Today's episode is an amazingly heartfelt conversation I had at @The Female Quotient conference. We discussed everything from education, to advertising, to being thoughtful and inclusive about the things I love, being content with what you've got, why truth always finds a way, changing the world through compassion, and so much more!
#garyvee #sucess #change
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Gary Vaynerchuk is a serial entrepreneur, and serves as the Chairman of VaynerX, the CEO of VaynerMedia and the Creator & CEO of VeeFriends.
Gary is considered one of the leading global minds on what’s next in culture, relevance and the internet. Known as “GaryVee” he is described as one of the most forward thinkers in business – he acutely recognizes trends and patterns early to help others understand how these shifts impact markets and consumer behavior. Whether its emerging artists, esports, NFT investing or digital communications, Gary understands how to bring brand relevance to the forefront. He is a prolific angel investor with early investments in companies such as Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, Venmo, Snapchat, Coinbase and Uber.
Gary is an entrepreneur at heart — he builds businesses. Today, he helps Fortune 1000 brands leverage consumer attention through his full service advertising agency, VaynerMedia which has offices in NY, LA, London, Mexico City, LATAM and Singapore. VaynerMedia is part of the VaynerX holding company which also includes VaynerProductions, VaynerNFT, Gallery Media Group, The Sasha Group, Tracer, VaynerSpeakers, VaynerTalent, and VaynerCommerce. Gary is also the Co-Founder of VaynerSports, Resy and Empathy Wines. Gary guided both Resy and Empathy to successful exits — both were sold respectively to American Express and Constellation Brands. He’s also a Board Member at Candy Digital, Co-Founder of VCR Group, Co-Founder of ArtOfficial, and Creator & CEO of VeeFriends. Gary was recently named to the Fortune list of the Top 50 Influential people in the NFT industry.
In addition to running multiple businesses, Gary documents his life daily as a CEO through his social media channels which has more than 34 million followers and garnishes over 272 million monthly impressions/views across all platforms. His podcast ‘The GaryVee Audio Experience’ ranks among the top podcasts globally. He is a five-time New York Times Best-Selling Author and one of the most highly sought after public speakers.
Gary serves on the board of GymShark, MikMak, Bojangles Restaurants, and Pencils of Promise. He is also a longtime Well Member of Charity:Water.

Think it's real really disingenuous to not talk about the fact that a lot lot of people are selling things that they cannot believe there was a human being stage yesterday. Who said we believe that people watch television. So that they can watch our commercials and i pioneered online research and i had all male bosses that were not eq. I i came to them and i said let's migrate research from offline to online and their answer to me was it's not the right time.

And because there was no one online at the time and had i've listened to them and waited and watched. I would not be where i am today and so everything that you said is so true and so relevant. And it had i not have been on a panel with the chief research officer of procter gamble. And asked him when is the right time for me to come and talk to you about migrating research to the internet and him saying come to me next week.

I would not have pioneered online research and at that time it wasn't the right time. I had to make it the right time and get ahead of it it and make it work and build the ecosystem. And and that was the first second and third. And so when you were talking about how behind this industry is and of course in one of your you know um socials.

I saw you challenging the whole industry. Here. And what did you tell them well. I'm not sure i'm challenging the whole week.

So i'm not sure what the clip is well i think you told them they're lying yeah. I mean i i do think i do think my biggest challenge. It's i do think the biggest challenge. I have with the industry which i adore.

I mean the makeup of the people this industry is phenomenal like one of the reasons. I love coming is so many wonderful people. But i think it's real really disingenuous to not talk about the fact that a lot of people are selling things that they cannot believe there was a human being on stage yesterday. Who said we believe that people watch television.

So that they can watch our commercials capture this not 1992 not 1982 not 1972 not 1962 not 1952. There was never a time ever that people decided i'm going to watch leave it to bieber just so i can catch the coca cola commercial. There was probably and and i've done a lot of homework this there was a time where the commercial wasn't was a slight enjoyment part you were curious it did have a different culture. The remote control had been invented there was a lot more creative fire in the ad world in the 50s and 60s not because of anything.

But because people actually saw the commercials thus inspired highly creative people to want to make them. And so yes. I i do think that i mean there's people selling media here that is not transparent media. I mean the the sh for all the wonderfulness that is outside one thing that is not outside in any shape or form ever at can is common sense.

There is no version of common sense. Otherwise nothing that is being said would be said and i think that the industry is within itself. I don't think we can go. And interview.
The eight billion people on earth and ask them to recall four commercials that they could today uh. There is no network television consumption going on it's all gone to streaming uh and you know yes. I i really struggle with that i i think it's incredibly challenging for me to wrap my head around the concept of selling something that in my soul. I don't believe in and i think that happens a lot in our industry.

