The biggest companies in the world focus on brand. Not sales. And the difference between branding and sales is simple. And the distinction between branding and sales is straightforward. Are you attempting to convert or to create an experience? The latter always triumphs.
Finally, there is only one thing that constitutes "brand." It's how you feel when you interact with a product, service, or company. Many of you have messaged us asking for more detailed business advice from Gary, which is why we love putting out these 4Ds sessions in which Gary really digs in deep into the tactics of growing businesses with CEOs and entrepreneurs.
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Gary Vaynerchuk is a serial entrepreneur and serves as the Chairman of VaynerX, the CEO of VaynerMedia, and the Creator & CEO of VeeFriends.
Gary is considered one of the leading global minds on what’s next in culture, relevance, and the internet. Known as “GaryVee” he is described as one of the most forward thinkers in business – he acutely recognizes trends and patterns early to help others understand how these shifts impact markets and consumer behavior. Whether it's emerging artists, esports, NFT investing, or digital communications, Gary understands how to bring brand relevance to the forefront. He is a prolific angel investor with early investments in companies such as Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, Venmo, Snapchat, Coinbase, and Uber.
Gary is an entrepreneur at heart — he builds businesses. Today, he helps Fortune 1000 brands leverage consumer attention through his full-service advertising agency, VaynerMedia which has offices in NY, LA, London, Mexico City, LATAM and Singapore. VaynerMedia is part of the VaynerX holding company which also includes VaynerProductions, VaynerNFT, Gallery Media Group, The Sasha Group, Tracer, VaynerSpeakers, VaynerTalent, and VaynerCommerce. Gary is also the Co-Founder of VaynerSports, Resy and Empathy Wines. Gary guided both Resy and Empathy to successful exits — both were sold respectively to American Express and Constellation Brands. He’s also a Board Member at Candy Digital, Co-Founder of VCR Group, Co-Founder of ArtOfficial, and Creator & CEO of VeeFriends. Gary was recently named to the Fortune list of the Top 50 Influential people in the NFT industry.
In addition to running multiple businesses, Gary documents his life daily as a CEO through his social media channels which has more than 34 million followers and garnishes over 272 million monthly impressions/views across all platforms. His podcast ‘The GaryVee Audio Experience’ ranks among the top podcasts globally. He is a five-time New York Times Best-Selling Author and one of the most highly sought after public speakers.
Gary serves on the board of GymShark, MikMak, Bojangles Restaurants, and Pencils of Promise. He is also a longtime Well Member of Charity:Water.

Do you know why i'm unstoppable, because i only control what i can control and don't care about all the things i want this portion is like with me, so i think this is when you need to get selfish like you need to ask your question: hiring is Guessing firing is knowing like you got to go fast, that's how you get done, that's how you figure stuff out. This is the television and the television is the radio, the 40s real pleasure to be with everybody, let's rock and roll, let's rock and roll. Let's start with elita, i'm going to go ahead and spotlight you guys and start the timer go ahead, alita all right, cool all right. So gary um, the first thing that i wanted to ask you was um.

Well, i might start with the question before i go into any context. I wanted to ask you what pre-launch or launch insights you thought creators might need most or the businesses working with the businesses working with creators will need in order to sort of best serve them. Um in order to launch projects and maintain them over the long term. So one of the first tools that we've built is um like a rarity and trait design.

Sandbox and this um allows creators to um. You know it visualizes their rarity, as it will look on open, c um. It makes sure the res will look rare. You can check for mislabeled traits, spelling mistakes, it flags metadata issues and basically it's this in platform, guidance on rarity design.

It's a free tool that creators are already using and it's in beta. I like that um. The other tools that we've um started to build for creators are around community and marketing analytics tools, because we really feel like that's, going to be really powerful for creators like identifying communities with strong overlap to find collaboration, opportunities, um, discord, insight so like highlighting key events Like highlighting messages, users are engaging with sentiment, shift alerts, lots of there's a lot. We can do with the community data that we have um.

So i'm just wondering from your perspective what you think would be most valuable, the the um. Obviously, the first thing you mentioned is really around the creation of project and the free launch yeah, and the second is hopefully, as it gets smart the ability to predict successful opportunities or even success outright. I mean, i think, the the biggest thing that so the timing of this all is interesting, because we're now going into the next phase of nft land, where just because you have an nft, doesn't mean you're going to be successful. And that is exciting for me, because it becomes a more mature set.

