Today's video is a fireside chat I had with Ryan Smith, Founder @Qualtrics & Owner of Utah Jazz in Silicon Slopes. I talk about the concept of day trading attention and why it's important for every business and entrepreneur to achieve everything they want. We also chat about the Tiktokification of social media and how it changes the way people need to produce content, the story behind my goal to buy the New York Jets, and much more. Hope you enjoy!
0:00 - 1:09 Intro
1:09 - 9:31 The concept of day trading attention
9:31 - 11:17 The importance of communication
11:17 - 18:08 The TikTokification of social media
18:08 - 22:52 Why I'm building a communications death star
22:52 - 25:02 Gary signs a book for a kid from the audience
25:02 - 30:34 The story behind Gary's goal to buy the New York Jets
30:34 - 32:17 Gary shares his love for Utah
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Gary Vaynerchuk is a serial entrepreneur and serves as the Chairman of VaynerX, the CEO of VaynerMedia, and the Creator & CEO of VeeFriends. Gary is considered one of the leading global minds on what’s next in culture, relevance, and the internet. Known as “GaryVee,” he is described as one of the most forward thinkers in business – he acutely recognizes trends and patterns early to help others understand how these shifts impact markets and consumer behavior. Whether it’s emerging artists, esports, NFT investing, or digital communications, Gary understands how to bring brand relevance to the forefront. He is a prolific angel investor with early investments in companies such as Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, Venmo, Snapchat, Coinbase and Uber.
Gary is an entrepreneur at heart – he builds businesses. Today, he helps Fortune 1000 brands leverage consumer attention through his full-service advertising agency, VaynerMedia, which has offices in New York, Los Angeles, London, Mexico City, and Singapore. VaynerMedia is part of the VaynerX holding company, including Eva Nosidam Productions, Vayner3, Gallery Media Group, The Sasha Group, VaynerSpeakers, and VaynerCommerce. Gary is also the Co-Founder of VaynerSports, Resy, and Empathy Wines. Gary guided both Resy and Empathy to successful exits – which were sold respectively to American Express and Constellation Brands. He’s also a Board Member at Candy Digital, Co-Founder of VCR Group, Co-Founder of ArtOfficial, Co-Founder of VaynerWATT, and Creator & CEO of VeeFriends. In addition, Gary was recently named to the Fortune list of the Top 50 Influential people in the NFT industry.
In addition to running multiple businesses, Gary documents his life daily as a CEO through his social media channels, which have more than 44 million followers and garnish over 173 million monthly impressions/views across all platforms. His podcast, “The GaryVee Audio Experience,” ranks among the top podcasts globally. He is a five-time New York Times Bestselling Author and one of the most highly sought-after public speakers.
Gary serves on the board of MikMak, Bojangles Restaurants, and Pencils of Promise. He is also a longtime Well Member of Charity:Water.

How many of you are familiar with Star Wars Enough good. I'm building my communications Death Star I have 2,000 employees around the globe I'm the Emperor and with my communications Death Star I can point it at anything I want 7 years ago I pointed it at an app we incubated at Boehner called Resi and that was highly successful and we sold that to AMX 3 years later I pointed my death star at Empathy Wines, a direct consumer wine brand and we sold at to Consolation a couple years ago I made a really big B and I pointed my death star and a ton of Stormtroopers and even a couple of Darth Vaders to something called V Friends which is my Pokemon Sesame Street intellectual property so they may know how to make great content ESPN The Jazz everybody. there's a lot of talented storytellers. The problem is every Storyteller that has been trained for the last 30 years was not trained in having to think about the distribution.

The distribution was just a screen today. There's not a single time that I post produce video that I'm recording that I'm not thinking about how the algorithm works. it's because I'm watching I'm day trading Attention: This is a skill of day trading. all of Pop Culture Distribution Creative variables I'm pretty excited to be here and I'm ready to dive in.

My man, let's let's go Well so first of all, um, so much to talk about. Uh, how many of you are working in a business or part of a tech company? Raise your hand I Just want to see I Just want to see Okay, so I think to to start Gary Let's you and I have had a lot of conversations over the years around the future, marketing, the future of media um and and I want to. It's not going to be one question, it's going to be a couple. but I want to unpack what's your scene from a brand marketing standpoint? Um, from a marketing standpoint and we're just going to Rift for a second because um I think we're watching a lot of transformation I We just launched Jazz Plus about an hour ago where everyone can now between K Jazz Hold on, hold on.

that was a clap. Let's clap it up for Jazz Club we went from 1.2 million people to 3.2 million people that can now watch games we're going into Idaho Wyoming and Washington we basically gone from basically 1.2 to 5 million people are going to have access to our our Jazz Network and it's basically a curated experience to shift the model from contract to eyeball and we've talked a lot about how that is an art and they're actually making that art now a science. and I think it's very, very relevant for every single person here. Every parent here who has kids who are on social media who are who are at the intersection of Storytelling of business.

