Today's video is an exclusive Q&A with Shaq for the Gift Goat @VeeFriendsHolders. From life lessons to marketing advice. This convo is full of fun moments, stories, and insights that many of you will find interesting.
00:00 Intro
00:40 GaryVee And The Black GaryVee
04:00 NBA Hot Takes
06:20 Q&A
#garyvee #shaquilleoneal #veefriends
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Gary Vaynerchuk is a serial entrepreneur, and serves as the Chairman of VaynerX, the CEO of VaynerMedia and the Creator & CEO of VeeFriends.
Gary is considered one of the leading global minds on what’s next in culture, relevance and the internet. Known as “GaryVee” he is described as one of the most forward thinkers in business – he acutely recognizes trends and patterns early to help others understand how these shifts impact markets and consumer behavior. Whether its emerging artists, esports, NFT investing or digital communications, Gary understands how to bring brand relevance to the forefront. He is a prolific angel investor with early investments in companies such as Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, Venmo, Snapchat, Coinbase and Uber.
Gary is an entrepreneur at heart — he builds businesses. Today, he helps Fortune 1000 brands leverage consumer attention through his full service advertising agency, VaynerMedia which has offices in NY, LA, London, Mexico City, LATAM and Singapore. VaynerMedia is part of the VaynerX holding company which also includes VaynerProductions, VaynerNFT, Gallery Media Group, The Sasha Group, Tracer, VaynerSpeakers, VaynerTalent, and VaynerCommerce. Gary is also the Co-Founder of VaynerSports, Resy and Empathy Wines. Gary guided both Resy and Empathy to successful exits — both were sold respectively to American Express and Constellation Brands. He’s also a Board Member at Candy Digital, Co-Founder of VCR Group, Co-Founder of ArtOfficial, and Creator & CEO of VeeFriends. Gary was recently named to the Fortune list of the Top 50 Influential people in the NFT industry.
In addition to running multiple businesses, Gary documents his life daily as a CEO through his social media channels which has more than 34 million followers and garnishes over 272 million monthly impressions/views across all platforms. His podcast ‘The GaryVee Audio Experience’ ranks among the top podcasts globally. He is a five-time New York Times Best-Selling Author and one of the most highly sought after public speakers.
Gary serves on the board of GymShark, MikMak, Bojangles Restaurants, and Pencils of Promise. He is also a longtime Well Member of Charity:Water.

All right, All right, let's hear for the legend. Shaquille O'Neal Why you make that man wrap his up early? That man wasn't done talking. Yeah, you were in the back he had we gave. we gave plenty of time. Can you hear me turn me up a little? Turn me all the way up. There we go. He forgot this man was a musical genius I Don't forget that album Shaq How are you I'm good I'm trying to be like you. You know it. You know they called me in the Nft space, right? The Black Garyvee Jack It's such an honor to be doing this with you. Thank you for doing this for being here. We should have a small community of 555 within the befriends world. Let's clap it up for each other first. So having the goats here as you can imagine I wanted to be. You know when you weren't here I was giving you some roses. Obviously most people think of you as a goat on the court I Especially get excited when you put out your own top 10 list. your own top 20 list I like the way you play that I always get a kick of that seeing in my feed. but I I said this and I want to say it to you I Find you to be a very unusual human being. Forget about the level of Charisma you have and all the things that we all know. I Think entrepreneur, creative, incredibly warm-hearted and kind and giving back obviously an iconic athlete. I Think you were a goat human being? Stop. You're gonna make me cry. Seriously my man. I Love you too! Gary Um I'm really, really honored to have you here. and really I want to make this about the goats being able to ask questions? so I'll do a little something here, but goats very honestly. I'm I'm obviously happy to answer anything as well. but I think you know you get more access to me. So if you are incredibly passionate and have a question for Shaq in any of the Journeys in the multiple places he's played, the mics are up there right now. you're more than welcome to start lining up and we will do serious serious q a while we have him here and then we'll do a little competing. Uh, after we're done with this interview. So be before we get into the first questions. What's Shaq up to right now? What is the big fella excited about? Well, because of you, Um, me and my partner, we created something called Astrals. We're in the Nft space, you know. I I've learned a lot over the years, but I Remember when I heard you say you like to surround yourself with smart people I've been doing that for years so you know. just continuing to make people smile, continuing to do the right thing, continuing to be positive. You know this world is getting crazier and Crazier by the day. So when you see this face, hopefully