Today's episode of the GaryVee Audio Experience is an amazing conversation I had with my sister Liz recently. We talk all about Liz's career and the path she's taken to get where she is today, learning to be okay with change and face it head on, how to fight for your happiness in your career and life, opening up about mental health struggles, judgment, motherhood and so much more!
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Gary Vaynerchuk is a serial entrepreneur, and serves as the Chairman of VaynerX, the CEO of VaynerMedia and the Creator & CEO of VeeFriends.
Gary is considered one of the leading global minds on what’s next in culture, relevance and the internet. Known as “GaryVee” he is described as one of the most forward thinkers in business – he acutely recognizes trends and patterns early to help others understand how these shifts impact markets and consumer behavior. Whether its emerging artists, esports, NFT investing or digital communications, Gary understands how to bring brand relevance to the forefront. He is a prolific angel investor with early investments in companies such as Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, Venmo, Snapchat, Coinbase and Uber.
Gary is an entrepreneur at heart — he builds businesses. Today, he helps Fortune 1000 brands leverage consumer attention through his full service advertising agency, VaynerMedia which has offices in NY, LA, London, Mexico City, LATAM and Singapore. VaynerMedia is part of the VaynerX holding company which also includes VaynerProductions, VaynerNFT, Gallery Media Group, The Sasha Group, Tracer, VaynerSpeakers, VaynerTalent, and VaynerCommerce. Gary is also the Co-Founder of VaynerSports, Resy and Empathy Wines. Gary guided both Resy and Empathy to successful exits — both were sold respectively to American Express and Constellation Brands. He’s also a Board Member at Candy Digital, Co-Founder of VCR Group, Co-Founder of ArtOfficial, and Creator & CEO of VeeFriends. Gary was recently named to the Fortune list of the Top 50 Influential people in the NFT industry.
In addition to running multiple businesses, Gary documents his life daily as a CEO through his social media channels which has more than 34 million followers and garnishes over 272 million monthly impressions/views across all platforms. His podcast ‘The GaryVee Audio Experience’ ranks among the top podcasts globally. He is a five-time New York Times Best-Selling Author and one of the most highly sought after public speakers.
Gary serves on the board of MikMak, Bojangles Restaurants, and Pencils of Promise. He is also a longtime Well Member of Charity:Water.

I Will say this that if you feel that you are stuck, you're not. And if you feel that you're unhappy, you can change it and you may need to talk about it for five years. But man, it's so worth doing. Yeah, because we only have one life.

Yep, and that's what you preach all the time. and I just want to be happy. It's so much better being happy and accepting yourself for who you are Vaynernation, how are you? An extremely special podcast is in the building as my baby sister Liz Novello is here uh First recording of the Year New Year New You Dustin's here giving us Good Vibes uh and I've been really excited about this podcast. So here are a couple context points before we go into it: I Texted my sister over the December holiday break and said once you come and do the podcast she said of course pumped.

Then we decided to have dinner. uh, kind of a couple days later and then a couple days later when we were doing Logistics I said hey, come actually do the podcast before we do dinner since you're slepting into the city she lives in Jersey We have not talked since there's been no prep correct right? Uh, and we're just gonna do this podcast now. What's interesting is unlike the Friends Podcast did you like that by the way I Loved it. What was your favorite part? By the way? the Friends Podcast for everyone listening Andy Greco Who you haven't seen you've only seen once in 25 years.

You saw him that one time when he came. the other time, right? Robbie Who you know very well at Eric Godfrey who you've seen a little bit here and there, though not as much as we see him at Jet games and you're not normally there. Correct. you saw Eric had a wine at the wine event and I think I saw Eric randomly I don't remember Anyway, nonetheless, that must have been fun for you.

So fun. But unlike that where it's like childhood memories, all the silly stuff we have, you know, rock in the nose Cabbage Patch That's not where I want to go. Okay I actually want this podcast to bring value to a lot of people because in your young life already, yes, you have gone professional retail manager? Yep. Teacher correct stay-at-home mom and real estate agent? Yes! So in a very short period of time in my opinion, 20 20 years or so, you've had four real professional chapters.

Yes! and I think what's interesting to me is I think that could bring a ton of people a lot of value. And for me, what's most interesting is your chapters have not been more like the way I roll which is like I'm gonna do this I'm gonna do that. You give these things a lot of thought. They bring you stress and transition and thoughtfulness like you have your process which is really the process that I see most people asking me about.

