When my youngest was born, it was really rough. I would be up nursing in the middle of the night and want to pray, but I was having trouble finding something to thank God for. So I just looked around the room. I'm thankful for a roof over my head, heat pumping through the vents, I live in a safe neighborhood, there are clothes in my closet, I can afford diapers, I'm thankful for a cozy bed, and my phone and electricity and running water. There's ALWAYS something to be thankful for 💕
We are always our own worst and harshest critic! Perspective is everything!💯😎
When my youngest was born, it was really rough. I would be up nursing in the middle of the night and want to pray, but I was having trouble finding something to thank God for. So I just looked around the room. I'm thankful for a roof over my head, heat pumping through the vents, I live in a safe neighborhood, there are clothes in my closet, I can afford diapers, I'm thankful for a cozy bed, and my phone and electricity and running water. There's ALWAYS something to be thankful for 💕
Get more rest Gary
just go through your cameral roll and not just look at this week but go waay back, EVERYBODY has nice memories, keep your head up peeps❤
stop stealing from others.
Such an inspiration Gary
@GaryVee YOU are The Man! Thank You 🙏🖤
no such thing as bad days, only bad moments
This whole game is about perspective – u half empty or you’re half full .. period