loyalty above positivity and love. and I love and I love it because I respect it. It's like such a beautiful right. I Think we all with people that are loyal.

but if you're loyal and you don't realize you're the alpha, you're the beta and your loyalty is continuing to drive you into negativity because you're being loyal to a negative energy. You're not being loyal. You're being an enabler to bad behavior. Do you know any people right now think they're being loyal, but what they actually are are enablers to toxic Behavior You're enabling your sister to continue to complain if you stop letting her complain will change now I want to do just a couple little ones on the way out? No I mean anything stand out any other question anything like I know we went very heavy there anything as simple as like what should I do on Tick Tock stories or like I know I'm like anyway because I feel so bad um no no this is It's don't this is what I love about it.
Nothing's bad. Yeah, we went heavy but now let's go like what should I price my nails at 1999 or 20. like this is what this is I'm really glad you just said that because I think there's a moment for me to tell people nothing's bad. you can go heavy I feel it's comfortable talking about like world love as I do two seconds later trying to sell a Pokemon card on eBay yeah I don't think that's beneath me just because I did that or that's bad because I just did that.

Everything is acceptance for me. It's all okay. it's all okay. If it's good intent, yeah, you, you know bad intent.

You're not saying. how do I rip people off, sell them nails and never ship it to them? You're saying you know what I mean You're saying like hey, I've got like like these are all and by the way, here's a big one. if you, if you feel yourself you're not going to fulfill anyone else. one of the reasons I'm so capable of like bringing good to others is because I'm bringing good to myself.

Yeah, it's so funny because I feel like my whole theme all the time, especially lately I don't know why is very much Oh I'm scared they're gonna be mad at me like when this podcast comes out and my clients here I want to step away from Nails I'm gonna be They're gonna be devastated and I'm like can I say something Katie just even known you for a little bit. a lot of them are gonna be happy for you. Yes, Honestly right And you're so sweet you don't want to disappoint them and you know what's funny about me I got to do a better job in the next chapter of my life I make a lot of silly jokes or say unique things but they're actually very serious. When I said earlier to you, you should be like the Rock and come out of retirement and do WrestleMania I actually mean that Yes, Imagine if you said hey, I'm doing this If this goes well uh for you 20 how many clients would you say are sitting in your stomach of like oh they're gonna be mad like just give me a number dude only like I know three exactly.

You know? No I knew it. Yeah and it's you. see them in your head and you're like um so once a year come out of retirement for the three, do a spot like a whole day and do their nails like they've never been done before. If I can have dinner, do you know what I mean Yeah, like you could really take care of that.

Totally. You see where I'm going? Yeah and now we've just put that on. We're good. Now those three ladies, we're gonna.

and by the way, you can do it once a quart. you could be once a quarter. It doesn't even have to be. Once again, you can do it once a quarter.
Yeah, obviously they're gonna have to find somebody else if they're doing it more often. but you do dinner with them once, you're just like up. they're gonna be happy for you. Yes, totally.

And it's funny. Even like the transition from doing nails and posting nails and building my platform on based on people being like oh, I can't wait to see what nails you did and then switching from hey I am selling this kind of stuff now I'm like they're gonna be so mad at me like that it's such. it's so funny. It's such a theme and it's just like I'm proud of you.

You love your community but you can't fear your transition I know I Get it? Well, Guess what? Sometimes you know. One thing I really believe in is like this was supposed to happen three years ago I the meaning but maybe it was supposed to happen today for you. but the fact that it happened in 2020, it was just very interesting. It hit me I was like oh no, this is something I really like and I really enjoy.

You can't You can't not follow your light Yeah, because you have nice love to three ladies. Yeah, you can't do that. Yes I Know it sounds silly, but it's good to talk through. Yes, but even like the followers, you know like even though you're staying in a general pocket.

Oh by the way, yes, as my team knows, I'm doing wine content a little bit here and there lately too. Like you know in a year you might want to do it again like once in a while and film it like and there's no absolutes in this. yeah, what do you got brother? similar kind of what you're talking about right now. So I have a tendency to like I'm gonna write a book now I'm gonna do I'm just going to start a tech company I'm doing this attorney stuff then I'm gonna do this consulting stuff and I want to do all the things all at once good and um I obviously dropped balls too.

Yeah I Want to know like if you have a process for picking the balls back up so like picking this back up yep or if it just naturally flows in like a year down the line, it's like all right, you know I want to pick that up again more of the latter. However, that as I became bigger financially, it allowed me to have more infrastructure around me. I used to make content by myself I used to do my own calendar I used to make strategic Decisions by myself now I have full two two Office of the CEOs you know chief of staffs I have three full-time admins so how big is the team said? about 35 people I have 35 people full-time making content with me like but that was all built over time. so in the beginning it was the latter.

and then as I got to a financial place where I could create infrastructure around me to keep an eye on some of the things or help me move them along or project manage it or double check it or cross the t's and eyes I did and you will do the same building. Uh, big advice for everyone: Hiring an admin early who you are mentoring to a much bigger position should happen more. Too many people hire career admin thinkers instead of Young Bucks who are willing to eat crow to do the admin work just to be close to you because they want to be somewhat like you or some version of you or like you. Huge opportunity for a lot of people out there and can really help brother.
Beautiful! So I have to make them quick. First one, a lot of what you're talking about. To me when you talk about eliminating fear. um, being in that positive.