So I think you resonate more to this audience than I do. Okay, so that's what I would like to do. Awesome! What do you have to say as an opening? Oh I'm just so excited to be here and um I was just sharing with somebody that I'm coming on and they said what are you talking about and I said I'm not sure um but he knows my deepest darkest secrets and we can go all out here. No, I don't I don't think we need to do that per se though.
I'm sure who the hell knows what's gonna happen. why don't you? Why don't you just introduce yourself to the audience? you know, obviously we joke a lot about like people not knowing you as much because obviously AJ was involved with Boehner and just like the chat stuff and things of that nature, so you know I think just like an opening rant of like what you do how you position yourself like how would you introduce yourself on the podcast I would say that um hi I'm Liz Vaynerchuk novello I am so honored to be here I am I would consider myself mom first it's the biggest joy in my life and that I'm a real estate agent in New Jersey and like so many people who probably watch you I got to actually live life with you. Listen to you. um but I actually take action the way that I know how to do it and your influence has helped me tremendously.

and I think that the biggest thing is just being in my early 40s feeling confident and happy where I am and accepting myself. Who who I am and is that new for you I would say new ish and how good does that feel and where would you say you were on that? Journey Oh I would say that it's such an amazing feeling because I'm I'm going to be 44 in six months and probably around 40. I was just like wow I I really do know who I am I accept the things that maybe people think are flaws or what I consider probably were flaws and I'm so confident I think it came from motherhood and something that you know about me is I always talk about how much I hate change and I don't like change but just as you describe myself, me is I've done a lot of change you have and considering that I'm a person that always says like no I don't like change I don't want changes I've done the most changes probably in our family because we haven't talked about like the podcast. That might even surprise you with how I set it up I think that like people are scared like everything's scared and it's like all these people in these DMS and emails and interactions.

So many of them want to do something different. Whether it's they want to have a different relationship like they don't want their boyfriend or girlfriend anymore, right? Unbelievable amounts because of what I really talk about. Want to have a different job or career? Yes and like really hit me You're right I do know you as well as I could know most like I know you better than I can know most people right and I think that's right I feel like you are so not for it. It doesn't quote unquote come natural to you, but you've done it so many times.

Absolutely. and I admire that. Thank you that you fight for your happiness professionally in that way, you know and so what. Let's just go right into this because this is where I want to help people In a world where you really don't want to, You do it.
Quote: Unquote Kicking and Screaming with yourself Correct? right? Yep, What gives you the strength to have done it and actually paint everyone a picture. You come out of school and first year you know I remember you were like I always thought you were a good salesperson. thank you and you sold like baby clothes in high school and like I could see and I'm a good salesman and so like oh you're good at this and so you did that and like you Rose pretty quickly in retail at Victoria's Secrets like you were managing in Vermont or like working in Vermont you came to management and you were set like what? Remind me because I know it was like Westfield store I was supposed to go to Westfield which was a tiny store doing probably similar business to Rutland Vermont but then because it's on Main Street it was like fancy a small boutique and they put you and they put me in the mall where business was Triple and you were sales were management or assistant management assistant and I was horrible I was a horrible manager Why I was young I didn't understand life I didn't understand actual people's problems, why they were working what they needed and it's so interesting I was thinking about this I lied about my age I didn't know that I lied about my age because I didn't feel like anybody respected. oh I'm sorry Victoria's Secret Sauce Correct, you're talking about employees when Dustin would come and work and he'd be like hi, I'm 27 right when they were suck out I was probably 27.

no I I 25 27 right? Um, anything better than 21. yeah or two or whatever. And and I also got engaged so young during that time as well. So um, shout out to Justin Yes, but I you know what's so fascinating is I hear you talk about wanting to buy the Jets but you think when you do, it might be disappointing? Yeah right.

I actually think that it's so fascinating I kick and I scream and I have to talk about doing the actual thing like getting into real estate. How long did you talk about getting into oh my God five years minimum. You know, maybe more like when people that's just so relate like this is why I'm so excited like that's so much more relatable then I think the way I roll right like like Kicking and Screaming of like I want like I lived it five years of talking about I want to do this I want to do this Well, that's a lot and most people listening right now are doing the same. absolutely.

But I Also during that five years it was very interesting and and we have to give color to contacts. I was a stay-at-home mom which is a privilege right? and we grew up where that was very much valued for our mom to be and put on a pedestal and put on a pet. That's what you're supposed to do, Correct or if you can, this is a real great thing to do. It's unfair to say It was supposed to do I think it was positioned.
Correct me if I'm wrong is if you're able to do this right, this is a wonderful, wonderful thing. The expectation I think was that I should do that yeah I I Do you know? Yeah, think about that. and so let's talk about the actually I don't want to jump around and yeah, I can do that. Seriously, yes, you're at Retail Management.

You did that for what one or two years before teaching. So because it happened pretty good. Okay, so it goes back. I decided my senior year I worked part-time as a Victoria Secret salesperson and I just dominated I was on fire I was good at selling all their inventory um including fragrance and everything else and and you lost my best friend her.