Anything you can do to help creators realize that they have to actually build demand is the biggest thing you can help them with people think that they have a thousand people in the discord and they're all gon na buy the project. You know what i mean like. There's so much naivete from project creators right now yeah, so anything that can indicate depth is the most interesting data in my opinion, yeah. So you know, i think, being able to maybe being able to know who your holders are know who you, like your most active community members are what who, what other projects are your holders holding like? Who is that the the problem with just math is, as you can imagine, what projects your holders or hold you know your community is holding is good data, but if you don't overlay that to the moment in the marketplace, we're at the data can be incredibly dirty.
Very quickly, so i would say much like you're helping people rarity score and things of that nature. Helping people understand more context of the reality of the community and maybe even maybe even give them training wheels to create intent. Uh based metrics might be a really good idea, um all right, that's helpful um. So the other question i had is um.

So one of the first things i'm going to be doing when we on stealth is make this contextual, creative content that we've been talking about. All day or night, in my case, um, and i want the content to be targeted and when i think about the demographics we're targeting, i believe it starts with sort of nft native first and then crypto native second and then everyone else, but targeting everyone else. When you have no brand yet is sort of really targeting no one um and because we're building an nft data platform i feel, like you know, creators could potentially be anybody from artists to musicians to event organizers yeah. So i'm just like trying to to work out who do we market to first um? I i think the answer to that question is yes all about it and all of them early on to then understand if there's traction or nuances that make some more interesting.

I always laugh because people try to be thoughtful, especially when there's engineering dna yeah, they overthink the value in the upfront you're building a business you're going to get to marketing to all of them over the next four years. So does it really matter up front? It doesn't in the and, as a matter of fact, i would argue that the widening net gives you better signals to where there might be opportunity right. Yeah, that's right! So you know, don't don't go too narrow and and the my yeah my mind in the social media world is is kind of as wide as one can to taste. But then you can narrow in you know um.

So what sort of messages will get the attention of nft creators? This is um. I think uh yeah uh content that speaks to in web 2. There was things like hubspot or google analytics or creating historical reference points to make them understand very quickly. Why your thing's important to them on their journey is big historical reference points of what happened in web 2 as a proxy to web 3.

I think, would work really well for you, okay, um. So i'm aware, obviously from listening to you that um, you know a lot a lot to do with linkedin and tick tock for organic reach is like probably a necessity um. I'm just wondering if you think there's any essential platforms that i should be considering using at scale with ad dollars. Like should i be considering going big on paid twitter, for example, twitter, yeah, twitter and discord, as you know, is where the market is, and then i would do long tail, podcasts, there's so many twitter spaces.
You need to become a beacon of the community. It's doing you know it's about non-scalable, behavior mm-hmm. We were talking a little bit about twitch earlier, because her boyfriend who's also the ceo, is a big into the gaming space and seems to think there's a lot of like engineering types that might overlap in that world. Do you think that's a possibility? I think it's a possibility.

Yeah yeah, because we believe, like i mean a lot of the people that will be using our tools, will be the engineer on the creative team right yeah. Yes, ish. I think you're gon na if you're gon na build a good tool. You need to build it for the middle and long tail, which will actually be entrepreneurs with engineered tendencies, yeah, meaning capable like the reason google adwords worked going way back in history was, i could use it yeah, that's right, and so, like you need it, you need To be like an artist or a project like a lot of them, don't have engineers yeah right, i mean that's.

Why we've got you know we're hiring like three front end engineers to make it and product managers to make it like highly well. That's usually the reason. I'm the reason i'm reacting. The way i am is everything up to the point of that statement made me feel that you were building something more for mass um because, as you know like as you cross, a chasm of engineering, they're they're going to have other options.

If they're an engineer right, they're going to they're going to think through, like do, they want to do their own apis like do they like. You know that, where there's that middle ground, where it's switched over, i think twitter is the answer to your question, but i also think it's about you and your boyfriend becoming pillars of the nft community through discord and twitter right. Yeah got to get out of still awesome yeah at some point you will and that'll be great we're gon na move along uh. I'm gon na bring up the uh folks from box bowling uh.

We got the brothers victor and jacob, so hey guys, hey guys again, big fans, we've been following you for years. Thank you. I'm gon na start with a short video yeah, i'm cutting it off there yep very good yeah. So basically, we want people to move and have fun.

Um. I'm gon na show you some slides from a deck, because it's easier for us to talk about. So we do gamified physical activity, yep competition games, challenges and workouts yep. It's great tech startup.

We gained some press yep we've been doing three good years growing, but we want to grow so much more skip that people of all different ages make sense. Small yeah everyone can use it. A product, simple, uh, we've been doing a breast cancer charity we've donated 150 000 um the app we have different game modes, but this is really what me and my brother want to do. We want to be the fastest growing sport in the world even before pickleball and paddle, and everything.
Why be that's a good? Let's victor you take it, i take it. I mean i'm i come from soccer. I play soccer 20 years of football. I love the competitive competitiveness, i love the competitions and when i get to see now we had an 11 year old, win 12 000 and not not that i only win the money, but he got he got to be a superstar yeah.