it makes you laugh. Hopefully it inspires you and hopefully one day you see me whoop. Charles Barkley's ass. What? Gary One day I'm gonna just get up and I'm gonna just smack the out of trolls. just I don't know where to win day Shaq Real quick. just I'm gonna go. Very basketball nerdy just for all the basketball fans in here. Uh, being a big one The Season's extremely early. Um, you have transitioned to be an incredible commentator along with Sir Charles Um, but it's not just that you guys are incredibly charismatic and funny and you do a really incredible job on TV But you obviously know the game extremely well and so we're four seconds in, you know? I've watched Sports aggressively for 40 years, so I know how much changes, especially with the NBA Playoffs All this but any hot takes of anything you've seen early on that has caught your attention. Whether it's the rookie in Orlando, whether it's the way Golden State's playing or the way the Sixers and Lakers are playing, like what's the thing that's happened in the first couple weeks that you're like, huh? I Would have thought that Joel embiid will come out with a little more aggression because I remember a couple years I thought I got slighted by Steve Nash winning the MVP and I was just pissed the whole summer and I just wanted to from game one let everybody know that I'm the real MVP I got missed over last year and I'm about to show you six years old and three. so I was kind of disappointing. I Just thought that you know he came up runner up twice to the Joker. So I thought he would be a little bit more angry and I thought do you think he's banged up bro, We're all banged up. That's an excuse I don't want to hear that Gary No excuses. You know we like if this was an easy world, everybody be everybody. Be billionaires. We have a simple game of knockout coming out and 13 of these came with casts and injuries here. Like all of a sudden everybody saw at a cast look at that, cast the leg thing over like everybody's got plenty excuses here because they don't want to be exposed. in an hour. we will see something. he's banged up. We're all banged up. But when you talk about perseverance and you talk about Legacies just gonna make his legacy much more like my favorite. My favorite stories are when guys overcome the impossible the Michael Jordan Flu Game Remember that game yeah of course where he couldn't even he couldn't even sit and he needed oxygen. he went out and dominated like everybody's banged up. Just gotta you know, suck it up and suck through it and they're like. my motto is, if you can walk on the court then you can play. If you're that banged up, don't play. That's a real analogy. If you can walk on it, you can play on it all right. Look, Shaq's been incredibly gracious with his incredibly busy schedule. so I'm not going to eat up any more time. I Want to give you guys? Go ahead. I Don't want this guy to ask a question because he's been smiling at me a little too hard. Stop smiling. You go first, you go. We're gonna go there first. Just ask the question bro. hey hey baby has a deep sexy voice geez, how are you doing? Let's uh, let's establish your name and where you're from. Barry from Miami previously Los Angeles and Toronto I Just wanted to say I have so much respect for you. Not just the competitor, the businessman, but just the sort of man you've shared so many times about becoming. I'm wondering what advice you might share with with men about the kind of man you want to be. How do you be a better man? How to become a better man and what and what facet? Well, that's what I'm kind of curious what you would focus on, but I think emotionally. you know, showing up in life with Integrity for family for business like how do we compete at the highest level and Achieve at the highest level but still show up with Integrity like and love like a kind Warrior like a V-friend Yeah. I've always had a switch I Can tell that we're all hustlers in here, but you got to turn it off when you come home to your wife and your kids turn it off right. You don't want to bring that part into this part. and when I started having children, that helped me because before I had kids I would just tear my house up. Ah once I started having the kids and my first child was a daughter and she don't care about any of that. Now come home and I see her smile. it will make me turn it off and then not thinking about not thinking about it. Boom boom boom and then the next morning what had happened was my Bart my my brain and my battery had recharged. Now when I go back to work I can go in full force. so my advice is you have to modulate right? You have to modulate. So the reason why I asked what facet that you're married. you're not married and so you just have to be able to turn it on and turn it off and relax sometimes. and remember, don't focus on the problem, focus on the solution like people always say. I got a headache I got a headache I got a headache as soon as I say I need some aspirin. the headache goes away. So think about the problem and then immediately start thinking about the solution. Thank you very much and never stop asking Chuck about the women of San Antonio I Love that we're not