She was my best customer I mean she like might have gone broke sorry Cara Um so and you love the thrill of it I love the story I still love it. It's the thing that I love most. Um and so I was a salesperson and they had a manager either quit or get fired something. There was something happening, they needed to fill in the position and I stepped in.

they asked me to step in I got excited about the money. yep, um and I was really good because it wasn't necessarily managing I already established all the relationships there. people are already respected, liked and knew I was good right? at least that's a sales party. It was easy because the transition was already with relationships correct and so I worked and went to school full-time which I never like even think about yeah and made Dean's List and like really excelled.

Um when I'm busiest I'm happiest and I'm also uh I think the sayings like give somebody who's busy something to do and they'll get it done like I just really did well and I was graduating from college and I knew I wanted to come home and so I asked for a transfer and I remember my you know General Manager Regional Manager got me the position Westfield New Jersey was opening a brand new Victoria's Secret and I was supposed to be transferred there but they gave the job to somebody else not sure of all the background and they put me in a store that was three times as busy. three times. Fast-paced and just with a leader that was probably not in a good place and definitely didn't want to teach a 21 year old. So the store manager because you're the assistant manager correct, wasn't in the mood to Mentor correct.

You know what's really funny at Vayner Sports Me and AJ and the Agents tell players I know you want to go first round I know you want to go in the first round or the second round? Sure, but we selfishly for you because you're still a kid want you to go to a good situation? Absolutely. They're like you know you may want to go the 13th pick in the draft but the person that has the job ahead of you because you're when you're a rookie. you rarely start yep or you or you need mentors. You're a kid.

They're grown men in the locker room. 33 years old, you're 21. if you can get lucky and have a mentor who wants to Mentor That happened to one of our players at quarterback this year. Okay, and it's a huge impact.
Oh, it's huge and so you you know you didn't get the luck of that I didn't get the luck of that I Also, wasn't mature enough to deal with it. you weren't a good partner in return. Correct. So it was negative on negative negative negative which is super common.

Correct. I Also recognize this about myself is that if someone it's why be the bigger person is such a big character and like the 21 year old, this is now a podcast that's just trying to bring value to people. Yes, a lot of you listening right now. If you have the luxury of DNA parenting circumstance where you can be the emotionally strong person, you're allowed to be that person.

at 21 for the 36 year old manager, in this situation, you don't think so. Sure, like you, you're making twice as much money I'm the assistant manager, but if you're that person, you can be that absolutely. in this scenario, you were not ready to be that person I couldn't be that person I wasn't that person and I didn't have those skills. Um, and I probably personality wise wouldn't have done it either based on principle, right? you? You were the the thing I just said correct.

You would have gone down that way. That's correct. If I'm going to be the bigger person, pay me like that, correct, or whatever it might be right? Okay, at that age at that stage in my life, um, and I was miserable. but I need to go back because I feel like I can jump around too I was actually in school to study to be a teacher, right? and um, that was always but you were always worried about would that pay enough? No.

I didn't think about that. Were you scared to do it? correct? Okay, not even scared to do it I was scared I at the time I was double majoring and I had a professor I had many great professors but this one Professor rubbed me the wrong way and thought like maybe I wouldn't be a great special Ed teacher and I just felt like that's where I wanted. Then I was like I don't know if I want to be here. you were steering you Correct Correct.

You trusted them. Correct. Not even not even trusted. Well that's like you know what's funny that maybe is people trust Authority or more senior people without realizing that's what they're doing.

By the way, that's the biggest thing that I've learned through motherhood that I actually trust myself more than doctors more than anybody else because I know my children better than doctors and the teachers and correct And the camp counselors. Yes, they're going thesis correct. the actual reality Yes. I By the way, I Love my doctors I Trust them.

but I Just think that you're sitting on all the doctors and no. I'm definitely not. By the way, I have great doctors. Um and so please don't poison my niece and nephew.
Yeah, good please. Um, but anyway, what's your point? You learn through motherhood the stuff that I used to tell you about school. which is it's General if you don't deploy the actual reality, it might not be right. Correct I Feel like all the lessons you know? maybe I'm a late bloomer? All the lessons that we've talked about for so many years are just coming into Revelation in the last couple years.

and um, yeah, you think Authority knows more than you do for sure and so you know I I had the opportunity to become a manager and then I took it because I was making I was going to make as a assistant manager more than I would have as a teacher. So I thought oh, might as well do that I'm not I'm not sure right? this person's making me waver a little bit. Oh, wait a minute. There's also this opportunity and I Love correct I know I love selling and like you do that.

