Today's video is a compilation of some of my best advice when it comes to selling. The number one asset for any business, entrepreneur, or personal brand is attention. Whatever you are trying to do, whether it is selling a product, offering a service, or spreading a message, it can not be done without getting the attention of the audience.
The great thing about the internet is that now attention is more widely available and requires less money to access than ever. This is why social media, especially YouTube Shorts, LinkedIn and TikTok, are super important platforms for you to be on. The organic reach on those platforms is so high, that it really comes down to how good your creative is.
Start thinking of platforms like TV channels and put your "ads" on the popular shows that everyone is watching. It does not matter if the "show" is less popular next season, just strike when it is hot.
0:00 - 0:59 Attention will get you everything you want
0:59 - 3:04 Building a brand leads to sales
3:04 - 3:52 Use your podcast to get more business
3:52 - 6:18 How to advertise on a budget
6:18 - 18:07 How to grow your sales E-commerce sales
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Gary Vaynerchuk is a serial entrepreneur and serves as the Chairman of VaynerX, the CEO of VaynerMedia, and the Creator & CEO of VeeFriends. Gary is considered one of the leading global minds on what’s next in culture, relevance, and the internet. Known as “GaryVee,” he is described as one of the most forward thinkers in business – he acutely recognizes trends and patterns early to help others understand how these shifts impact markets and consumer behavior. Whether it’s emerging artists, esports, NFT investing, or digital communications, Gary understands how to bring brand relevance to the forefront. He is a prolific angel investor with early investments in companies such as Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, Venmo, Snapchat, Coinbase and Uber.
Gary is an entrepreneur at heart – he builds businesses. Today, he helps Fortune 1000 brands leverage consumer attention through his full-service advertising agency, VaynerMedia, which has offices in New York, Los Angeles, London, Mexico City, and Singapore. VaynerMedia is part of the VaynerX holding company, including Eva Nosidam Productions, Vayner3, Gallery Media Group, The Sasha Group, VaynerSpeakers, and VaynerCommerce. Gary is also the Co-Founder of VaynerSports, Resy, and Empathy Wines. Gary guided both Resy and Empathy to successful exits – which were sold respectively to American Express and Constellation Brands. He’s also a Board Member at Candy Digital, Co-Founder of VCR Group, Co-Founder of ArtOfficial, Co-Founder of VaynerWATT, and Creator & CEO of VeeFriends. In addition, Gary was recently named to the Fortune list of the Top 50 Influential people in the NFT industry.
In addition to running multiple businesses, Gary documents his life daily as a CEO through his social media channels, which have more than 44 million followers and garnish over 173 million monthly impressions/views across all platforms. His podcast, “The GaryVee Audio Experience,” ranks among the top podcasts globally. He is a five-time New York Times Bestselling Author and one of the most highly sought-after public speakers.
Gary serves on the board of MikMak, Bojangles Restaurants, and Pencils of Promise. He is also a longtime Well Member of Charity:Water.

Attention will get you everything you want. You want to sell a course. Attention: You want to sell a t-shirt Attention: You want to be the Mayor of this town. Attention: You want to raise some money for your nonprofit because you're passionate about it.

Attention: You want to be an actor. Attention Attention is the number one asset. Attention: It is the only asset that everyone in here must Chase to produce what they want. Being unemotional about where the attention is is very important.

Too many of you have demonized platforms out of your subjective opinion. A bad experience and we must get over that hump. Once you sit in this room and understand that everything you want to happen is about building brand and sales in social networks, then you start having to get good at it. My big question is a lot.

Intellectually Know that we have a lot of super super smart people in the industry, even on board level. But why don't they act? And what would you help them on on or arguing Guys: you need to act on social media and now and even on. Tik Tok Brand always outpaces sales. That's it.

So what do you mean with that? Um, because the next question people ask when they say, okay, maybe 20 million views a month isn't too bad for a country with 80 million. uh, visitor people that live there. Um, when do we make money with it? Well, I Ask them when they make money. When they run a commercial for $150,000 You would love you.

You know you always make money when you have brand. Nike doesn't knock on your door in sales to you. You know it To me, brand over everything and the same way that you know again Robin This is the same old argument. Making content on LinkedIn every day is far more effective than buying a booth at a conference or buying a full- page ad in a B2B magazine.

Yet because they've been buying booths at conferences or buying B2B magazine print for 40 years, they think it works, but they don't think LinkedIn content or Tik Tok works I I Understand this I Just you know I'll be honest with you Robin I'm not in the business of convincing people. Yeah, I'm not I'm not in the business of convincing people I'm in the business of putting out my thoughts to be historically correct to build my own brand so that people believe what I'm saying has more weight as my career with my gray hairs keeps going up. That's it. So for me, what do I say to people I Say this is what I believe is happening.