allowed to do that anymore. Let's keep this going I Want to get as many Sam I'm from Phoenix Yes, Go! Sons Um got a little testy there last night. Yes yeah. absolutely really physical. um just want to say Jack I Love you. Love that you've always just been yourself from day one. uh Gary Love you man know her I Stand with you uh Shaq I Just want to briefly share uh my favorite Shack moment of all time because you are everywhere all the time. It seems like uh, but do you remember when you were on SNL and your name was Bernard and uh, your dad was Tracy Morgan and he was like, uh, get your ass over here I'm gonna spank your butt Bernard Would you like to reenact that scene? Yes yes, Let's go. Unbelievable. You're the best. You're the best. All right. Next question before I Get my ass back. All right. So Tracy was sitting down. This is unbelievable. This this was shot on SNL about 20 years ago I Don't want you I Don't want you to think this is some new all right? All right? Bernard Get your ass over here on both. Spank your butt how many times I Gotta tell you. get here on time. Boy let's clap that up. Foreign. That's awesome. Don't ever do that again to not have that on the bingo card I will kill you. What's up Shaq Big Aristotle What's up brother my name is Brian I'm from New York um so I started a meal prep company in 2015. did unbelievably well and January of 2020 I was diagnosed with brain cancer in March The world shut down with Covet so business was going very well and a lot of the locations that I dropped off at because we delivered to houses and gyms. They shut down permanently now I opened up a brick and mortar. A lot of good things going for me right now I've kind of overloaded my plate I have to deal with the casino co-packing for them, a nationwide company co-packing for them. Um but right now I have my hands in so many different pots I don't know what the to do, it's just I kind of loaded my plate with so much that I need help. um more so capital for hiring an operating manager. but I'm kind of. You know, lack of better terms lost in the sauce here. What would your advice be? Get help I'm trying to. You want to help? No seriously, get help you know Eisenhower said the greatest leaders are the ones that hire people that are smarter. Got to get help can't You can't be everywhere at once so get help are you Did you did I I apologize Did you say you need you're looking for Capital look at all that like do if I have. Let's say I get a half million dollars, well do I do 250 and Equipment This will be good answer for everyone. The first place you deploy Capital when you're growing is to hire someone to do the that you know has to get done that you like the least right? Because the key this is a very important Insight your energy is what you need to protect and when you're doing that you don't want to be doing but you know you have to and we all do that in many facets. it's draining you. You might even be good at it. There's things that I'm good at that: I hire for early on because I know it's a drainage I don't love it I don't wake up on Wednesday and say oh, I can't wait for these three hours. So where you deploy that capital is the things that are taking up your time every single day and every week that you don't like. What if you can't afford that help that you hire well then you're out of business right? Like like the thing that people forget about businesses. It's not supposed to always be easy. Like right now everyone's about to go out of business because For The first time in a decade people are not going to be able to raise money and people are just going to go out of business. So what you start doing is actually running a profitable business and you start scrapping every company I've ever started. you start with youngsters that you kind of co-train You might be able not hired the 150 000 person to do the thing that you do, but you might be able to hire the 22 year old you for 14 an hour who wants to get taught and you work with her or him for six seven, nine months alongside and then you slide it off and it'll be less stressful for you if you start focusing on the solution. Andy was an intern for Jab Jab Jab Jab was an intern for Jab Jab Jab right hook the book and I didn't want to pay him but my lawyer said we'd get sued right? They're out there. by the way, they're about to be really out there and they just he said something that was very interesting. he said even if I had capital I don't know what to do with it ask like when I don't know I ask hey man, how'd you get this like I've met the CEO of this I'm like hey, what is this how is it like I've seen it but how boom you ask questions real quick because I know a lot of you in this room because I'm gonna keep going I want to get this many. This goes back to how I started this session: If you're sitting right now and you feel like you have actual advice because you've actually done it right. Make Some Noise Right now if you feel like that way, that's it. You've got seven people Gonna Roll Up on you and give you the answer. All right. thank you. Remember good help bro Jack Big fan I'm Sean from Arizona Die Hard lifelong Suns fan uh and as a Die Hard there's a lot