I'm giving you exactly what I would do. You have six clients paying you a thousand. You want all of them to get to three four five thousand. You take three of them and you send them an email and set up a phone call and you tell them I want to give you as much time as possible.
some might be expiring in two months, some might be three months if I'm getting too much demand. My business is evolving I Want to give you the preview that's gonna be three thousand dollars a month if you want to continue with me at the end of the contract, you know I really appreciate you and so I want to help you find someone else if that's not in the cards. but I'd love to continue to work with you. Yeah, no that makes sense I feel like even my clients sometimes they'll say they're not happy with me, but they continue to work with me because clients rightfully because they're doing what's right for their own business sometimes will complain.
As negotiation tactic, you just have to get in your mind that you're okay with giving up these three thousand dollars a month because you may lose them anyway at the end. But you're gonna learn a lot from the process of telling three clients you're going from a thousand to four thousand.
1k to 3k is a big ask 10% or less might accept the jump
It has helped my business tremendously to start this strategy with my most difficult clients first.
If I can add enough value for them to increase the price, then I am more likely to succeed with other clients. Also, if the clients I reach out to first are more difficult to work with, then it stings a little less if they choose to leave.
Super hard to ever ask anyone if they would want me to do anything for them because I would be fine with $50 a gib
For anyone on a repeat kind of business, I love this.
🙏🏾🎬✨💜👀 Advice KING
It’s ALWAYS a risk, but necessary to evolve.
You’d be surprised at how much can be solved with a simple phone call 📱. Many clients and customers respect the simple fact of a business actually communicating. Make that effort to listen to their concerns, address their needs where you can and be transparent.. it makes a big difference