It's a lot to unpack y but that's what everyone in Utah needs to hear because very few people have done it as well as you. Thank you. So I think you. It's interesting I Caught the last few minutes of Jimmy right before we came on and if you notice what he said about hey, we're making content on social and we're realizing how that's affecting our owned and operated.
What he's referring to is something that I think about. and I call day Trading attention. So day trading Attention Day trading attention. So if we're leaving with something, it's this phrase trading attention.

And when I come to a conference like this and I have so many different people here in different parts of their lives. Some people work at companies and have a side hustle. They sit on a nonprofit board. they sit on, uh, an education board.

They they are the leader of a company. What? What I love about the concept that I'm about to talk about. which is, how do you not waste a single dollar or in Reverse how do you spend every dollar to maximize the thing that you want to happen right? The one thing that I can guarantee connects everyone here is there's things things they'd like to happen in life incl. it might be a stay-at home parent and they want their kid to have a happy life.

It's all based on communication. The one thing We're All Tied by here is the ability to communicate and that becomes an incredible variable of what happens. All of our political views, all of our biggest standards. how we see the world.

it's all been story told To Us by parents by outside forces. This is the thing I've always been fascinated by I know some of you know who I am I know a lot of you don't I was born in the Soviet Union in the USSR I came to the US when I was three and grew up in the 80s in America. So I was immediately fascinated by the Cold War and was paying attention to how people did messaging. I was interested long before we started talking about it in America about what the media was doing.

I was also interested in Word of Mouth and I was always a businessman when I sold lemonade when I was seven, I spent more time on making signs and putting them up on the right pole. I would think about how sick I was I was seven and I would walk around Edison New Jersey with a sign and I thought it was interesting and cool to sit down on a hill at a cross-section and watch cars driving by to try to figure out which tree or post or pole was the best one to put my lemonade stand. 20 cents for limit e. So I've been chasing attention my whole life and what I know is as we sit here today.

there's an extraordinary amount of money being wasted by internal teams by external agencies by the production of videos, pictures and written word by the media. Spend that you spend on Google and Facebook and Tik Tok and television and outdoor and print and badges on. you can steal an NBA badge or you can overpay pay for it. There is no guaranteed deal.

The best deal in day trading. Attention aka the best ad in America today is the Super Bowl spot. It's the best ad. The problem is even though the 7 or $8 million for 30 seconds that will get you 110 American million Americans to consume it.
even though that's the best ad if you screw up the 30C video, it's not the best. So you have this game of spending media dollars to get attention and then you have the creative, the video, the picture, the audio, the written word as the variable. If you're going to sell sneakers, ticket sales streaming B2B Contracts help your sales team. If you're a SAS business, this is the biggest conversation from ESPN to a single person entrepreneur looking to sell chocolate next week.

And I think the majority of the people in this room are grossly underestimating the platforms that dominate the attention of our society and the majority of them are are sitting on this thing right here now. of course, streaming has incredible amounts of attention. and of course there's other variables I mean I like running videos at gas station pumps because people consume them against the price I Think sometimes buying outdoor Billboards is a good deal. but this goes to the framework that I want everyone here to take away day trading attention.

meaning you're doing it every day you're day trading. You don't just blindly say that Google AdWords work. you have to change the creative on your Google AdWords against emerging Trends Nobody was searching the combo of Kelsey and Taylor Swift a month ago and now they are. What does that mean if anything? And there's 700,000 other things going on in culture, right? This Nanc and most people are punting marketing because they don't understand it.

which is why we have those classic phrases of I'm wasting 50% of my money I just don't know what 50% and I don't believe it has to be that way. but I don't believe anyone in this Stadium But by the way, probably including me takes it serious enough. CU It is the most controllable variable to create the outcome that you want. So day trting attention would be this concept that I just want to thank the guy who whistled thank you for that.

There was a bunch of other who can't wh but they tried to. So day trading attention is this concept that the old World or Scene one would be. You place a marketing camp campaign and you leave and you go focus on what it is to the new world which is scene to you've. got it in it every minute.