of my Die Hard friends. a debate trading for Uno7 being a mistake but I want to tell you why I Always defend that it was the right trade. What Gary talked about at the beginning: The kindness that you deploy the the things that you've created outside of your career as an NBA player. The stat line that always gets me to stand to stand up and say no trading for Shaq was the right move might surprise you. it wasn't your free throw percentage I don't get sensitive was it I'm sorry there was something in the contract I don't know if you read it when you kind of signed. when you came in. free throws out you had to leave. You have to leave the building. It was great seeing you a lot of jokes but for real the stat line of is you the amount of times you stood on some sketchy street corners in. Phoenix handing out yourself tickets to the Sun's Game to fans representing my city representing my team. My question is what role has kindness played in building your success my mother taught me a long time ago cost you nothing to be nice when I first became Shaq 18 19 years old I was arrogant. My mother and my father are people you don't talk back to. My father said be careful who you step on on your way to success and my mother would say who the hell are you Oh that ended my arrogance. She said because you're starting to get all this stuff doesn't make you better than my man up there. Sitting next to her son doesn't make me better than this guy with the hat. Y'all stay ahead, you know. So and then my favorite word always be humble. So with me what you see is what you get I don't like you know I do a lot of random acts of kindness I don't like bragging about it because that's not what I'm about. Yeah like I just like making people happy. The thing that I wish I had the answer for homelessness. Homelessness hurts my heart The other day, where were we the other day we were in some City the other day and we saw a guy eating dirt where Baltimore yeah we're in Baltimore and we came under the bridge and the guy was eating dirt and then I just went out like I wanted to just you know. So I'm always remain humble, remain kind. are those soft skills you look for in businesses you invest in or Partners you take on like is that an important trait uh that you look to I have to believe in the product and I never look at the monetary aspect of it. just have to believe if I believe and I could believe it's something that's I mean it's going to you know be good for the people are usually invest. Nope thank you I'm surprised to hear that you were and I better not see you in the parking lot knock your ass out I'm surprised I'm surprised. Say something now. Free throw Joke Man I'm surprised you were. You know you felt that you were so uh like cocky and over I was because in Stanley Roberts creates some humility when you first got to LSU yeah but from 9-15 I was terrible. You're terrible. You're never going to make it. You suck. Six nine you can't dump. join the Army like your father. you're never gonna make, you're never gonna make it. and I'm a hustler you know, keep working no matter what they say, whoever they may be, keep working. So finally when I get the status as a number one player, it was like my way of saying you yes so but then I would I would I would just do crazy stuff with my mom. She didn't like it so she said you know what, just stay humble Yes sir, hey my name is Gerard I'm from Detroit what's up Shaq what's up brother Good to see you again I Have two questions. first questions for both of you guys is real quick. Um so last year at the end of last year I realized like money's not really going to change me like I'm still staying where I'm at but I have realized that money has money has changed. It can make relationships a little bit different for like your close close friends like your close family and friends. Do you have any advice like practical advice that you can deal with money with like your inner circle because I heard like some that like you know never lend it out, don't ask for money back or I have a lot of friends and when I first got made big time I said you've been down with me I'm down with you What do you want to do and they give me an idea we create an LLC you work for me now I'm just gonna give you money right? You know like okay you want to start a record label It's like like let's do it. You want to do this. You want to do that so you know if you if they're your close-knit group and you don't want to give it to them I want you like I said like I told the other guy get help, use them as your helper and create something bigger. but I would say create an LLC put them on payroll and get some of that money back like you Just you're right because they do change. Trust me, they change. But you know you don't want to get rid of them because they've been there with you. Let's just say like hey, you're my guy, let's just grow together. Yeah for me it was for the Inner Circle yeah it was. if I was giving money I was giving money. So not least you know what I mean Yeah, like a couple people in my life tried to say I'll pay you back, my brain didn't even accept it. Yeah, you know if this was somebody I was close to and I could afford it I