Tea With GaryVee is a Q&A show where Gary answers questions in a much more detailed, slower format. He gets deep! In this episode, Gary answers questions about starting a business, getting back into your passion, blocking out negativity, and more! For a chance to be on the show, text your question and number to 1-212-931-5731, or if you’re international tweet your question with the hashtag #teawithgaryvee… Enjoy!
👍 Nothing is impossible, the word itself says “I’m possible”! Top entrepreneurs have that @evenkingsfall (His Instagram name) THINK BIG approach to life! Don't stop the hard work 💙
Great content!
This is unreal . Thank you thank you
true money =/= happiness but crying in ferrari is better than crying in my dad old car lol
Why you're not on Patreon ???? @GaryVee
Jon Z's ability to actually listen is remarkable. For me it looked like Gary started talking more to him because Jon was genuinely listening with all his being. And Gary felt that and it's always a good feeling to talk to someone who is listening like that. Jon Z is going to be a great psychiatrist. 💪🔥👌
Gary is 100% right. The second you start focusing on how you can HELP people, rather than how you can make more money to buy stuff you don't need, that's when you start making profits. Money is just a byproduct of the benefit you get in exchange for the value you can provide.
this is so awesome
I could watch Gary's videos forever and ever
Daily Positivity Energy! Thank you Gary!