Every single thing matters, every channel matters, and it's this living breathing thing. and those organizations who do the best at it are the ones that are going to win. Period. Period.

And and look, Marketing is the offense if you stuck at defense I Really don't want to talk football right now cuz I'm super pissed. Come on S this is actually you said we weren going I the Jets thing is really a problem right now. but anyway, the look what? I Want to be careful here cuz I want everybody here to the people that are best in the world on what we just talked about. Do I Think they're going to win.

They're going to win on the offense. They're going to acquire the most customers. you everybody here knows you could screw up the business a million ways. that has nothing to do with how much revenue you bring in.
So yes, do I think the people in this room and actually by making noise, how many people are familiar with me and the things I talked about and that and I Know this is a very, very nice place so don't feel bashful. but I'm just trying to understand something real quick. Please make equal amount of noise cuz I know you're going to be nice to me, but don't be nice to me. equal amount of noise if you don't know me at all I Feel pretty.

My self-esteem isn't good. that was good. That was good. That was like No.

73. That felt good anyway. especially for the 30, 40% that don't know and and honestly, weirdly enough, maybe even more for the 60 to 70% that do know. Please make this the time, even if you're one of those people that's heard this from me 99 times.

And definitely if you've never heard this from me, please listen to me. Everything on Earth is based on communication. Everything. Everything Like it's It's way bigger than you think.

and I can't believe in 2023 heading into 2024 how many of you here do not take social media serious. It has the far majority of our country's attention, the world's attention on it. And let me say this, nice and slow, right. This is Business 101.

It's free. Let me just. the distribution is free. Of course you can run ads on it, and of course it costs money to make a video or things of that nature.

But you're not calling the Jazz for sponsorship and Ryan's like, yeah, no problem. put your patch on my jersey. It's free. You can't get a newspaper ad for free.

Google is not free. You can't do a commercial for free. Radio ads are not free for the first time. Distribution is potentially free and for the real players in this room.

And this is a big one. Ry For the real players in this room, you know that we've gone through a massive transformation in social media in the last 24 months which I refer to as the Tik tock ofic of social media and what that means is the following: I Invested 17 years ago in three companies. they were the first three companies I invested in. they were called Facebook, Twitter and Tumblr So that means that I made a lot of money, but it also means something important for this point when I invested in Tumblr which was the third of those three Investments back in 2006, I called my brother AJ and I said you know obviously I just invested in Facebook and Twitter 6 months earlier 3 months earlier and I called AJ I Had this meeting with David Karp, the founder of Tumblr which was a New York based tech company which was unusual and I called AJ and I said bro I just invested in the biggest one of them all Tumblr will be bigger than Facebook and Twitter First, thank God I did not make that video.
Second, let me tell you why I said it I said it because the mistake I made was I didn't take into consideration at the time the jockey not the horse. obviously EV Williams and Jack were more capable operators Mark Zuckerberg was a more capable operator than David Karp now David KP Still sold Tumblr for a billion dollars years ago when a billion was like 50 billion now, right? So it was still a monster exit. But let me tell you why I thought Tumblr was going to be the biggest Facebook and Twitter what I explained to AJ on that call which I actually wish I did record so I could show it to you now and tell you how long I've been waiting for the tiktock ification of social Facebook and Twitter you followed people. it was your social graph and it worked like email marketing.

We would all try to amass as many followers and a percentage of our followers would open like open rates right? Get a million followers 27,000 to 250,000 would see it. it worked like email I Understood that I built my daddy's wine business on email I understood Tumblr was doing something different. You were following your interests and I I'm going to. you can tell them right here it is.

it's about to come I Don't you see it? Yeah, I see them. Okay, the reason I just got goosebumps is cuz I remember what I felt once I understood what Tumblr was doing which was our interests are more powerful than the people we follow. As a matter of fact, all of our friends are almost solely based on our interest. We became friends on aligned interests so I fell in love with Tumblr and so for the people that follow me the most and I've got some friends in the front that I know do you remember 7 years ago I went crazy on musically the reason and everybody was like all right this is the time Gary actually lost his mind.