It's been very obvious that this is what's been happening for 20 years and if you're not interested in adjusting to it I Think that's at the detriment of building your business. and how do you make money? When people know who you are and what you sell, they end up doing business with you. And this is Brand building. I Don't know what else to tell you? Let me give you an example of a real estate or a mortgage professional that is all day long.

One of the most clever moves everyone can do here. You start a podcast around the town you do business in and now you're reaching out to people that you want to do business with and instead of trying to sell to them, you tell the rich dentist in your town hey, you're a pretty amazing dentist. You want to be on my podcast to tell people about your Dentistry Now you've just turned a sales pitch and not into a sales pitch. but now you're giving the dentist a platform.
Now that dude's com to your house. Now you're friends Now you get the business. That's a good idea. And by the way, let me tell you about humans.

They've all got egos. Even though nobody's listening to your podcast, nobody asked that dentist to ever be on a podcast before and he's pumped as a DTC E-commerce brand. Yes, at kind of a most purchased price point. How much $30 to $50 pet up brand like it? Okay, so as that brand, what paid advertising platform would you target before others if you were, just choose that Facebook number one which is crazy right? but like the way you asked the question right like I only have so much money like your biggest upside probably Tik Tok But Tik Tok ad product is not as refined as Facebook right now for DTC and there's enough vulnerability there that I'm not sure you know how to make the content for Tik Tok What made everybody win in DTC with Facebook is you didn't have to make good content Facebook was so effective.

The math worked for everyone. They didn't realize they were doing crappy ads, it just worked cuz the media was so goddamn underpriced and people like big companies would rather do a million dollars doing TV commercial that none of you would watch then put into Facebook and that's where the ARB was. So I still think it's Facebook believe it or not. but I would say that if you feel in your heart or your stomach, you understand what I'm saying about like make content for the platform and you understand the kind of content that could work on Tik Tok and I would also say here's a real good hack for all of you selling something in that range post like crazy organically and when something goes viral, turn that creative into an ad I Call that brand Formance.

You're doing brand but the second the world told you like I like this video, you retake it and you turn it into an you know you almost turn it into QVC not a TV show like you tweak it a little bit with a call to action and hard right hitting like bye byebye and that will do extremely well. Perfect. Yeah, we've had some content on Tik Tok that's doing well organically, so that's why I was gearing towards that that Meta Ads meta ads crushed that platform's so advanced. and Facebook specifically cuz you have a older demo that has a higher propensity to buy.

But Tik Tok the ads, the videos that have gone well, take them out again. Tweak them with a call to action, put a price overlay. It's okay to turn it into an ad and rerun it as an ad. I Think you'll be surprised this Market is completely untapped, right? and I've tried a bunch of different ways to penetrate it and I haven't been able to do it and I'll explain how I've tried, right? So I W this the way, how do you define the market? How do I Define The market? What? Oh the market? Yeah sorry parents of those with autistic children and ADH children with ADHD right? Um so essentially when this whole thing started I was 16 joined like this.
uh shark tank for high school and I had 20,000 competitors. We won. So then from there we got like this patent and had and then it immediately took on this like own world when it comes to like media success. From like local news to People magazine and 6 months to ABC Inside Edition and it just kept going for like a year and a half which is awesome you know glory to God But the thing was that um all our sales came from like publicity and then once that went away I really didn't have the skills to be able to sense create the so we're still like pre-revenue You know what I mean makes makes a lot of sense.

It's a common story. Okay yeah. like you know, media coverage happens all the time. There's always a Feelgood story.

There's always something that the media wants to put at the end of a they they scare you to death for 49 minutes and tell you how world is horrible and then they tell you like a kid's got a chocolate business at the end. you know? So and to your point that can pop off and you can get a lot of sales. But to your point if you don't build actual sustainable infrastructure you don't have a business exactly and that's what that's kind of what I ran into like and you don't even know that the first go around you just think it's going to go forever and it and it kept going. it was so and a year when you're when you're this young is like a lifetime.

it was like it was honestly like 2 and a half cuz it was all a the rest of high school and then but then did you become addicted to that thing. Did you like? Think the only way? Like did you at some point realize I need more press I need more press cuz that became the drug. Yeah so I was like it was. It wasn't a drug but it was more.