Well. I i think you know when we think about also and i talked about this the other day you know omnimedia which is multimedia. But we don't live in a linear world we live in an omnipresence world. Where you're where consumers own what they want what they watch when they watch it and how they want to watch.

It which is you know consuming all forms of media in real time at the same time you know in a whole different fashion comma that is all about the content. We actually want to watch correct. None of that is the things that people make to interrupt those people and try to sell them correct. When people say gary you're wrong about tv people watch sports.

I'm like people watch sports. That's very different than people. Watching the commercials during a sporting event and so and meanwhile comma. I think this in a you know this is a very global talk.

But the super bowl ad in america is the best ad in the world you get 60 to 100 million people actually consuming it and wanting to consume it you know people always like well there's big events like the oscars and the olympics and the super bowl. I'm like no no those are big events but the variable difference between the super bowl commercial and the oscar commercial. There's not one conversation about the oscar commercial by normal people. The ad world wants to make it happen it'll get covered and so yeah.

I i really struggle with these variables. Yeah. It's also why by the way the last measure pre us adding gem. The gender equality measure was likability.

We added likability uh over 20 something years ago when social came about because ads that people choose to watch they watch over and over and over again. Which is why we added likability and adding the emotive side the emotion. If it pulls your heart strings. So i want to get to web.

Three okay for a minute. Because you have a tremendous amount of people here and a lot of women and you are doing so much for women in web. 3. And one of the things that we are trying to do is upskill educate awareness.

We just released a great study um with ewg on women in web3. Which is phenomenal. So many great results so i hope you consume it and post. It and share it and it's it's you know everything that you are doing to bring women into web.

Three and to drive change and to embrace and endorse tell us why that's so important to you um bringing. So much more women into web3 because education matters. You know i love talking about you know a lot of parents get mad at me. Because i put a lot of tick tock content of like college might not be the answer.
And i say i do say it a little bit different than that uh and so i get tons of feedback from parents. But for the first seven years of that content. It was all you gary get out of my kid's scream you're up my child's life in the last three years it's been like you've really helped my family like we've actually had different conversations with our kids and things are happening. And it really is again fun to be misunderstood up front and then understood differently later.

So i've always struggled with the way education is packaged and sold in the world. But the most important thing in the world is education. The reason. I answered your question with education over the last 15 years as my life has progressed as as i've started to get more notoriety and more awareness and more eyeballs somewhere seven or eight years ago.

I started listening to things like this and many other things that we all consume and i would start hearing things from individuals of like hey. The leaders need to do something about this the leaders need to do something about this. It's important that the pioneers of something bring everyone along and i remember like you know i mean when you're a kid and going through it it's not even on your radar. You're not a leader.

You start getting a little bit momentum. You're sitting in the middle. And you start getting kind of almost curious and i remember like seven or eight years ago being pretty confident because the math was clear and i know my chemicals and my feelings. I'm like oh okay like one day.

I'm going to be in a position. Where there's gonna be a lot of people listening. And i need to be very thoughtful about what i talk about and how i talk about it. And what i do and you know i think for there's some people in here that faces.

I know for a long time. And um. You know the content evolves with the context of your own life. The market.

The things that you're passionate about and and so when the web 3 thing happened you know web one i was a child trying to help my dad's liquor store web 2. I was in the middle of my life where i had already built my dad's business for him and had very little economics and had probably a lot of emotions about that that like i built this humongous business. But i never got paid more than 70 or 80k a year and so family businesses are very very challenging and so when web 2 came i saw it as my opportunity. I understood something was happening.

And that obviously built the foundation of what most people know about me today web. 3. When it came it came as i'm in a different place in my career. And i had options and opportunities to do something and so i remember very quickly saying okay.
This is different this is an opportunity for me i'm going to lead here because i already have a big platform. I'm going to do what i've always done so i'm going to be historically correct. I'm going to put in the work. I'm going to execute.

I'm going to communicate. I'm going to make content. But i need to be thoughtful of who and how and what i do here and so all the education combos with you and others and just the way. I've lived my life.

Made me realize i have a chance to really help here first and foremost because this is something i'm incredibly proud of i was uncomfortably focused on my community. I educated the out of people that followed me and every single hour not every day. I get an email from people who are like you changed my life because i got involved so early and this happened and that happened. And it just it's incredible not only be friends like i minted world of women meant it out because of me.

I minted it and went right into my discord and twitter. And said buy this right and mumbot or women and weapons. And you know i just knew what i was watching from january to may in 20. Which was you know highly curious web.

3. Blockchain individuals were were the most active it skewed the way a lot of early technology skewed. I went first at my community. Which is quite diverse by nature.