Of course, you know he got interviewed by the newspaper televisions, yes, we're like wow you're number, one in a sport. I want this to be the fastest growing sport, because i want to be able to see these kids do this and love it. But i think i'm asking you guys out of because i think you have something very good here. I i'm okay.

Well, actually let me put on a shelf because i don't want to waste our time on this yeah. Okay, fine! Next go ahead! No, but now you got me interesting interested well. I because i think, when i look at your business, even in that quick chart that i saw there's two things that scared me in the whole thing. So a couple things, it's very good.

What you have it hits me on all the checkboxes. I care about the two things that concern me is the sentence when you said, but we want to go faster and the sentence that says - and i want this to be the number one fastest growing sport both of those are ideologies that have nothing to do with Anything so why why the thing is everyone can use this. You can be in africa. That has nothing to do with anything.

You two, as the founders creating ideologies for yourself has the ability to impact the way you operate the business okay. So what i mean by that is, that's very nice, but both of you know this fastest growing sport, everyone's going to use different data to claim they're the fastest growing sport. We have the most new people and what it means is that we want a lot of user moving and playing with the gold that good. That sounds like a good idea.

When you're building a business, you would like as many customers as possible yeah, but also because we've seen the happiness that it brings and but there's happiness in a hundred different things that people do physically. People are happy when they play pickleball when they run on the treadmill when they work out in the gym when they eat better, like what what's very important in business, in my opinion, is not letting control too much of actions, meaning everything you're doing is right, and Now, you're at year, three or four - and this is exactly when people start making big mistakes because they go into philosophy instead of execution. Okay, and so we wanted we wanted this since year, one that's beautiful, so keep doing what you've been doing, yeah, okay. So the thing is you're saying that we we shouldn't do it we shouldn't, do it faster yeah, exactly.
I think when you start like anything, that the fact that you even mentioned pickleball is bad. Let me explain what i mean i'll explain what you need to just be tunnel vision on execution of expanding your thing by mentioning pickleball you've already let the philosophy of fastest growing sport plus, it's contextual, to me. I understand where you're going, but but you should be razor focused on customer acquisition and retention. The end right things like fastest growing sport or this that the other thing or like it's it's a distraction, i'm telling you this is why i have a lot of gray hairs, i'm very clear on this: what your product, your business right! What do you need to do? You need to get more people to know about it, more people that buy it more people to try it, and there really should be no other conversation about anything about anything else.

How many tick tocks are is the brand doing a day depends up to ten some days, one interesting, so we we doubled our account in one month for from 48 000 to 110. Now you should be spending like and obviously max has lived this life like you should be obsessed with tick tock everybody here, but you for sure should be obsessed, yeah but tick tock, because it's going to go away in 24 months. Yeah. What i mean by that is he's not going to go away good good, all right.

So what else can i answer? What can i answer for you? I mean one big question. As you were saying, we want to get it out there more like how to sign content great alien styles, how to get to reach out to them and get them for two ways. One make so much content and let the ground swell of just normal organic growth, pressure them in to hire four interns and pay the minimum wage and let them dm people from the account 24 hours a day. Yeah.

The great thing is your product is so easy to ship. It's lightweight, you sent me three of them, they're, fantastic, my kids, love them so take advantage of being able to ship them to the influencers for sure yeah. So we've been doing that. The thing is that the hard part is to get through to the a-listers um you're, not gon, na you're, not which is actually the punch line of the question, because it's hard yeah, it's not gon na happen unless it's naturally gon na happen, yeah got it.

So there's no secret; there's luck, timing and lots of effort; yeah, okay, like for example, we also like give me two minutes sure yeah. So, for example, we did a collaboration with john terry former uh football player in england yep, and that was through like a back door kind of thing. It just happened, as you said, i could tell you right now. You could do something with cristiano ronaldo and it's less important than you dominating tick-tock.
How? Because tick-tock is a much more scaled arbitrage than the most famous footballer in the world, but what if we use his content on tick, tock and just push it? How are you going to do that? We pay for the rights as well you're not going to do. It is what i mean because it's hard to reach bingo yeah, you i'm telling you right now i smelled it from a mile away. I can smell it because i'm old now you got to get out of what you'd like to happen and just keep executing on everything you can control yeah got it yeah we are no. I know you are the problem.