Yes, you thought you might love teaching. No I knew I would love teaching. Got it? You were confident that you would but you had not done it whereas that you've done the other thing and you knew you loved it. So why not go that way? Maybe like I would have to take more classes and I wouldn't have graduate on time I Can't remember all the specifications? That's something I don't think I've ever asked you did you ever during that time at Victoria's Secrets in Vermont Yes.

Think that you might come and work at the store at that Wine Library Yeah, did it run through your mind? Well, you remember I got fired from my library? Yes by Dad Yes. um. high school and that was a summer job correct? I think there was, probably. you know it's funny.

Big shout out to Mikeyanizelli who's still at Wine Library I Saw him today when I drove to my office. My office is actually diagonal from Dad's store Southern base is right there on Milburn Ave Um saw him and was like Mike no I love Mike I know you do. he plays softball with Justin Now it's crazy. You guys got into a little bit of an argument.

correct and that fired me. Yeah, um you know I would say maybe I thought like that I would go into the family business right? Yeah. I Definitely that's because you were good at sale. I was very good.

You know now that we're talking I'm remembering I'm like wait a minute. you know. like So then I had the opportunity to be a manager and then when that wasn't going well when I was really how long did that? How long did you work at Midloth? Okay, so I went from Woodbridge right? I Remember two Menlo which did more business than Woodbridge Um, those are the two malls that we, by the way. What's ironic about this story is we grew up in the Edison you know area of New Jersey where Woodbridge and Menlo were right there.

We moved when Liz was in fifth grade, going to fifth. yeah, going into fifth grade. so we had not been in that direct area for a while and when she comes back to the state of New Jersey to live, she gets put into the two malls that were like our balls as children which is amazing and um, and nostalgic. So I was there for maybe a year or two like I don't even remember and um, the craziest part where I sold those baby clothing in high school that manager worked at Menlo Mall saw me in Victoria's Secret and recruited me.
Remember this to work at a White House Black Market Holy I Forgot about this and that's where I became extremely miserable because it was not busy. It was a brand new company, not based on the company, not based on my style. It was me. um small like the store was the size of this office.

It was really boring. and also this is where I recognize you can't sell what you don't believe in and you didn't You didn't I didn't like, you didn't like it. Actually the clothing it was much older. it's like I think it's probably geared towards my age I still don't shop there so it's you know, not my style.

were you rocking Victoria's Secret right? Justin Um so I wasn't passionate and it was very little employees so no interaction. That's where I you love people I love people. Got it? So you did that for a little longer and then you're like I'm out I'm out I'm going to grad school I'd be I got engaged, went to grad school right? um and got my teaching certification and became a teacher in Garwood New Jersey which holds a really special place in my heart. I'm still very close with a lot of families and the kids.

Um, and you're you were first grade and that first grade class has now graduated college. They're they. They're in their 20s, they have jobs. there's like it's bananas.

Um, in fact one of my students sent me a friend request on Facebook and he was topless and I thought is this even appropriate? like is this even appropriate to accept his I felt like I had to write his mom and say hey, are you cool and my second year there I became teacher of the year which was a huge honor because only two times prior to that in since like you know, over 30 years they had a non-ten-year teacher receive this award I Remember that night and the only two people who received it were the Superintendent of school and the principal at the time. So um, you were like, um, on the path so it's interesting. No, okay, and by the way, it's funny. the superintendent I had a very nice relationship with her.

They put me like towards the end of teaching I did a program like uh, seven or something like that. What? Seven years, something like that? Yeah, good. seven classes I think I might have I'll have to like. count back six, seven, eight, something like that.

Um, the principal had asked me to be part of this group that sends a teacher that's part of a committee. Like all these other people that I met in this group where we were like I don't even remember what we were doing. they all wanted to be on the track of becoming principal and it was at that time I knew very clearly that is not where I'm gonna be good. It's not what I want I need to be in the classroom on the floor with my kids.
Um and I was a great teacher and I would say that it's probably one of the biggest highlights of my life that um I was meant to be a teacher and that I made an impact. Um and I made my kids feel good I knew that the curriculum would be taught like I I'm even emotional thinking about it because I taught so different because I learned so different and like I took how I felt in school and I changed it. You took your experiences. My experience make it good for everyone and I made it so good for my kids.

It's awesome! Um so that's where I felt really passionate that I knew that I was teaching more than curriculum I was teaching self-esteem I was building these kids up the other night I forget who I was sharing this with um I made my class give each other compliments the classmates and we were talking about I think dental hygiene and um Valentino in my class had an accent I don't even know where he was from but he said Mrs novello I love your white teeth and the kids went crazy. um but I'll never forget Valentino I'll never forget a lot yes he was. these are first graders by the way everyone. Yeah, he was well on his way.