So that immediately started to uh change the way. But then when i was watching the projects themselves. I saw an opportunity and i put in a lot of work i put in the work. I would search twitter and search discord and followed and followed and waited for things that were coming from black artists female artists.

It was being educated and being thoughtful that when you have a platform. You can have a variable difference on the world by the way all of us can do that because that's what i was feeling the whole way even when i had 13 followers or 24. You're still influencing when you're a parent you're influencing one two three people very heavily right and so it was just it was exciting for me and to be very honest. It's intoxicating.

I'm excited to spend the next 50 years of my life to do things that are selfishly fulfilling for me. Whether they're financially or creativity or and excuse me. While i'm doing that being very thoughtful about the selfless part of that as well and being thoughtful about the things that i care about and diversity inclusion is something i care about um. There's many things i care about most of all what i care about is trying to have a conversation around self esteem.

I say it in a million different slang terms and i hide it in my content to trick people into my world. So that i can then reframe success. Which is for me so based on being content and happy with what you've got eliminating envy completely tuning out the judgment of others who have no context on your actual truth and trying to find a way to live within the means of your financial reality uh. So that you don't put yourself in a vulnerable spot to have to not do something you like and so everyone's got different things they care about and so um.
That's what i spent my time on so i have something to say so i mean that was that was like as i say like a motherly hug. But it really was a sisterly hug because i was gonna cry because i was feeling this moment of such pride because i got to meet gary's family at vcon and um. Honestly gary speaks such truth because you are so famous it's true you have so many friends. But they're such real friends you at vidcon.

You know your proudest moment was you were surrounded by your breasts your best friends all came i walked in this auditorium. I don't know where we were where it was and this big auditorium and all this stuff. Minnesota vikings stadium and there was all these security people there and i walk in and of course talk to the security people to say where am. I and you're in this big stadium and i think security and he said the security people said you know everyone that comes through this door are the nicest people you know because they're used to all these celebrity people and concerts and everything they said you all are so nice and i said yeah because all seventy thousand people or ever.

Many people were there are all gary vee friends. It's true garyvee. We were all your friends and even people you don't know are part of your culture. You know because you really inspire us all to be good and kind and in a garyvee likeness and i don't i know you know you know even this to someone the other day like this place was designed by women for women and even all of you guys in here you you close the seats you put the seats up the toilet down and you take the napkins and put them in the trash can we did it and you're so respectful and you're so kind and you know inclusive and it's a culture and that's the gary v.

Way. I was so proud of your mom. Because you are mommy and so yummy and like i just so nice and that whole stadium where garyvee like and that is who you are and i just i'm so proud of you and i'm so inspired and i'm so grateful and for all of us women to be so supportive and all of you women. I keep saying you've got to get in first we got to stay in gary is always yes.

I text him and he right away writes us back and is helping all of us get in get in early educate upload supportive there's no better friend to help us be first be second be third and that is the truth because we are going to write the rules of web. Three. So it doesn't become the boys club. It becomes an inclusive safe space right okay.

And then the other thing you know i talked about you know paris. Hilton was in here. You know so vulnerable and sharing. You know her inner truth.

And i'd ask her that question and we talked about it you know how she went from you know playing those parts of you know being the dumb blonde and owning her real truth of herself and she had said to me. It's because you know she really realized that she wasn't happy playing that part that was a part she played and then she found her real self and it's really who you are and you said that you are always you talk about that being always you is extremely hard you know a lot of people let's talk about this business. I've been in it for 13 years 13 years later what's amazing about truth is it finds its way sometimes. It's a day sometimes it's a century.
But truth is a funny game it finds its way and for when you're when you're when you're obsessed with the notion of not compromising. Who you are and being comfortable with your own skin it comes with an extraordinary amount of judgment. I am wildly for the people that know me best wildly soft skilled oriented. Deeply based on kindness and empathy and compassion.

However as a communicator in most settings. A podcast on stage. I'm incredibly over the top highly aggressive sports wrestling. It's who i am.

I'm i'm incredibly comfortable in my high energy in in my tenacity in my ambition in in my deep competitiveness. I it's who i am the problem is when you're that guy and this is 13 years ago. Definitely today when you're that guy there's an incredible amount of judgment when one know doesn't know any more about you this this industry. The wine business.

Whether it's like it it follows me everywhere. And it's it takes a lot to especially. When you're proud of how you treat people and who you are to to get just a headline reading one clip. One curse word out of your mouth.

He he's this he when hustle porn. Got thrown at me that was devastating one person wrote one medium article with 50 falsities in it but people just ran with it because unfortunately. The world has pain which i'm incredibly empathetic to there's not a single time. I'm faced with hate that i'm not compassionate to why it's happening not one time.