Is your energy is spending too much time on the other thing, i want you to be 110 on this. Every footballer, the olympics, gary vee, everything tick-tock yeah, and what i mean by that when i say tick-tock is of course a lot of other things as well. Make content distribute content lead people into your world youtube shorts, yeah twitter reply start a discord because now that's becoming a thing and build a community execute. Do you know why i'm unstoppable, because i only control what i can control and don't care about all the things i want yeah, you guys are in full cliche three years in winning winning, but too much of your collective energy is focused on what you wish would Happen versus just focusing 24 hours a day on executing what you can control while the number one thing that could ever happen to you happened, which is there's a platform called tick tock that has so much organic reach, yeah that, if you just become the best in The world at that and you have a product that is made perfect for it.

It will outperform anything and everything else. You spend your time on all right. Let's skip ahead cool, let's go ahead and we're going to bring on marcel. Here we go marcel how's.

It going marcel it's going good. What am i doing later? Unmute myself, i have unmuted all right cool, so so my stable table is what i call it. It's got four stable uh table legs that hydration exercise, nutritious meals and quality sleep um, i'm just i've literally been practicing this sort of um methodology. If you will for for 27 years myself and i've helped a lot of people implement it, i really like teaching it to kids, because what i found comes from this is so much more than just like being.

You know hydrated on a daily basis or choosing to be outside for 10 minutes. You know in the sunshine, if you can and and being conscientious about your your food and some sleep, hacks um it it develops as self-care. This i'm very contextualized in this marcel yeah. So, like i'm, a buyer go ahead like to maximize time.

What do you think? What what can i help with, because i get it for real yeah? It's legit like it's such great stuff, and i love that you said wide net because i don't want to be really focused on a certain group or demographic because because in theory, the product and the project and the concept and the hypothesis is for everyone on earth Applies to everyone, so what are you selling um? Well, that's the thing i escaped you're, not you're, not sure right, yeah, because i for me it's the it's the knowledge. I want people to live a better life and and to be able to reap uh the benefits of what i've done for money's. Let me tell you what is probably going to come up when we talk to paul based on the quick interaction i had with him. The answer to your question is you need to figure out two things, the version that is altruistic.
You want the world to be better right, so this is the garyvee model. Like 100, you know, like you put out, you've got to put out that con. The answer to your question on that is content in all platforms and then what you have to decide is how, because you want to pay your bills and live your life, and you have you're entitled to that. What and how do you sell right? The container and like paul's done there's ways to create a premium version of a community for more education and more access to you right yep.

So there's that there's what joe dispenza does, which is events right. It's like an escapism like you go so there's event: marketing. There's content marketing that you charge for there's a creating a consumer product right all that energy might go into a loose leaf tea. That represents the whole thing who knows, but it's either product pay for digital access, pay for physical access.

Those are the three things you have to figure out yeah, so i i've looked at an online course. I have basically developed there's guides. There's i'm i'm thinking about the texting community. If there's something you can do on a daily kind of push-up um one day, can i give you a big piece of advice, because i've seen this story a million times? Please pick one and try run it.

The number one thing i see marcel over and over with this when people you know, obviously because i wrote crush it in 2009 - this was a big part. I've seen this over the last 15 years, pick one and try and take it from there uh mike vicanti. My trainer before he was my full-time trainer had a virtual, you know coaching business and he didn't. It was great, he had 150 clients and it was a lot of work and he was getting paid.

It was perfect and then one day he's like i don't want to do this anymore and we're working on. I was like all right mike. A lot of people are relying on you make sure you give them at least a three month notice before you cancel it and he did, and why am i saying that, whether your destiny is to start a bottled water brand, whether your destiny is to do virtual? Coaching or patreon whether your destiny is to do a physical event twice a year that people pay for. You can change your mind along the way which uncripples people from picking one sure sure yeah.

I appreciate that um. I guess what i've looked at more closely lately because i, like the children's, is a children's book, but with a set of like a team of mascots um, i know you've gone big on that and and as soon as the friends came out, i was like. Oh, this is, i can see a book with, should empathy elephant and you know patient panda and they're talking about hydration, and then i mean i would love. I mean i would push you so hard to consider doing that in your world, create your create your v friends, your mickey mouse.
Your like, i think, that's a great idea, but i think i think the thing you have to ask yourself is: how do you want to monetize it if we're talking under the context of business, how to help the world? That's just free content at scale on tick. Tock and instagram and twitter sure, whether it's merch or ip stuff, or whether it's a journal or a or an online course like, like i said for pure simplicity, because i want you to like kind of leave here with value when you leave this, you say: okay, Am i gon na charge people for digital access to me? Pay me nine bucks a month to be on a tech service. Pay me 15 a month to be part of my three zooms for an hour a month. The virtual am i gon na charge, people for the physical version.