Why is an app that has 13-year-old girls dancing on it? Why is he yelling about this? Because I saw the interest graph come back and I knew that it started with 14-year-old girls but we would all eventually be there cuz it's the most powerful thing now Instagram Facebook YouTube Shorts snapis Discovery Twitter all of the platforms now are showing you higher percentage and I believe Tik Tok included is not showing us enough of it I think they should be pot committed to just showing us what we want to consume cuz that's how the world actually works and I think the future Battle of who's going to win this battle of these four or five companies is which algorithm goes all the way to just showing us what we want to be seeing instead of random stuff. and so for this is a long-winded setup for something I want everyone to hear for the first time ever. In the history of marketing, the content creates the distribution the way every other platform for 100 years has worked. From Radio to billboard to direct mail to television to the whole internet was you made a picture or video and then you paid money to try to get in front of people for the first time ever the and it did not matter how good your video or picture was if you made a shitty commercial NBC did not give you their money back, they took it and it ran for the first time ever.
The quality of the Creative creates the distribution. There are people in this room who do not have a Tik Tok account who tomorrow can open one have zero followers and if they make a quality piece of creative that is interesting to the masses could have a million people see it. This is unprecedented. This Matter's big and here's where it becomes Atomic The OTS and fast channels and streaming services are building their ad product more like that than like television And so we are in a crash course in the next 5 to 7 years where every ad above the line as they call it television and all of social will be now in a place where the creative is a variable to the success greater than we've ever seen and the practitioners.

I Sit here today as a man who knows the difference between putting a p the same picture on. LinkedIn Facebook Twitter Youtube Youtube Shorts Facebook Reals Facebook Main Feed TW Like all these platforms, I Know the difference of what it needs to look like, what the first 3 seconds need to look like, what the title needs to look like, what time to post it, How much copy which hashtags? This is a skill. This is not your 22-year-old niece doing this for your company. This is a massive skill and it's the most important skill.

And I think everybody here is punting it and having it as their 15th to 80th biggest priority. And I believe From the Utah Jazz To an entrepreneur out here on day one, the craft of producing 30 40, 50 60 ads a day a day. 30 40 50 60 a day across 11 platforms targeting different demos, this is for the female fans. This is for the female 32 to 40y Old fans who like Taylor Swift and go to yoga this is for 55 to 57y old African-American fans who like Jay-Z like deep segmentation 30 40 50 segmentations If you're a B2B SAS business, this is for the CFOs on LinkedIn of Fortune 5000 companies where we're going to make copy and creative.

That tells them how much money they will save if they use our SAS product cuz they're a CFO and you CFOs out there you love saving money. Who's a CFO Make Some Noise There's like there's like 10 CFOs because they wouldn't want to pay. So anyway, look obviously you could see what that six-minute rant or whatever the I just did. This is important.

So so Gary Uh, it's interesting because when we launched Gas Plus we actually stood up Scg Media where we said no, we're going to be a full Media company and we're going to staff it with practitioners who are producing the games who are producing the content. This is right. Like it or not like it's not the day where sports teams throw it over the fence to someone else to handle distribution. That's right, because it's the content creation.
If we think about those practitioners, you and I have had the these conversations. Well, if we look at 14e 500 CMOS yes and I think the wording from you was something along the lines of 90% of them will have worked in one of my media companies in the next 10 years. Yeah, so we're it's a pretty B for yeah. I Mean it's probably a hyperbole, but let me tell you where I was going with this.

Ryan and I are were referencing a time we're together maybe two or three times ago and he's like what are you up to like why do you have an agency like feels like you'd be doing bigger things and I'm like listen, I'm building by by noise how many of you are familiar with Star Wars Enough good. So I said to Ry I said Ry I'm building my communications Death Star right? I have 2,000 employees around the globe 300 people in APAC right now, 100 people in latam, 300 people in Europe I'm building a Communications Dev star I'm the emperor right? Actually right I'm the emperor and with my communications Death Star I can point it at anything I want So 7 years ago I pointed it at an app we incubated at Boehner called resi and that was highly successful and we sold that to Am X. 3 years later I pointed my death star and sent some Stormtroopers to go work there and I pointed that at Empathy Wines the direct consumer wine brand and we sold that. The consolation right.

A couple years ago I made a really big bet and I pointed my death star and a ton of Storm Troopers and even a couple of Darth Vaders to something called Vriends which is my Pokemon Sesame Street intellectual property Skeletor last night yes, big collaboration Skeletor and skilled skeleton at be friends So I'm building this Communications Death Star anyway just to come back to being Gary back to being Gary um I said to R said we're teaching a totally different skill. he's building an internal shop. he's my homie I Just heard that the biggest fear I have is they know how to make the content but they don't know the nuances of the distribution and how to make the content for the distribution. so they may know how to make great content ESPN The Jazz everybody there's a lot of talented storytellers.

