Tea With GaryVee is a Q&A show where I answer questions in a much more detailed, slower format. We get deep! This episode covers a bunch of questions around real estate, growing a social following from scratch, monetizing your audience, and more! For a chance to be on the show, text your question and number to 1-212-931-5731, or if you’re international tweet your question with the hashtag #teawithgaryvee…Enjoy!
"It's on you."
The husband /wife thing = Gary brings deep insight.
Hi Gary, thanks for all the positive advice. What should you do if your wife tell you that you have alot of difference job but no money but the others just have 1 job and they have money. ?
Mindset is EVERYTHING. Think about it. It's impossible to create positive results from negative thoughts. Reframe negative situations and look at them as opportunities, and suddenly everything changes. Thank you Gary for all that you do! ❤️
the 16 kid is me, im 19 and im kinda have a scattered interest and still practicing patience, i always remind myself to be bloody patient, thanks for always mentiong patience in almost all vids.
@dzulcem 31.34 tengak tips ni
I don't drink because I don't support drinking. You can't make me change my values Gary. Many of my family have been wrecked by alcohol and it almost got me. I know it's a drug that society somehow endorses, despite it being just as dangerous as heroin.
I'm in LOVE with the process. I want it that bad.