Am i gon na just put out a bunch of free content and once every 90 days there's an escape retreat with me and you pay 900 ahead 500 ahead, so the physical one, or am i going to sell a physical product merch loose leaf tea meditation journal? So you, as a personal brand that wants to talk about a subject matter to monetize, have to decide of one of those three and by the way you could do all three eventually, but i would pick one to start with got it that's awesome. Thank you awesome. Let's move you're on me, brother, sorry, rookie mistake: we're gon na go over to john b uh. Let me move here and john you're up right now.

Okay, thank you um. So gary real estate brokerages are becoming commoditized. Yes, barriers to entry are low correct. How can we truly stand out and differentiate ourselves the same way they did, even when they weren't commoditized brand, all that remax and sotheby's and keller williams, all just brand when, when this has been my hypothesis about the world, almost everything's going to be commoditized because of Technology and so the only thing left is brand and how about for, like a you know, a relatively small operation, you you, you know, i don't know if you've ever heard of local celebrities, but you know wine library when i was building it for my dad was Really trying to just do business in a 40-mile radius and we were just famous in a 40-mile radius.

I actually like it even more brother. I wish a lot of times that that was still my life, because micro targeting adds to a 40 mile radius is an unstoppable game, because then you're also making content like hey. You know i'll use new jersey because i know it: hey, milburn new jersey residents come and hang out with me at the melbourne delhi from one to two and i'll teach you about education. I'll see you and like running that ad on facebook and instagram i mean you just become a community juggernaut.
You become the digital mayor of the footprint that you're trying to do business in okay, it's just the digital version of bench ads and billboards and direct mail. You know right right, so um, one of the most important things that we have in our business is recruiting and retention of agents. They're, all you know they're all independent contractors that can walk across. I know it know it well.

I know what sort of um uh i'll give you an answer: it's not a social media strategy. It's actually an hr strategy. The number one way you'll win, because you know when my sister decided to go into real estate. I've always thought, and because i've been like such a public speaker in the space for a long time and because i think it's completely commoditized.

I've often flirted in my head of like it. I'm just gon na create vayner realty and put everybody out of business and when, when i've thought about it, the way i'm think about it is the way you get. Recruitment is through retention and the way you get retention is actually building a family, no different joe. How long you been here, nine years, almost james, seven and a half like that's on when i they'll tell you and then we've got 100 of them that look like these two wonderful men.

It is unfucking heard of in adland unheard of 18 months 24 months, and it's because i care about them. There's really nothing else to say joe. You can john excuse me. You can win this game jon the way you win the game, and i see it because i'm very close to the brokerage game is you got to give a better financial incentive slightly, that's caring about them, and then you got to actually just build a family and Then recruitment will come through word of mouth in the localization, you can run ads, you can get new people, but the way you have to be obsessed with keeping people and there's only two ways you can keep them emotionally is number one and financially is number two And everybody thinks financially is number one and they barely even think about emotionally for real.

They say it john, they say it, but they don't mean it, and i'm telling you right now the way to break the whole mortgage uh real estate. Brokerage game is to actually mean it. What that you actually give a about, and it's like it's the company picnic it's when they're struggling at home, sending flowers, it's like being a mensch being a good human being, i'm telling you it's it's so there for the taking. So just becoming obsessed with being like the best leader and creating some financial aspects that is at least on par it.

Maybe you create some cool trigger where it's bonus on performance in a way, that's more aggressive than the market, but you're absolutely right. It is the most commoditized thing, which is why, like i'm excited about the space, i don't think i'll get to it. I have too many fish to fry, but it always felt like a space. I could do damage in because i knew it was completely based on culture of how you care about your people and a slightly interesting financial tweak that if they were a real killer, i wanted them to eat a little bit more of the monies.
And then i think you could just kill it very good, um. So again going back to the fact they're all independent contractors um. So you know we'll teach people how to do things, but when they go out on a listing appointment, they're all doing it kind of their own way is. That is that bad and if so, how do we? How do we standardize the process? Um it's? It can be bad, it doesn't have to be bad, but i've got a different point of view on this.

I think you and your brokerage has to do so much heavy marketing yourself that that becomes the energy that they all kind of osmosis to versus trying to get them streamlined on okay, cool thanks gary, of course, brother. That was a fun one for me, as you can tell john i've, given a lot of time to this space. I don't know if you sensed it, but the clarity of the advice i just gave you on this stuff is like true conviction. I know it will work mainly because i've said it enough times, kind of at keynotes and podcasts and have received thousands of emails, especially on that family part.