would you have to be comfortable Also saying no I was accountable to me I wasn't going to judge them I knew could change and you know things would change for me in the future. I always felt that I could make more in the future. but if I wanted to give because they were close to me, I gave and it was more about me not creating resentment towards them than worrying about their actions. if I gave I gave and if I didn't I didn't but if I gave I didn't create resentment or expectation of them and then Just Having the courage to say no. Basically yeah, you're gonna have to have the in my framework you had to have the courage to say no. um which you know it took me a long time to get good at yes even back then I'm sure if I think back some of it was sloppy, some of it was avoidance slippery on the court you know. But yeah, you've got like the best case scenario was having the capacity to say no. but when you say yes, understanding that that does not come with it like you're give, you're giving yeah yeah. and then last question. so Shaq I'm actually right now making uh, trying to make one of the biggest Nft projects ever like I'm really really ambition project and just being honest straightforward I want to actually sponsor you as like the first athlete of my Nft project is actually a beer pong project and it's going to be in a Midwest location I got six facilities it's gonna be a Friday Saturday and Sunday in August and um, obviously your A-Plus celebrity and that's what helped. But the thing is what I'm noticed my first phase is I have to work with nil and college students and I'm starting to realize when you're talking to college students, what they want is that dollar. They don't care about Ethereum, They don't care about an Nft, They don't care about Bitcoin and all that type of stuff. and um, it's a little bit tough trying to explain to them what a digital asset is and all that type of things. So just having um, you know, somebody who is at that type of level if you'll be interested and um, you know we can sponsor you just like an icy hot you know what I mean um which would be interesting. My partner's right there under you with the blue hat. Talk to him about that. Sounds good. Thank you thank you. Keep it going Big Fish Benny Pittsburgh PA how are you doing Shaq I Like you brother, what's up? Thanks man, You know my favorite part about Pittsburgh is that it doesn't have a basketball team. Well I'm like I'm a Cavs fan I was actually born in Canton Ohio grew up with LeBron up the road a little bit. so I love the days in Cleveland like the six months I think that you're in there. but anyway, my buddy Vinnie who did these awesome gift goat shoes for me made a painting I don't know if you guys saw it yet. It was the back yeah and we only have one. It's custom right? and I want to give it to one of you too. He mentioned free throws. It'd be cool to have a free throw contest between the two of you to get the painting. Okay, because it's a really cool. It's a really cool no just between retired. it's a retired. All right. Well, whatever. again. I Don't want to lose the shack and free then figure out Gary Okay, don't touch me. All right, All right Hey hey Gary just figure out who gets it I want to go to YouTube figure auction it for Charity My Question is about business and I love the gentleman's question about how to find your right hand man. I can help you with that because you will have a lot more fun in life when you go to start businesses. and you do a lot of philanthropy, philanthropy, how do you decide? um, what philanthropic projects to do? How do you incorporate it with business? What are the goals? How How do you? How do you mix all that together? I Really would love to know more because I'm I've already built one business and I'm getting ready to build a media company. and I really want to start from the beginning with with philanthropy I deal with things that are close to my heart. always tell the three stories. One story is a father got some extra cash came home big man that was my nickname. it was big man. let's go get something to eat so we go to White Castle you ever heard of White Castle yeah yeah I'm gonna go to White Castle I get six double cheese. It gets six double cheese. We couldn't finish them. On the way back we see a guy that has a sign homeless guy will work for food. My father pulls over and find out the guy was in the military on hard times and I kind of asked I didn't understand I said why'd you give him my food and he said if you could ever help those in need make sure you you take care of them. So I do a lot with the homeless initiative I do a lot with the children. uh it's an alarming stat that 15 million kids a year will wake up on Christians and not receive one single toy. So I do an event that's called Shack a close and that's just close to my heart. and then you know when I was young my father was a drill sergeant. he would uh get all the troops and they would get all their all their clothes. he'd come early Saturday morning go go to get their clothes, put them in boxes and we take them to the Salvation Army and you know they're saying another man's trash is another man's treasure. like when we