Being aware? Self-aware Yes, a lot of that. The way it comes across is very value-based but I'm a strong believer that there's a big discipline component too. So for people who are maybe struggling in that process of discovering themselves, finding Clarity in terms of not allowing the fear to overwhelm them, where's the balance between things that are instilled value-wise and things that you build discipline wise, it's a great question. I Think you know discipline? Look, you've got.

don't worry about the sound I Love this. This is how I love it so don't worry at all. Thank you so much sir! Um I Like the Reel of New York in the back and trust me, this is already going to be the best sounding podcast we ever do. So like this will be more than fine.

That little uh car in the background um how I think about instill versus discipline comes in the following: I most of it I either instilled was instilled in me or I instilled in myself or I altered A variation of what was instilled in me as I started to observe and adjust to life comma discipline 10 years ago I was like oh crap I am not in good shape I don't eat well I never exercise I have no muscles I start to get a little bit educated here in random things like your leg muscles are a direct indication of how long you live because so many people fall in their 80s and 90s because of weak legs and prematurely, uh, you know, speed up the process of dying and I'm like I don't want to die and so like you know like I started this and so 10 years ago I created discipline around my eating and workout behavior in the form of self-awareness and I realized that I needed a babysitter not because I needed someone to police me, but because I needed to be accountable to someone because I'm not good at being accountable to myself I'm a good leader because I want to do it for Dustin and Julian and Sid more than I want to do it for myself I'm a team captain but when it comes to me, I never and still don't want to beat how fast I ran or pump more iron than like I'm not competing with myself I like competing with others and I like to lead others. So what I needed was a babysitter. so I heard Mike full-time Mike vacanti mainly because I didn't want to let him down like it was a weird self-awareness game that figured out how to create a discipline around something so you're not gonna be able to create a discipline for yourself if you don't understand how you work. I Had an epiphany that I'm better for others than I am for myself.
Thus, bringing someone into my health and fitness life. didn't create the policing that it sounds like I needed someone to be my full-time Trader sounds like someone needs to be my babysitter. It was the reverse I needed to make someone proud I needed to come through for someone I needed to be accountable to someone was a game changer I Think for a lot of people listening here. if you can figure out your framework then you can deploy it and that's what I did there Beautiful, Beautiful.

Last question is, if we ran 365 back again, could we get the Garyvee Cosign? A hundred percent. you get to all 365. at the end, we'll make sure on a vlog we give a hardcore cosign. pick four or five songs to integrate into that Vlog The teams right here watching you get to that number and do a 2024, 365 or a half.

If you start tomorrow and do it a full year, you don't have to do a calendar. You can do it continuous. We're about that done my friends. Thank you! Where can everyone find you? Let's go Katie Nail thoughts like as in thinking about Nails on Instagram YouTube and everything.

Yep, yep, Colindar.com C-o-l-i-n-d-a-r-k-e And that's my handle on all the socials. all the music is Juicy Druc Instagram is Jedi Alchemist I Love it Vader Nation Give me a lot of feedback on this platform. this kind of genre. Do you want more podcasts like this? Love you Serge Thank you.

We'll see you next time. Gotta keep it light up in my suitcase. all around the world and back maybe in a few days. I'm Dreaming Wake up doing battle again.

Can't take a flight but I can fight and learn to travel within. Just take a breath.

12 thoughts on “Don’t live for the algorithm, live for your happiness garyvee audio experience”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jennifer Mann says:

    So good. thank you for all this knowledge and perspective❤

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars 𝕊ℂ𝕆𝕋𝕀 💨 says:


  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars khan1225 says:

    Hi I m from pakistan I like your video s….

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars AG Flux says:

    This was extremely helpful! A lot of width and insight that was priceless 💎 💎💎💎

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars FilmingYu says:

    MORE PODCASTS LIKE THIS PLEASE! Real entrepreneurs un the middle stage of building. So relatable!

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Content Prince says:

    i loved it when they went from havy talk to lighter one and they all cracked 😂

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars John Klus says:

    This is true. Sometimes I worry about making simple videos but even just a single shot of you talking into camera can let the audience know who you are as a person and that’s what matters most. And improve your quality and figure out things overtime. So many people start with random videos and then merge into something else.

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Lax says:

    Thanks. Good advice. Helped me grow couple extra thousands.

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Daniel O'Morrow says:

    loved this conversation! the people who stay with you through a transition are going to be your most passionate advocates 🤩

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jeremy Ler says:

    yes more podcast like this

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Anthony Mason says:

    How about you stop bud!! I'm tired of you poppin up on my you tube Talkin like you know something

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Larry Dennis says:

    I love the message

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