I'm telling you the way you acquire new agents is retaining the ones you have the way you retain the ones you have. Is you got to like them a lot more? No matter how much you love them, love them more and come up with some sort of financial trigger if they crush yeah cool. Thank you. You got it thanks, john! So now we are going to move our way over to paul.

Oh give me a second i'll pull you up here here we go paul gary just wanted to start off my time by uh thanking you for the incredible education i've received from your content last four years. You know what you've shared has been far greater than any teacher professor university uh could provide it's not even close and the best part about it. Uh now is. I can bond with my uh four-year-old daughter of the v friends, music, she's, absolutely learning um to put patience and the other traits.

I love it. Thank you, brother and lastly. Lastly, i rep the stripes um, i'm the biggest supporter of the zebras, being a basketball official. So, of course, i'm a zestful zebra.

I love that so yeah, it's wrong. I can't wait brother um yeah, so i mean i started patreon and discord um in in july, and it's been a great amazing year. I've connected with i have 134 people signed up, um yeah, i'm super if it stops today. I'm super happy like i guess this is my third one.

What do they pay? I have a seven dollar tier 15 tier and a 25 tier which gets you access to all of our live sessions and that's the per month right, that's per month, yeah and where's. The acquisition coming from, where is my acquisition of new people mm-hmm like we're? Where are you getting the customers from now? At this point, you think just all the the content i put out i've built and where are we on tick tock? Because you know i'm obsessed yeah sure i was at 6 50 in december and then i finally got a bunch of mic'd up content that i was sitting on that i knew i was going to do really well and it it blossomed to 30k um in, like A week two weeks and how much are you putting out right now right now, i'm back on a new wave last four days, i've put out probably 11 12 i'm trying to get to three or four a day and i'm getting ready to uh film this weekend. Can you add one tick tock a day that is less you educating and being the guy and more like you, the human being, okay uh with regards to officiating or off the court stuff off the court stuff like drinking orange juice? I, like orange, like one of the things that people struggle with in the transition to tick-tock, is really making tick-tocks right and that's what i paused on the the platform for a while. I didn't know where my my space was, which is you'll, never believe this is for everybody pay attention.
Your space is to just make anything guys. Gals tick tock is crazy. It's based on the interest graph i'll, give you an example you, as a basketball referee, to not make a tick tock last night or first thing this morning, without knowing your sleeping habits about the nba finals last night and anything anything hey guys, it's paul. Let me tell you why marcus smart really matters, that's it it'll, get your output up it'll round out your person.

Think about how unique i am everybody here right now think about how many different things you know about me, like my interests, whether it's football or wine or garage like i've, i'm rounded out and everyone's playing a role. I want you to be rounded out within your world, so, like you, i want you to talk about anything, but for i'll give you a great example. I think you could. I know this, for fact, if you really start consuming tick tock for a month and get what's going on, there, you'll make a video about why dads and moms should start making their five-year-old work their left hand or right if they're, a lefty and like just make Some sort of random ass video of like why most people never develop the other hand and that video will get 1.9 million views because it's just a like parents, like oh man and like that, ended up getting you 25 people to patreon, not even talking about reffing.

Talking about a school, they know they know you're a ref, because all your other content and your bio and url is reffing. People go too literal with their content. Right, for example, even max who's, crushed 4 million. If i looked under the hood, he's got his formula.
Clearly, it's worked, but if he just does something random left field about like skiing that matters and nobody does that everyone's in their box yeah, you got you how many of you here know that i love blueberries point made, got it my blueberry video of me loving, Blueberries in that green room is my most viewed. Instagram of all time got it. So just that's what one point and again, i'm gon na pound, all of you even one year from launching a t. Tick-Tock is a moment in time that will go away in four years.

Everyone's gon na be making i'm gon na be making videos saying sorry it's over. You can't make a left-handed dribbling video and get a million views. James orsini can't make a view a video about new jersey, blue claw club like it's. It's the organic reach is going to go away and the way that max doing everything he did to go from zero to four million.

If he did it exactly the same starting 2024 to 2026 is gon na have 17 000 followers, not four million. This is what always happens, which is why you can imagine why i'm stressing, because i know the doors now i know we're at halftime a lot of you follow me. I've been saying this for four years. The door is closing, and all of you will regret not squeezing it no matter, even if you crush it, because i live it.

So i know what max is about to do max is gon na have seven million and he's gon na wake up when it's over and they're gon na look at each other, so they're gon na be like. I wish we made six tick tocks a day back then oh we've got we've got 90 seconds left. I want you to make sure you talk about the abuse and officiating thing. Oh, i saw that email.