would take those old army clothes to the people at Salvation or they would be So I do a lot with the Salvation Army so how do you? How do you? How do you decide though? like what percentage of Revenue or whatever I feel like yeah, that's an objective call. Okay, it's a great question. that's a great question. I mean but I do sorry but I do real I'm gonna do one. two thousand dollars I'll do 50 and up like I don't Here's a thousand No. I do 50 100, 200 a million right? No comma. This means a juggernaut right? like and I think you know uh I'm I'm a well member of Charity water. So anytime anybody here donates ten dollars to charity water, all the money goes to actually building wells in Africa over a billion people Now down to 850 850 million people don't have access to clean water. Back to gratitude like clean water. So what happened for me, a human being changed the course for me. It was about Scott and his passion to get it done. and he said one thing in the first time we sat down that changed the way I did everything he's like Gary you're a good dude and you're probably thinking the way we all grew up, you're gonna make it and then you're gonna give it away. He's like, why not now, right? So like most of us haven't gotten to the place we have in our mind to when we're going to give. But and obviously, this man has created a lot of opportunity and wealth creation for himself, his family, and the things he's passionate about. But there's not a person in here who can't give 500 bucks or a thousand. It matters And so and you're You're deciding how much is very personal. It's extremely personal and it will continue to be personal. Some years are better than others. Sometimes you need to take care of your family instead of something you're altruistic about. And so that's very personal. And I'm I'm impressed by one person in here that's just dad and his son. I Love it And let me tell you why. When I was young, my father used to bring me to events like this and I'm sitting there and I don't never know what's going on but I could tell a little man is paying attention I already have 12 Yeah! I could tell he's paying attention to these stuff. Are you scared to tell the big fella he was wrong. So he's sitting here. he's soaking all his knowledge up. so you know when I became the shack I already had so much knowledge that like yeah, I get it I'm not sure he's paying attention. he probably is. Not only that to Dad in certain points when we've been talking was whispering on the things that he thought was illegal. So little man, make sure you always listen to your mommy and daddy. No seriously, make sure you always listen to your mom and dad. I'm proud of you for being here. nice to see you Mr Grayson yes that's impressive. Let's go LSU that's the flashbacks my dad used to bring me it up: I'm like what the Am I doing here but then when I got older I'm like oh I remember this and boom bam so make sure you listen to your dad. All right I'm Ross I Went to LSU and also a member of a D9 fraternity. Go Mob! um Shaq I'm so thankful for you and the impact you've made on my alma mater. and just the D9 Community as a whole. Um, you are an icon and have done so much Superstar on and off the court. It's something that's been mentioned a lot is what everybody admires so much about you is your kindness and the things. the videos that impressed me are the ones hearing about you getting your shoes in Walmart because you wanted everybody to be able to afford them. You buy in people's groceries, laptops. Whatever. it's just the moments with individual people where you're showing that kindness, the care. you've got a huge heart and you really impress me. man. Um, what really instilled that in you? What were the moments? The people? What was that shift for you to be the person that you are today? I Just realized I'm lucky I mean I Yeah, it was a great basketball player, but I'm lucky that they pay us a lot of money. I'm lucky so you know if I can help those in need. it was the way I was raised. Just the right thing to do. It's never planned out I just it just hits me like my favorite store to go to is Best Buy and I'm always looking for the moms moms and the kids and moms have to be moms. have to take everything I just wait for them to price price check how much 1500 no how much is this one now now I know I got one so I talked to the kid be like go ask your mom. can you take a computer from a stranger? Be like what? be like listen I want to give you this but I don't want you taking stuff from people so go ask your Mom Is it okay so the moms will turn around and see me because it's just the right thing to do. Like 1500 is a lot to Mom but not really a lot. to me, it's not. well. I'm gonna do this in postal code for hours. just it hits me. it's the right thing to do if I could help somebody save 1500 but get the computer that they really want. That's what it's all about. and again I I look I'm one of the luckiest guys in the world like I Remember the first time I rode on the plane with Garyvee. A lot of guys see Garyvee but you don't get to ride on the plane from Atlanta to Paris and pick his brain for nine hours. Yeah and he doesn't stop talking and he didn't