You know what I mean right? I I don't have any other way. there's no other way I'm going to sell so I was like I guess I just got to keep finding. Let me just email the newscaster. Should I hire a PR compan like I get it like one of my one of my this is why I So with Social yeah because the one thing you can control, it's like working out like there's a lot of you can't control.

You can control how you can work out. Same with social media like you can't control People magazine wants to with you. Yeah you can control if you make a Tik Tok yeah. so I remember like it got it.

Get to a point. So one of my um Advisory board members I don't know if you know him his name is. it's like an informal Advisory Board member but uh Jamie Simov M found a ring I went to him and I was like hey this press is going out I don't know how it's against sales do you have anyone I know and he's like dude, you got to build that infrastructure. you got to work hard you know? So for the last like year and a half I've been just trying to different ways right? So we went from occupational therapists and like Abas which they work directly with children with autism ADH I'm just I'm just making sure that we don't run a Time next me I'm going to make sure you have your full 10 keep going apprciate it.
Um so then I tried that like a B2B to C route. Yep and it it hasn't really panned out I Tred cuzz My thought process was go to where the market is right. so like it's like website Tassium So then I was like okay um you know maybe the thing is that we've sold over 2,000 products with this press and everyone loves the product. It's just trying to get it into you know the right people's hands.

So like I said Trad V BC We tried nonprofits but they didn't want to work with us cuz we weren't donating anything. So then we started donating a little bit but it's just we can't sustain that when we're pre-revenue my my keep going keep going. so we tried that. um I tried organic.

um you know with my story and everything and it it only went so far and I'm sure if I like kept going it probably would work. um but but I think that's what that's like What most like that moment that just happened Y is everything I give a about I know I know you know all four of you probably know right? School? You know you but bro, it's the game. Like like when I go to your website and it's not clickable to the Tik Tok Even though the logo is down there like that's on my mind, this goes back to the details, even back to working out. Now that I've learned a little bit about it.

like there's a right way to do a push-up and there's a wrong way. there's a right way to do a curl and there's like and this is like how meticulous I get too back to the proper device you were getting this M Like bro, it's real simple. you're in e-commerce MH you're trying to sell trying to sell a shirt with an attached thing. Yeah, you need to do unlimited social media content so people become aware of it and then they need to go to a proper webs like you know where like the shop is.

like this shop is not maximized to sell the most stuff. All that's right and that's okay. Back to like man I was really good at business. All your guys ages and like this.

these gray hairs you see now like I'm way better now and so but but for complete Clarity like when you all go downstairs and be like okay, what the just happen in that 10 what So quick. Here's the clarity you are selling when you have unlimited money Or any money. Yes in 2023 September 7th 2023 and you are trying to sell. Yeah, the number one thing on earth is organic social media at scale cuz it's free and I mean like 19 posts a day? Yeah, or you're stuck in the spot that you're in now, which is you're begging for a miracle that someone's going to give you cash.
Yeah yeah and just pitch competitions with that money. Runs Out If you flipped it and just understood, you're 100% in control a competition MH a VC Everybody like it was like an Eminem like I like it was do em SL a papa If you just understand that you're fully in control and you just have to pound social yeah and start googling how to make the best Shopify site selling T-shirts Enter Mhm. Literally that is out there. Yeah for free best practices get the proper Shopify get your Social Crazy M and start.

You know start D like like life's crazy You Were Here on a thing I decided I felt something we have 10 minutes you gave your I'm literally going to wear this humble hat I'm so happy and like your friend's going to be like what? Like By the way, that's one in 100 and that's what you need to do. You need to. How are you getting back to Boston Um, we're taking fairies later. Beautiful.

You need to be on Yeah you chop it up and whatever happened to New York but then you have to like start dming people in Boston type in Boston Newton Mass Boston all that in Instagram # search top posts click Oh this person's here. They have 400,000 followers. they're a cool kid in high school and Newton rich kid and DM them be like I want you to wear my shirt one in a 100 of them will 100% but if you like I don't know like my whole thing is like you know how I got here by actually doing what I'm telling you to do when nobody in the world knew who the I was I stayed on Twitter in 2007 from 8:00 p.m. after I work the whole day in the liquor store from 8:00 p.m.

to 4:00 in the morning for 4 years every day. Yeah you you you have two choices. the luck of cash which is harder than ever cuz the economy is soft though. you're in a good school where some things could happen or sweat.