Where's Valentino winning? That's where he is right now. He's definitely winning. but I um I'm so proud there's we weirded out that a first grader Charmed you no I thought you know I thought this kid is something I you know there's just like but I I was always you know I I just feel so touched by like a lot of these kids and the kids. I You definitely recognize the kids that are gonna stand out in life and it's fun to watch those.

It's fun to watch. So at the teaching transitioned into full-time motherhood teaching. I got pregnant and did you think I think I remember thinking that you thought you were going to go back to teaching after having a baby. That's why I was going to I remember now I asked for I think six months off.

Interesting thing: I'd love like a month earlier because there was swine flu and I was scared to get it and so I thought I was gonna January I thought I was going back in September and so I extended it but how much of you wanted to go back I think here's the thing: I never talk about this I I think I'd postpartum depression and never talk about that. Um, so let's do it right here, right? There's not that many people listening. It's all right. but I I want to bring value too? Yep, and I didn't know like 13 years ago postpartum was either like you wanted to harm your baby or that was like what I thought of it.

Not a lot of discussion so they called it baby blues I was not depressed about having a baby or I I loved Max from the beginning I never felt any of that I was really joyful to have my child. I also went through fertility treatment and so it was a very selfish feeling like oh this is really boring staying home. he didn't do anything he never. it's back to the store of no action correct which is so fair correct and so I felt like I had to stay home I literally just had a meeting with like 20 people and like made a joke of like this is I'm so glad I'm not on vacation anymore and it was a statement to like I love interacting with people I get it, we share that DNA So and it was January it was like swine flu.
it was like a tough situation and um and I just really kept it in and I'm so lucky that I have my husband who just dominates and stepped up for both of us and then we were in a good Rhythm I just needed to get used to not how much did you miss the hustle bustle of the classroom you know I missed it a lot I miss my friends because I have no stay-at-home friends right? Uh, mom friends. um and that's when everything really changed is when I became I went to Gymboree and this lady Tony and who actually was a customer at Wine Library your customer her uh boyfriend Alan um she was like my first friend and Max and I he never uh, napped more than 30 minutes and so we would be there multiple times a week and I was just trying to find the mama Community a community. Um and it's not easy finding your people of course, not in motherhood. um in life in life Because right? because it's friends, It's not just motherhood.

it's it's classrooms. It's you know, like I Heard a story recently about like a kid who feels like they just in the wrong raid. they're in this Creed and they love everybody above and below. Uh I see it at Vayner at Vayner some teams versus other teams like it's not just motherhood.

it's it's. if you fat like if the first two mothers you met at Gymboree were actually just people that Liz Novella would be friends with yes, then it would have worked. And it's like when I found those people exactly? You know and it's so funny I Talk about uh I'm sorry to interrupt you. It's so worth fighting for.

Well obviously having a very important deep conversation here. We talk about fighting for your own happiness. People get happiness from friendships. Sure, for everyone who's like like I don't think people fight enough for friendships at times you know like I really think it's something worth fighting for for some people I agree like it's really nice to like find people that have similar interests and I the points of you on the world and I and I also as I'm getting older like my circles becoming so small and I much rather have really in-depth conversations real conversations because not everybody does.

um then to have a group of women or you know, friends and so as I get older I'm really looking for those connections and one of them is my friend Catherine Gilbert who I went to the Gymboree class and we kind of looked at each other like hey, we seem. should we be friends, we could be friends. Then we went. Why did that happen? You were in the same t-shirt um like I think we have the same diaper bag? Yeah, and you know, simple as that.
Yeah, by the way, it's with nice diaper bags by the way. that is okay. so that's that. So um, like I'm immediately like we should probably be friends, right? So and just like she's warm and and you know Catherine and like instantly and she's like me We like connection we like, we like being social and here you are 13 years later and here we are 13 years later, right? So I want to go because we're out of time because we have a dinner reservation? Yes I want to go to the Transitions Okay you how you you touched on it earlier.

Yes, How long were you a stay-at-home mom now? So you did retail for a couple years teaching for six or seven. How long were you a full-time stay-at-home mom before you started your recently maxed was tomorrow's going to be five years. So max was eight. Got it? So tomorrow's five years, right? What? You started on Max's birthday? That's like I started on Max's birthday.

which like that's how I do it. By the way, I write contracts sometimes like if I'm in January I'll put January 28th as closing date and hope I win because it's AJ's birthday or I Did my first podcast with my friend Byron lezine and I specifically chose November 14th like my birthday. So I like that stuff I like that stuff. So so two in retail, six and two? Well, more than two in retail.

it would work for a couple years, right? right? Six and six or seven in teaching, right? Eight in stay at Home motherhood. Yep, and now five? Yeah, in real estate. let's go to Real Estate Sure, because I think that'll be. there's a lot of people who are into it for a million different reasons.