I understand why it's happening. It still doesn't taste good when you're on the receiving end of it and we're so quick to judge. We've become incredibly good at pointing fingers and we're really really scared to use our thumbs. The accountability has gone completely out of the window.

You know the leaders of the world have no civility. Towards each other thus. We've now started to do that and and then on top of everything else i'm a really interesting character. I understand communication so well that if i'm trying to create change.

I know that there's certain patterns of the chess move that i have to do to get people to buy in to then later do the work that i need to do to get there. Which is in triple challenging because you you know you're connecting with certain individuals on one part of your life. You know that you're putting in the work to try to reframe the conversation for them in a different way. But you know that the way you're getting them in is being judged by everybody who's virtue signaling you judging you and and it's challenging we and and i always talk i like talking about this because i always want to remind people no look look how in this room.
Everyone looks different and today's age which i find incredibly appropriate because for the last eight trillion years. It was the reverse in today's age for the micro second the judgment towards a white male with no context is extremely high i find that appropriate is a it's a macro counter reaction to centuries work. However on an individual basis. One human being their mother might have been an alcoholic.

They might have had a family that had money and lost it all and like like this concept that you know anything about i mean think for a second right now all of us about the people in your direct family that don't know everything about you i'm talking about your mother and your siblings that don't know actually every single thing. How the do we know anything about each other in this room and so for me. It's i'm willing to be judged. Because i know what i'm doing with the attention and i'm willing to have scrutiny up front to have the accolades later this town 13 years ago.

When we were talking about the companies that we were talking about they on them they now completely control this town right and so you know being historically correct is incredibly gratifying it takes incredible strength internally to deal with the short term judgment and i'm incredibly proud of the stories and the things that i'm doing and i'm capable and i take down this responsibility at a very high level. I am capable of reaching many many many many people that most people that have the same values that i have and want the world to look the way everybody in this room wants to look have no capability of getting to i do that at the judgment of the people that i see the world the same with for so that i can later accomplish what we want to have happen and i it's probably the thing. I'm most proud of in the world and and i talk about it out loud because there's others who have that ability. But they can't deal with the short term judgment of their contemporaries or the people they respect thus unable to accomplish what we're actually trying to accomplish.

It is very hard to change the world through judgment and and for me. It's not how i see it i want to achieve it through compassion to every single variable of how one gets there and then once that trust is built have thoughtful conversations that may move the ball down the field you.

12 thoughts on “Let’s reframe what success means female quotient at cannes”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Marketing Harry says:

    Great conversation! Everyone has different things they care about-this is what makes every one of us unique and special! Thank you for sharing such inspirational thoughts with us!

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars PAU SOLÉ says:

    Pure inspiration💛

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tyler Carriere says:

    Gary, we need to see you actually argue with someone.

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Max Swanson says:

    Quoted you today after scratching 3 itches at once.

    Took me a few days to even remember them all together at once.

    But court skills (9/12 wins now about to be 10/13), Crypto Coaching and these Medical Device sales…

    Can you believe i saw 3 total knee replacements 4 sessions later had no pain.

    Like Kameron Loe supposed to never pitch again went back for 6 years, speed increased from 91 to 94, just by using AI with microcurrents.

    One guy getting hearing back after 13 years docs told him nothing they could do and an older lady is having to shave her legs again and can even feel her feet again for the first time in 2 years (di@bet;c neur0p@thy).came for knee pain didnt even come back after the 6th session but could dance like when younger!

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Samuel Naesen says:

    Yes 🙂

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars D Dub says:

    Talk about wet for garyvee….I bet there was a puddle underneath her. Gary knows to take over the world ,you gotta take over women….by being the sensitive nice guy….he's really got em by the lips…

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dr. Slava Shut says:

    Some great points are made here

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Road2Millionaire says:

    True inspiration to the YT scene 🔥

    I’m making YT videos just like you and helping as many people as I can get RICH 🙌🙌

    Keep it up

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Stephanie’s Sacred Expressions says:

    How fu^*#*^# truthful!!!

    Single mom here! 9 years after a near death experience due to care giving my toddler and mom dying. FINNNALLLY hearing values here that align with mine and are inspiring me to continue my hustle in a bigger way in unschooling my 10 yr old. Meaning his education is interest based and based on real life experiences. Would rather die trying to live truth than live a BS life.

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars effect me says:

    I just loved this interview ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Fabersoul says:

    Gary Andrew Tate said that patience is how you don't get rich, and then said you are a dork. thoughts? the Sith are coming for you Gary

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Schalon says:

    Those Nescafe and grey poupon commercials i loved

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