go to sleep. so I'm just asking questions. so I'm look I'm just one of the luckiest guys in the world. Thank you. So is that pretty natural for you? Just like that feeling of being lucky and blessed? No, it's because I've been because I've been in both worlds. I've been in a world where you're nothing, you stink, you suck. and then I've been in a world where oh my God it's you you So you know like like when I was in high school I was a man but he talked about Stanley Roberts when I got to college I realized you're not that good and then you have to rise back to the top now I'm the number one college player When I got to the NBA I realized hey, you're not the man. So when you're not the man, you can't be acting like your other man. You have to. you know, calm down, wait your turn. but again, look I just like I I Like making people smile. You know they always say when when it's all said and done, what do you want to be remembered for I don't care about how much money I make how many companies on I want people to say Shaq was a nice guy. thank you. let's keep it going. Hey Shaq nice jacket yeah man. uh Chris from Jersey City Okay my question is what? what? I'm inspired I'm nervous. um I'm inspired by you? Uh, based on your ability to redefine who you are, you've been. you've been labeled. you know NBA's player and and now you're you're this DJ business Mogul philanthropist. Um, my question is an advice question. So I just got the job of my dreams. but I feel like an imposter and so when you walk into these new situations and you're trying to reinvent yourself from the label, you have to a new label, How do you think through uh, you know, dealing with that situation and and the Imposter syndrome that comes with that. So when you invited into a new area, you're invited there because you're good, right? But you feel like an imposter and you should. You're just getting it. So listen, learn, and then add a little bit of your own flavor. That's it. Listen to the guy that's been working there 10 years see how it did. Words learn. Okay I thought you do it this way and then add a bit of your own flavor. You're there for a reason. It hired you for a reason because you are the man. So listen, learn, and add your own flavor. That's all I could like. Like you know when I when I step into a new thing I don't come in like I know it all I listen, learn, and then just add a little bit of your own flavor and you'll be fine and remember you got the job. Could have been a hundred other thousand people that got the job, but they hired you so you're the man and own it and know it. An important thing to jump in on for everybody real quick if you're paying attention. I'm just as an observation that I hope brings value if you're listening. I One thing I I've always liked about Shaq's points of view and and I really associate with them because I think it's how I think about things. There's incredible levels of simplicity in what we're talking about here. it's the discipline to get it done that people are struggling with, not the insights to how to do it. Everybody here has heard the ways to do it. You can Google it you can literally Google it. This is why I talk so much about patience or turning out the noise whether it's high or low. because the reality is is that people are struggling with the execution of from an emotional standpoint of having the perseverance, the discipline, and most of all the patience. Because so many people have so much attachment to the success of they're so attached to the success of that, they want it to happen faster. So they get that feeling when you think about someone who's accomplished what he has to be so detached from all those accolades to only want to be attached to the Simplicity of he was a nice guy. That's why he's able to do all those things. And this is the framework that you have to get there and a lot of it is. Think about the sergeant, the mom, the people along the way. we are so affected by the people that we spent time with. This has so much to do about my ambition with what we're trying to do. I Genuinely feel a lot of people here will be affected by the people in here more than by me more than by this hour. And you should fight for the people that have that conversation and that energy to be the people that are closest to you. Let's keep it going. Hi my name is Shiv I'm in San Diego California and my question is I run a digital marketing agency and as I've kind of achieved a certain level of success I'm always kind of cognizant of not creating a situation where I'm surrounded by yes men with the people who work for me obviously you two are very very big kind of notable people in the space and I just wonder how you Shack create an environment where people don't just want to agree with you every second of every moment of every day because your Shack instead of saying hey Shaq that business idea is really dumb right? and that's really stupid and having that that friction and not just agreeing because they're afraid of their job or they have to say yes to stay around you I have about 20 people that work for me and we argue all the time because they're not Yes Men The thing that keeps us together is we never