You told me. I think that could be an important topic, but let's, let's hash it out yeah one other play about you know me trying to have impact is the industry is, is reaching a nat experience in a national shortage of officials due to physical and verbal abuse. So i want to um and i'm and now with my tic toc content, i'm starting to inspire non-officials to become officials. It's my favorite part, it's my favorite part of what you're doing so gary.

Can i go deeper into this and really senate? What? What would what would your suggestion be to inspire more officials? What channels campaigns would you do to get people to want to talk tick-tock, i'm telling you brother, with all my heart may come, make hey here's your video! Hey! Do you love basketball, but you work at target? Did you know that you should be an official and make that video 700 times 700 different ways? Okay, think about all the people that have lower paying jobs that may consider this as a full-time profession or here's a different version of that. Hey are you a high-powered lawyer, but you need some escapism. You should be an official on the side. You see where i'm going yeah, because i i think if i can be the reason why i uh people get into the profession, then the men i mean the mentor group is: is gon na you'll, explain you're exactly right: okay, one more yeah ten seconds, i'm on Episode 259 of my podcast.
I would love to get you on episode, 305, for either three minutes and five seconds or 30 minutes and 50 seconds. Your choice, three episode, 355 for five minutes done, got it. Thank you. Bro yeah write that down hold on 355.

Five minutes joe, that's right! Thank you all right! All right cool we're gon na go to the last, but not least max and sophia. So um pulling you guys up on stage here and there we go go ahead, guys hey gary uh, yeah again so great to be here uh. So in terms of our business. Currently we make money primarily through brand deals totally out of necessity.

Um, you know, don't don't really love it, but um. We are interested in turning this. You know social media presence into a more sustainable, long-term, uh vision. So there's two things that we're working on one: we're launching a cpg brand in four months right, something i've been totally passionate about for 10 years.

Some super pumped that is finally coming together: direct to consumer direct to consumer, to start yeah, um, yep and then the next is we're really interested in launching an nft we've been watching everything happen, um, but narrowing down the utility. Is the big question mark it's so important. I mean the big one. Is personal cooking lessons from you yeah? That's that's number two on my list that i was that i can share um.

My thing on that is, you know, scaling scaling. The unscalable is always the most valuable live streaming to. Everybody is very different than a group of six and the top tier, the gold being one on one physically right, so that was part of my question and how to format this nft. Like do you? Do you? Try to do 10.

000 that of course, you'll never sell ten thousand the market's super suppressed. The gold rush is over. You don't have ten thousand people or five seven thousand, like the you won't sell that i think. First of all, you got ta really ask yourself if you want to do an nft, because the market is now very hard right.

Second, if you decide to do it, someone like you with that kind of reach, my intuition is: you do 500 to a thousand and you break them into three tiers, the scaled, the different than what you do with live streams, extra special version of that for four Thousand nine hundred people get the six person cooking class and one person or ten people get the one on one depending on how hard you wan na hustle. But the answer to your question on an nft project is access to you. Access right, that's the leverage you have right now you have a fan base in two years. If the consumer brand is good and it could be that there could be some other stuff, but that is where your leverage sits.
What are your thoughts on? Because i know you had the book games and did that very successfully, combining the physical product with an nft type strategy, whether it's a pre-sale three years, i'm very into it. The problem is: is that book games worked because that was 16 years of community building? You know everyone's like gary. Of course, feed friends worked like you already had a big audience, i'm like i earned that audience right and, as you know, even if you think about how everyone was talking here, you included my following is different than a lot of people's following because of the value Exchange that people get out of me, which creates a very different relationship than if someone's, attractive or even something as cool as learning to cook, that's not going to carry as much weight as somebody with a following where you've changed their mental or financial life. It's just not going to be as deep it just can't no different.

I mean i lived it. I was a monster star in wine, but that community wasn't as deep as the people that i've changed their financial or emotional life right. So, even though you have this big number, you have to be careful of, because it's a tremendous i mean, i view cooking similar to sports and music. It's a big genre.

You just don't know how deep it goes to what they really want right. That's the core thing: what do they really want and what's going to hold values? What they want for sure is access to you and for sure with me, i'm such a successful, 25-year businessman that people think they're going to make money on it. They wouldn't think that with you in terms of investing in it, and it goes up in value right. I have a big advantage because i've been such a business winner and then in the first year it proved out, and so now it's like cat out of the bag right yeah i mean why do you think everybody bought book games because 99 of people regretted not Buying series one v, friends, exactly that's right, you know so so you know you got to keep that in mind.