I'm not very sweat yeah and I just think like what most kids are missing, even the ones that are about it. and I genuinely like even if you guys are sitting here like I wish I was in class with y'all you know be like chopping it up like I believe you have it in there I think this generation and I don't want to generalize cuz I think there's plenty of unlimited and you guys may be doing this. but I Here's the thing that I think the world up for y'all when I was coming up, it was like we didn't have options I when I was in exactly your seat, the internet was just starting so like you had to like go like work in this work at like the mall mhm. You all know you can do magic here cuz you've seen it.

The problem is 1% of 1% hit the lottery ticket of it happening fast, the other 10% that make it eat for a decade but everyone's fixated on the 1% of the 1% of the 1% who hit something and even those people quietly actually had to eat sh for a little while too. m yeah you're going to start an apparel brand. man it took you know how much Ronnie ate for how long before kith mattered? Yeah, rude wasn't overnight yeah like but it feels that way. M So like I don't know if I'm selling T-shirt with a hook on the thing I'm grinding for 10 hours a day on social media.
Yeah, instead of what you're trying to do which is what everyone's trying to do is figure out what to Doh right is doing it? Yeah, instead of pondering what competition to apply to lay in bed, listen to your music, Yeah, look at some girls, but then spend 8 hours dming every single human in Massachusetts Saying do you want a free t-shirt that has 100,000 followers put in their story? put that, ask them to put in their story cuz they're not putting in main Fe anymore. Snap. Shoot it. When you see that they did it, put it into your thing, amplify it with $8 cuz that's all you got in media ads.

It's people just lost that. Yeah cuz it seems like you can do it the other way and who wouldn't do it the other way. but that's not real. Mhm? Yeah yeah.

my dream for for tasting is really to become like like the Nike for special needs I Get it I Heard you loud and clear I Think you can get it? I Just think that you have to realize you have to go into a dark dark cocoon for the next 5 years and eat straight. It's super real. I See everyone who's popped off and everyone's going to like everyone's going to think it was easy, it wasn't Mhm. Tell me, tell me which fashion brand you admire I'll tell you like how many more movies you want to see about Nike of how close they went out of business multiple times before it actually happened and you know how much luck Michael Jordan was.

Yeah it was strategy and the movies will show you but like he could also torn both his knees MH like you know what I mean and one would have been it. but Stephon Marberry got hurt on their sneaker game over M right? Like there's just a lot you know what I mean like bro I at 34 years old I worked in a liquor store so of course I'm like what do you you know of course I'm pumping the I'm pumping to all y'all patience like real like eat like cool. Everybody wants to tell me but what about this? Gary like the one lucky lottery ticket. go win the lottery then what about this startup that did it in 18 months on some Serendipity of the Stars God's will like you said like okay cool somebody won $100 million yesterday in a lottery ticket you playing you banking your life on the lotto.

so I just don't understand why people don't get how lucky they have it. I I Don't know if I ever would have worked for my father if I had the internet that you guys have I probably wouldn't have made it I would have made too much money before then but I would have made too much money because I'm a dirt kid and even the dirt kids have become fancy. Everybody just thinks it's easier than it is. Yeah! I Appreciate that.

14 thoughts on “How to sell any product in 2024”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @GavinROfficial says:

    Solid advice as always ❤

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @therewillbetrivia says:

    Tight 🫵

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @ErRanjith says:

    NFT guys assemble…

    How does it feel to be broke

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @ScottsHonestReviews says:


  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @HarishKumaresh says:

    So many gems. Thanks Gary 🙏

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @Aj-vr7ug says:

    Damn Gary. This spoke to my soul

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @moneymaverickstv says:

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @matthewmcmanus3980 says:

    Let’s go. Thank you Gary. I have a lot of information in my dome that I need to release in 2024. Attention, attention, attention.

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @statexlotus says:

    honestly some of the best content on…. anything really lol

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @PopcornMovieReview says:

    5 years in a dark hole is honestly what you do to make the dream come true. the amount of rick folks who started a business in their garage is astounding.

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @leadgenjay says:

    Gary makes a valid point about attention being crucial, but there's another side to consider. While social media platforms offer great reach, relying too much on them can be risky due to their constantly changing algorithms and trends. It's important to also focus on building a strong email list and a robust website. These assets are entirely under your control and can provide a more stable and direct line to your audience, irrespective of social media changes.

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @Buy_YT_Views_767 says:

    You're a true YouTube sensation in the making.

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @alexk7837 says:

    The conference usually attracts real people. I don't' know who sits on linkedin other than hiring geeks or people looking for a job. Most execs I know are usually busy to waste time on social platforms looking for a crafty message to digest. Some buy into the narrative but start to look artificial quickly and plain silly with their "kudos for this, pat on the back for that" on LinkedIn.

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @SocialMediaHubZA says:


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