The problem is every Storyteller that has been trained for the last 30 years was not trained in having to think about the distribution. The distribution was just a screen 30 minutes. Yeah, okay. I'm doing a sitcom I Got to tell the story in 22 minutes.

That was it today. There's not a single time that I post produce video that I'm recording that I'm not thinking about how the algorithm works on LinkedIn What is the features? Is it a carousel ad like why am I posting on Instagram now a RL two post post where the first one's an image and the second one's a video instead of what I've been doing for two straight years which just a video. it's because I'm watching I'm day trading attention. It goes much further than that with day trading attention.
Influencer marketing is one of the greatest opportunities in marketing today to either get an obnoxious deal for 100,000 bucks in one or 30 influencers and crush or spend $100,000 on 1 to 30 influencers and get nothing. These are. this is a skill of day trading, all of pop culture distribution creative variables. So what I was saying to Ry was look, if we're if I'm right about this and ironically there, there's a great company based here.

that literally literally I where are they are they might be backstage literally Two a week ago, a employee that worked for me for the last 9 years became the CMO of a company based in Utah I Just met the gentleman back in. they've been working with one of my agencies. that's where they met her. So yes, I do believe that a shocking percentage of Fortune 500 CMOS in 10 to 20 years would have been traded at Boehner X and I'm really proud of that.

and I want that for those employees and I want that for the marketing. World cuz I believe that marketing today is in a show I think we're wasting an obnoxious amount of money and I think we need to fix it. So I think uh I think I think everyone here did everyone understand that The day trading concept. Okay, so that's a takeaway from Silic Slopes.

I'm writing a book on this, right? Yeah, next year it's coming out day trading attention. It's going to crush. You know what? Actually, for the people that hear that really follow me. It was originally called jab jab Jab left hook.

It's the followup from a book that I know a lot of. Thank you for all the thank you for Russia That's the first one. that's the first one I will sign that for that Done lock. Get her up here Now let's sign.

If you're live on face, let's mix it up here at Silicon Slope. Summit Um Go! uh I Want to switch ears I think there's a lot I mean you talked about growing up I'll never forget you coming over to my house you meeting my son Jet. You asked him what his favorite number was five and and his name was Jet I like almost kidnapped this kid. Yeah yeah and and then you went on to tell this story that is kind of shaped your we're doing this.

Yeah, we're right. Uh This is how we do it. This is how we do it. Come, let's clap it up for these two.

Okay, what's your name? Adam I'm right. what's up Hi Ryan hey how are you I'm good. How are you? Oh god let's get the little one first. You saved my life from Death back in 2011.

All right when Laura LM put me in death with her book making millionaires crush it have saved my life. So since then I've waited to meet you I'm glad we met and then my son is so inspired. Can I take a picture who's oh? there we go Go! Okay there goam go sell that in school for 5 cents? Yeah my kids school class is actually here. so are they yeah? So there? Look there they are.

Let's go back there. straight ahead. Any language you've heard today um is condoned. Well we'll have it exited.
Um, the the Let's go through that because I think you you explained a story that I didn't I didn't understand and you want me to go into it I've never forgot that so maybe you just noticed that I put up the number five. Definitely the people that follow me have seen this. Ah man. I Don't like getting emotional about this but this is this is probably the most important Story of My Life Come to the USA we're super poor.

It was like 1978 79. It was a really tough economic climate in the US The Carter years you've seen the videos if you didn't grow up in it gas lines. it was really rough. The great uncle who's a distant relative of my fathers who was going to kind of watch out for us when we came to America The way that I got out of the Soviet Union we had to go to Austria for 3 weeks.

we were in Italy for 3 months and then we got the proper papers and we were able to come to America During that 3-month period, the great uncle dies. So now we come to America and we're like you know, in a in a spot and so I live in a studio apartment with eight family members like like like I am driven by gratitude I can never get fancy I'm from the dirt, you know? and so my father gets a job as a stock boy in a liquor store in New Jersey he's literally commuting from Queens to New Jersey for like two bucks an hour. It's like insane that this is like 5 minutes ago my dad works his face off, becomes the manager of the store that lets us move to Edison New Jersey That's really where I grew up. That's where I was Americanized literally for the kids under 30 here.

you won't understand this but I went outside to play and so you know I went outside and literally for everyone over 40 or 45, you know exactly where I'm going in the beginning of your childhood. You go outside and play and you like look for people. So I'm like walking around town and like in a distance I'm like wait a minute there's some kids I you you see them everywhere. Fair enough in Jersey they were everywhere too but like you just had to find it I Found these kids and they were playing football and I walked over and these became my best friends growing up.

