I think education's the most important thing in the world. I was getting bees and apps all of high school, but every weekend in springfield new jersey, i was reading international wine cellar cover to cover hundreds of hours of education. It just wasn't memorizing where saturn was because that's what i was gon na do for a living room and in 1974 you got out of college. That paper put you on.
Every company in america was like. We will hire you. It's changing forget about little old vaynermedia. You have the biggest companies in the world that don't even ask for that, but this debt thing drives me crazy.
Unbelievable amounts of kids get out of school, have 30 40 90 a hundred thousand dollars in debt, people are choked, and then they have to take jobs. They don't like, we get the depression unhappiness. Ninety percent of people aren't even doing what they went to college for and now here comes all the comments on social. I know if you're a lawyer and a doctor good go to school for that you're right.
I don't want a doctor who never went to school working on me, you're, absolutely right. The problem is: there's like six of those things yeah. What about everybody else?.
Well said 😎
Amen! Study what your craft is people! If you are in business study some successful entrepreneurs or even take some courses offered by them. Read books. Watch interviews. Don’t need to get a MBA
College is only for specific things- nurse doctor etc.. otherwise it’s a waste of time and money!! You can get the same education for free on the internet! Wake up
Garry What do u think about what’s happening in Kiev
Last time I came this early, my wife left me 😭
I hope colleges start dropping like flies due to loss of revenue. I think less and less people are going to college every year.
Hope you have an amazing day gary ❤️
Gary V I love you man.