I think this is very Universal how you kind of touched on. which makes sense. Probably the hardest of all transitions is to make that decision from going full-time stay at home to now doing some. you know that that that's why you were on it for five years.

Sure, right? Um, I'm sure. And other reasons how a lot of people consider real estate right now: I Believe that a lot of people will not be considered real estate because the market softer. but in a couple years, three, four, six, two, nine, twelve, eight however long this cycle is, there'll be a lot of people entering real estate considering real estate for the first time because it's a very popular industry. Yes, for a lot of people who like to sell, yes, who like country like, it's a great business, right? right? Like to sell.

If you're really good at it, you could be very lucrative. You have a lot of control of your schedule. So what was what was the dream of the way you thought about real estate because you thought about it for a long time? Yes, and what was the reality? Since you're in a really nice five years in like you went into a good Market Yes, I did right five years ago. So well give me give me some more stories of real estate.
What can you? what can you give me I'm trying to think more stories. Well, well. here's the first one. My first year I sold one house.

Okay, um. I was a secret agent I wasn't positive. A secret agent? That's cool. It's an agent that doesn't really share with their friends and family that they're an agent because of the fear of failure.

Oh, interesting. or um, yeah. it's actually correct. It's horrible.

It was horrible. It's for your business. by the way. it's terrible for you.

That's right. You have to tell people you're an agent. It's a to-do business. It's A it's a fear of losing Correct.

And so I feared losing I Feared what were the stay-at-home mom's gonna think of me? Well, that's the I mean talk about something. Dudes like have no context of correct mama Mom Dynamics are insanely absolutely. Um I probably get more emails direct messages around that women who want to go back to work or start work fearing the Judgment of the group of stay-at-home moms they're in and I'm empathetic to everybody. You know What's fascinating I wrote I wrote something a while back maybe three four years ago on stay a mom versus working mom.

Yeah now I've done both sides. Yeah, um, there's like a whole thing on who does it harder and more and like it's because women are just like men too. men too. how much money they make? Who's got this? Humans have this in in unbelievable thirst to judge other humans, an incredible all to fill voids that they have within themselves.

By the way, when I became Mom that's when I became the least judgmental. The things that I thought um I just don't I empathize with how hard the journey is. Physically emotionally everybody becomes less judgmental about everybody once they live it. Sure, you're right.

like like you're right. the amount of emails I'm getting right now from people who are failing so a bunch of businesses are going out of business. funding is down, markets, down recession Vibes sure I'm getting a lot of like whoa I thought entrepreneurship was gonna be cool and fun I'm literally emails and direct messages that are hey Gary like this was just happening. Hey I'm going back to uh I Got a job 2023 I start my job FYI just want to give you some flowers I Started a company three years ago because I left corporate boy this I'm so pumped to be going back into a job where I don't have to worry about X y z sure So like everybody becomes more empathetic when they live through the experiences.

Super fun to be on the sidelines. I Was at a Knicks game last night. The fans surely have lots of feelings for what these players should do. If they were on that Court getting dominated, doing nothing they'd be like oh right.

um yeah I think that judgment is hard and hopefully you know you make peace with yourself and I think that's where you know judgment maybe stops right in, halts and just growing up just living life living experiences. Um so what's the biggest thing you've learned in real estate so far? Okay so I would say the biggest thing is not advice. Biggest thing you've learned you learned about myself. yeah probably or it or something that you think is hard now that you didn't or or it's easy like it's as simple as I Used to be afraid we have a lock box like on your phone and if the internet like like Wi-Fi goes out you can't open a door or unlock the door.
The things that like the first year I used to be afraid like thinking about. okay I'll get to the appointment I'll look at the stuff I was never afraid of how I interacted with people I was never afraid of what my knowledge was about homes because I got into real estate pretty much because I have like a love of people but I also have a love of homes like and decorating and like that stuff's cool excites me. Um so I think the biggest thing is um you know I was gifted this opportunity two things: I was gifted this opportunity where I thought I was doing Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous and I sent you Mom AJ and Dad my house tour and then I was at an open house and my phone kept going blimp and I went from like 700 followers to 15 000. and you said to me now don't go it up and I thought now I have to post every single day the stuff that you were telling me multiple times a day I think I you know and I took that opportunity.

What I learned is that when you're given an opportunity, just run with it regardless of if it's a leg up. you know because I think you know we've experienced this like a lot of people will say, you do really well in real estate because your brother's Garyvee. um and so you know I I Feel so confident that I don't have to prove myself I know that people know I'm not you because you know. look at me in five years, not not where maybe some people thought.

um, has that been a blessing This? wait a minute. Talk about something that can help people. You just talked about something that I don't think a lot of the audience will follow along. Okay, what you just said was obviously I gave you a good push earlier to get these followers you are Dynamic also in content we have that you have Charisma Yes, So now you're you did actually make a lot of content up front.