Right: okay, yeah, that's a huge takeaway um! I saw you guys up in this top screen, like you also heard me on the tick tock part around that, like round out your world a little bit yeah, that's one thing where we're very focused on like set perfect content correct, because because - and especially because it's Worked you're double because you have your system and it works right, but what you're leaving out is the expansion? Do you know many people like me because of wine and the new york jets only a lot yeah so show the world who you are completely. Are you into comic books? Are you into sports? Are you into music? You got ta like make, you've got and it won't do as well at first and it will be hard to be disciplined, but i'm telling you it will work out. So on that topic of, like diversifying myself as we create this new brand, like i guess for just more clarity, we're four months out from from having this and where your brain just went now is ore, how many tick tocks a day currently yeah about one a Day beautiful, so you know, we've got the room uh. You could go to three a day by doing your core thing, which probably takes time right, which is why you're only doing one.
You can do one for the cpg brand and you can do one of course, and you can do one every couple days on some random ass, like you're, the biggest closet, seinfeld fan why everyone loses. Is they become obsessed with the system, the algorithm and production right? This should land with you. If you're as close to what i do, you know this will work. There is no set thing with me.

It can come from any angle. It can be produced. It could be me with bad. I've got the do many people email me like gary.

The sun was on the other side. If you just turned around, do you know how much better the video would have looked? I'm like okay, like it doesn't matter, is that he-man, let's go marcel um uh, so max like and by the way. Actually that was so meta right. Like think about that that just stopped me in my tracks, he-man right, like you, need to widen out who you are to your audience.

You could then go much much further, um okay! So if you were in my position and you were about to launch a product, would you is the and component, you would start a new tick tock for that brand? Yes, and basically just cross pollinate all the content post one. I wouldn't post the same thing per se. I would do it occasionally, but you've got a huge audience on your on your main one. So you're gon na have to play that out, but you got to build up the other one, because it's because it has to exist even though wine, library and vayner, x and v friends are all much smaller platforms than garyvee.

They all exist and do their thing and part of what you've been talking about is you're like the everyman of the the grilling universe, so that everything that's what i did with wine library tv, but you just need to you - need to get them to love. You more and right now you're not showing them enough of you right. It's interesting, i think that's going to be my biggest takeaway and i didn't have any thought that that would be. We would even enter that subject, but that is clearly my weakness, like everything is so focused and has to be perfect, and i know you say it's, you know perfection perfection is you know and you're in a double bad spot, because a lot of people do that Out of insecurity, your double bad spot is predicated on the fact that it's working and now you have to deploy humility to not see a million views.

You have to be okay with 9 000 views, because those 9 000 views they're gon na love. You because you like metallica like them. I want people to know me for my favorite fruit of choice by the way. Just so everybody hears this, as you all know, i'm hyper private.
Personally, you share what you want to share but share things that doesn't mean share. Like your personal life, like i don't do that as you, i'm sure all very much know, but on the flip side, blueberries and root beer and wine and the jets and the knicks and garage sales get that into the eco world. Even like. I bet you a lot of people.

Are i'm curious off just a little bit five seconds in to know what your favorite cereal is. I actually recreated cinnamon toast crunch for a video i made giant cinnamon toast crunch soda there. It is you.

13 thoughts on “How to build a successful brand in 2022 – 4ds consultation with gary vaynerchuk”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ocean Sep says:

    The layers to projects will be the next level to incorporating NFT’s into the public market

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars N'naya Vincent says:


  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Benjamin Bleacher III says:

    Wow, Thank you all 🤔 This is tough to understand at the moment 🤔Will keep studying 😁😁😁 Knowledge is a freely given Gift 🤔We will keep learning, Dabbling is something that have helped us 🤔 Discipline is Embedded in us.

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hola! Rohrixh says:

    Starting taking my Music seriously and began posting on TikTok daily because of Gary. Super valuable tool!

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Titan Beal says:

    I think I gotta do 6 TikToks a day 😭 four still makes me feel like I'm slacking

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Andrew Tanielian says:

    Who was the 555th like? Airdrop them a Series 2! 😂

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Terry Darrow says:

    Gary! Bro I got one of your veefriendsXprimitive gold puffin decks, so sick man!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 🤑🤑🤑🤑😘🤑🤑🤑🤑

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hocking Hills Alive! says:

    4Ds 🔥

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ling Ling says:

    Thanks as always, G

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Corey Chambers says:

    Haven't officials aways been abused? Shouting at the officials is the official sport of America.

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Corey Chambers says:

    Get that organic reach while the gettin's good!

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Robert Nelson says:

    How does one get on this show? I've watched a few of these episodes and would love to get Gary's insight. I started an escape room business a year ago.

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Pratik Bidve says:

    and not or

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