I think that heaven has some weird version of google. I dream about this, where you go up there and you can type in anything and heaven will show you what would have happened. First query show me the time i came closest to dying without knowing it enter, and i have these two core scenarios, one. If i would have eaten that peanut, i would have choked on it and died or two my favorite one.
The time i forgot, my keys in the house ran out, ran back in and grabbed them, but had i grabbed them, i would have got hit by a bus and died. So i've got big hopes for heaven. I'm gon na be super pissed. If it's not there and so uh, i'm excited about that.
The devil is going to be pissed if your with him
"I am exided about that" SO happy to see that perspective Gary, Love it
This is a good one. 😂
GARRRRRY! Haven't seen your content in a while. 💚
Yall think heaven has yard sales or not?
I was thinking the same! 😂 🤝🏻
Too funny 🤣
First comment let’s fujcking go