Correct. So you're making content. You've got a you've got a lot of followers. You're my sister.

Yes. and like the the industry or the people you knew felt like you were gonna crush it. Correct? Or they were fearing me. Whatever they were talking about.

whether it was jealousy or curiosity right or expectations, people come from different angles. Sure. Um, it might have not even been ill intended. Absolutely, it was more like oh, this is gonna be fun to watch.

she's gone. Yeah, let's copy Liz Novello and see what she does because Gary's gonna give her everything correct you're saying you said and I this just hit me. This is why I'm bringing it up. You're saying the fact that you haven't annihilated it correct is actually been like freeing for you, right? Like, you must be happy Now, because probably in the beginning there it was too much pressure.
Or it was pressure you, didn't like. Enjoy. Correct. And now that you've settled into a post-early hype world, it's your speed without the expectation and you like it right? I Like it my business is is exactly what I'm willing to do and it's exactly what I want to do.

Yeah, I am selling the homes that I want to sell I am making the money that I'm proud of um and I enjoy it I Also know like you like I don't want to create an environment where I'm unhappy doing it because I actually realize now that I will only do this until I'm unhappy. right? back to why you've done so many chapters correct: Do you think you have more chapters I do like I Know that, for instance, make some predictions. What do you think if I if I said to you, what do you think you might do professionally before it's all said and done I consider like coaching in some kind of way. Okay, because I actually love teaching, right? and I love being connected with people.

That's been very interesting. I Also, sometimes think about um, what about a beach bum because you love the beach I love the beach and I know that's nice I think like you should probably retire at 55 and be at the beach I mean it's only 11 years I can't because I have two kids. you know what I mean um and I want them to help them. you know in their life years Hannah has been saying she's going to medical school.

so I think she'll still be in school. You know what I mean I'm gonna still need to sell your house as people. so uh before we get out of here, how is the market is this? you know as bad as I think no I was just on the phone with my lender friend Brian I Got so excited this week. Um, there's some action.

There's some action. interesting because have prices come down a little bit and that's causing the action not even that much. but you're able to negotiate. um and that's what's helping it.

And I think also that people realize like when I bought my house 15 years ago uh you know my rate was at four percent at the time and and when you're in the high fives eventually you're going to be able to refinance and things like that. And when houses were you know in New Jersey Particularly we have very expensive homes. Some homes were going a hundred thousand over asking. um it was correct, it was.

You know now we're at list price or even negotiating down some. But like what I say always is a good home at a the right price will sell no amount no matter what. Like you know, a colleague of mine just had a house. um and she had 21 offers I'm gonna have a house coming on March 1st that I know we'll have multiple offers so you should come to Vaynermedia and just like set up a booth.
By the way, I was going to ask you about that that I would like, right? So you should just come here. Hey Vayner In place. Do Not buy a house without talking to me. by the ways if you're listening to this podcast, if you're gonna buy a home in New Jersey and you don't hit up my sister.

We're through. Not even that. If you're buying home anywhere, I am helping you find the best agent because I want you to link up with an agent. Epic thing well and I also I'm an agent like if I refer a business.

fine let's do it together being a reality. I already got the name um so Circle and back I I think I have like this passion about um, even mental health I don't know exactly just like helping people I'm not be happier Breaking Free of whatever I'm not even sure but I'm like very passionate I get very excited when I read about it or hear about people doing better and I also think that like you know I I'm not sure I'm not and I don't even want to make predictions on what my future is. It's like the first time in my life in my life that I'm not thinking 20 years ahead because my whole life I thought about that I Wanted to get married young, got married young I Wanted children, got children, wanted to be a teacher, became a teacher, wanted to become a real estate agent. Wanted to, you know I've done everything from now on.

It's coast and clear to anything that right. You don't want to feel right on yourself anymore I Just want to live life Man, you know what? I mean Yeah man. I I think you know. Overall, um, what's the biggest thing that teaching taught you? Oh I learned a lot from teaching.

Um, one of them was scheduling. It's so interesting. you cannot leave 26 year olds without having a tight schedule. So I ran a really tight schedule which helped me.