They were playing football and they're like are you a football fan and I'm like I'm I'm just barely getting English down at this point and they're like well you're you're you're with us now and they're like you're a Jets fan and that was I Really wish they said something else. So that was 1982 and now I'm pop committed I watched this was August right before school. we just moved before school so I watched the whole season and the Jets in typical Jets what they've done to me fashion tricked the out of me. The 1982 Jets went all the way to the AFC Championship game literally the game before the Super Bowl I'm like this is good.

It took literally 16 more years to for them to even get that close. So now I'm fully in I'm in I'm in and all my we're playing football every day with the Nerf ball every day and my friends all have a Jets Jersey and I Asked my mom for a Jet's Jersey and we were poor and like you didn't like we weren't really like that we were immigrants like you don't buy a $20 Jersey like money was for food and maybe clothes you know. And so she said no and unbeknown to me over the next four or 5 weeks, my mom after she put bed from 10 p.m. on to midnight started knitting me a Jets Jersey and on that Jersey was the number five and that's because 2 years earlier when I was five I decided five was my favorite number I still have that Jets Jersey I wore it every single day and the reason I throw up five in every photo is my mother is my hero.
my mother I get a lot of accolades I get a lot of love and 100% Dad Don't be mad at me, but an enormous amount close to 100% of the reason it happens is the way she parented me, who she is, who she was, who she is today and all I'm really doing for the world is extending what she did to me to the world. And the reason I've saved that Jersey is when I buy the New York Jets In the future can happen bro. when I'm going to put that jersey in the front of the stadium when everybody walks in I'm literally when I design the stadium I'm going to design it so that the majority of people have to walk through the middle while still getting everybody to their seats nicely. Just a little advice.

um grab the te first before you design the new St Fair through that now but uh, real quick I Want to say the punch line: I'm going to put that Jersey in front of everybody. it's going to have a little plaque and it's going to say from not being able to buy a Jets Jersey to buying close your ears kids, the whole team listen I'm incredibly proud of you I Love this town! Honestly I was here last weekend I've been here several times since. Rise really jumped in I got to tell you I Just you know I know we're wrapping up I'm just so humbled to be here I adore that would be the word I use I adore the entrepreneurial Spirit the community feel the civility that I see from the airport to the hotel to the meetings that many people in this town treat each other with. I Love being here I'm so honored to be a part of this.

I Hope you heard me on the day trading attention thing for the Practical stuff I hope you heard the mom story for the macro stuff. the business find your happiness, be nice. life life could be so good if you don't complicate it. and I love you brother and I'm proud of you and I'm happy to be here.

First of all I want to thank you I know you just came all the way across the country just for this for these folks. So hey if you do Von here would you guys all come? That's good Bas To start like we got to do it. Listen, if you want to give the arena for free you mean did again. You know these are business conversations we can have.
We can do it public. Let's do it though. Let's go bro. give it up for Gary everyone.

Love you everybody! Thank you.

12 thoughts on “How to think about marketing in 2024”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Alexandru Dragan says:

    So grateful to be able to listen to the backstage thinking of why Tumblr and not Fb❤

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Rock-N-Santa says:

    Day Trading for attention!

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Chuck Ebbs says:

    One thing I noticed that I think is great is that at the start of every video you give the gist/ most important part.

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars There Will Be Trivia says:

    Did he just become “Darth Vayner” 😮😮😮

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars CryptoNauty says:

    I’m sure this was great info, but hard to stick around for audio that sounds like it was echoing through a blown out bhole.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Smokin Baits says:

    Let’s go!

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Nathan Petty says:

    then i did then i did then i did nfts aaaaaand cut clip fast before boos

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Robert Reyes says:

    A communication death star, this is the perfect definition of a media company in 2023. Thank you for the insights!

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Money Mavericks TV says:

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Vadim Semenchuk says:

    Super hard to watch, the echo isn't helping

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars GREMIC says:

    He's been using the force all this time… I knew it.

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars RevivingEnergy says:

    Gary, congrats on 4 million subscribers. I'm here admiring your greatness.

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