Tea With GaryVee is a Q&A show where I answer questions in a much more detailed, slower format. We get deep! This episode covers a lot of topics around connecting with influencers, struggling with self-doubt and baggage, Struggling with self-discipline and accountability, and more! For a chance to be on the show, text your question and number to 1-212-931-5731, or if you’re international tweet your question with the hashtag #teawithgaryvee…Enjoy!
Man, when someone says "so to make a long story short…" we're f**ked! People, keep it pithy please. A LITTLE context is fine, but we don't need your whole life story before you ask a question.
Oh Fuck! I love that fake Travis/Gary interview. It's brilliant!
Id like to do something that would get me out of this quicksand even if it's just so gary v could say..way to go Tan😪
I need to ask for my clothes.
To really build yourself. Build those muscles that will help you in the future.
Put yourself in those spaces. Put yourself out there and figure out.
There are a lot of conversations to be had.
I own my space and my space is big.
How many times can you come back?
What if I ask for my money? What would happen then?
I reply to you like to no one else.
Teach me that!
I just need to ask for my plate of food.