Time block makes sense which is something that I've learned in real estate. If it's not in your schedule, it's not going to happen. You know what's the biggest thing you learned from me? Oh bro, Just everything you know I'll tell you why I Signed up for real estate school after five years you were taking me on a trip to Germany Yep and I was getting on a flight with you and the car was about to pull up to bring me to the airport and I was scared to get on the flight with you when I got on I said bro I did it I was like my pants right and I really feel the most proud I am Is that I accomplished something that I was so scared to do um and that I made the money I thought I would never make and that I get to help people and I actually really feel so lucky and blessed that people that choose to work with me I really like and we're friends so it's just really amazing I love that for sure the biggest thing I learned from you oh my God bro. if I told these people that I got educated by Garyvee my whole entire life and I didn't do half the that he tells you to do that you guys are all winning on it's frightening but um to fight for happiness is probably and that it's so simple.
The things that I created in my head to think that they're really big deals are like saying that you have a freckle on your face 100 um everyone does that but you've always you know I want to take a few minutes because I think the reason I always say I hate change and I do change is because I have the support of you and our family. but um I'm so lucky to have the best big bro and I love you so much and not what you do for people is like similar to how I feel on a smaller scale and you told me and you showed me that I should accept myself for who I am I will say this that if you feel that you are stuck, you're not. and if you feel that you're unhappy, you can change it and you may need to talk about it for five years. But man, it's so worth doing.

Yeah, because we only have one life. Yep, and that's what you preach all the time. And I just want to be happy. It's so much better being happy and accepting yourself for who you are.

So I appreciate you for that. But I will say that I'm raising a child that has so many of your qualities and man I just admire admire you so much what you do for people that you want to give more than you take. and um, you've always given me way more. When um, when the world can judge, they should just look at me because you've given me everything.

So I love you so much I love you too. Where can people find you Because if you don't sell 7 300 homes this year, I might stop making content? Correct? So let's sell 73. buy a house so he doesn't want to lose a job? Yes, don't worry dust you Dustin knows you would go right into Vayner and dominate. Um, where can they find you on Instagram Liz Novello and Mike spell it out: L-i-z-n-o-v-e-l-l-o um Liz Vaynerchuk Novello V A Y N E R C H U k where is that I think that might be on Twitter I'm not listen I should be on Tick Tock I'm on everything Instagram is really where it's at um I Don't know if I should get my phone number because then it blows up.

It's out there. Wait, it's out there because I'm an agent but every time any kind of interaction I get international calls on WhatsApp and don't want to do it. You definitely don't want to do that. Liz Thank you so much Vayner Nation I Love you I Love you.

Please give my sister some love. Thank you.

15 thoughts on “Fighting to achieve balance and happiness in your career and life liz novello-vaynerchuk”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Casey Wach says:

    thanks Liz. My brother Z is following my advice and has 100 dissertation ideas at Johns Hopkins (for a second masters and PHD) I just had to tell him "more" bro "more" nanotechnology applications. Gary and Jason Calacanis really taught me that we're all more capable than we think. Good people rub off of ya and the dominos keep falling past our own teachings.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars De La Soul Child says:

    Vayner Realty should open and direct a team to focus on affordable housing and studio/living space for artists/painters in the creative space.☝️💜💚

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Veronica Campos says:

    I met your sister last year. We were sitting next to each other for 3 days at summit with Tom ferry and connecting not knowing she was your sister until someone mentioned you on stage and she’s like Awh Gary V is my brother. We connected in such a deep level and related a lot she is very nice and humble ❤

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Madame Cristina Art says:

    Liz is the best! Great mum, realtor and also a psychologist like Gary. ❤

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Brady Vilhauer says:

    Dude they have so much in common. Liz is so sweet. The synergy is great, Gary we need more Gary x Liz collabs!!!! Loved this episode thank you both

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Rachel Poole says:

    This has been the super best you’ve done @garyvee I just might be team Liz now ❤ what a show 👏👏👏

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Creative Genius Home Improvements says:

    You guys don’t know how special this is❤

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Gulf Coast Investing says:

    Been waiting for this one! Dream team!

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars SOLOMOON says:

    Gary interrupts Vayner interrupts chuck.

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dom Jackson says:

    I am really glad he brought her on here. Not everyone wants to be the big shot hustler entrepreneur like Gary. There’s ton of people who want great lives and not as big fiscal goals. Having both siblings show their processes to their happiness is what Gary’s true message is about.

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Nash Potatoes Outdoor Show says:

    What a special moment at about the 44-minute mark…

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Brandon Berona says:

    Love this family and the love you guys have for each other!!!

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars It's Just Christina says:

    Lol… i applied for a compliance officer position for the parent co of white house black market (CHICO) based in Ft Myers FL… 😋 although i worked for a wedding/prom designer/cataloge in my early 20s… my compliance background was seen as being too focused on healthcare… It was an interesting interview exp… got to shop in their sample show room, surrounded by artists (designers) and a gift card to the newly launched intements line (Soma) as a thank you fir interviewing!

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Rita Fountaine says:

    did she get to work at the liquor store????

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Rita Fountaine says:

    Shouldnt it be Liz Vaynerchuk NOvello???

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