disrespect each other again. all the people that are with me they're smarter than me I know that but every now and then I like to know we should do this and I'll be like no, that's stupid and we argue what that gives this point I Give my point Okay, you're right. same thing with me and Kobe we argued all the time, but we never disrespected each other. That's why we're able to win three championships in a row so you never won a yes guy? You want somebody that's going to give you their honest opinion and if you do it like I do it. I Always got smart guys around me right? right? I'm the dumbest guy in my gang and I love it. So when we we you know have these conversations, it's always good and it's always best out for me. like my best friend. Brian we we were arguing about is the earth flat or is it round you know that thing? It's it's a triangle. The fact that you're even asking the question has already solved the issue. Anybody, anybody who's scared to have yes, men and women around them is not going to have yes and Men Women around them it's people who can't see it. It's a silent poison, right? I Appreciate it. Thank you and I have one last question: I'm giving away this jacket to one of the gift goats here I Know we're not supposed to do signatures, but because it's given away, is there a way you both can sign this jacket if you hit a three-pointer? Oh, all right there we go. All right. Come on, Go appreciate it. Give me. We'll give you three chances, but if you miss, we're not signing my man while we get him set up. What's good guys? My name is direct coming from L.A and my question is with all the success that you guys both have had, how do you deal with failures And how do you prevent the fear of failure from stopping you from executing something new? Well I Never think about failure and keep in mind, before you succeed, you must first learn to fail, but you never want to keep making the same mistake twice. So whatever you did and you failed, delete that control, write all, delete, never, do it again, and then making the game for yourself. I'm gonna try it this way. I'm gonna try it this way. It's only gonna make you stronger. Disappointment will only make you stronger. It's a very, very small percentage that gets it right. The first time the rest of us we have to fail, we have to argue. We have to fight. We have to do this. We have to do that. But I Never think about failing. Never, ever always think about the positive outcome. And then sometimes when reality kicks in, Failure happens and then you just adjust. Life is about adjusting when I'm coming here. I Live 45 minutes away 75 North It's a traffic jam. Am I going to sit in a traffic jam? No. Gary's gonna be pissed if I'm late. Let me make it right here. Let me make a left here. You have to adjust In life. Like when we sit down and dream and think about things we always think think how perfect they could be. but again, when reality kicks in, the quick you can adjust the better you'll become in business for. For me, the feeling failure fearing it is 100 predicated on you valuing the crowd's opinion 100 Because if you love failing the way I do, it's an indicator that you're challenging yourself and you have the humility to know that you're going to lose a ton. you know? I I This is my number one thing. like the jet like athlete. In the context, if this man factored in what the crowd was doing while he was performing, it's inconceivable to achieve. Everybody here who fears failing is fearing it to someone right? Usually a parent right, or a spouse, or things that nature So understanding that the fear is only based on that. Once you calibrate that, then you start loving fear. Get your ass back down here. All right, let's do it. Let's let's see the let's chop it up. Here we go. Don't be scared, this is gonna be ugly. Anybody wants some side action? You might want to take that jacket off. Take the jacket off. No No no. NBA Three-pointer Come on shiv I don't think he's gonna make this shot. NBA three-pointer Come on. Two to one, Two to one. No pressure, no pressure. How much in here we go? No. Oh, full stack right Full stack s yep Gary Gonna Make It Rain yep yep yep Easy Money Baby hey can we start betting V for hey can we start be friend Twos all right here we go. Let's keep it going. Position wearing number 34 she'll kill body sorry I gotta do that My name is Mikey um born and raised in La Huge fan of yours. Follow you your whole championship ring there in LA I'm living in Vegas now actually an acquaintance and worked with Perry your your manager but my question for you is I wanna I wanna for both of you is a basketball question so what's going on with Russ why isn't he being like he was before? like I feel bad for us and I'm a speculate because I haven't talked to him about it but yeah I've never played in my hometown and people booed me I never played on a team where everybody said it's your fault. Never played on a team where I feel like they don't want me and mentally that has to be tough on a person like I can remember him talking about his wife and kids sitting in the stand and everybody just boom boom boom boom boom. to try to play and think about that, it has to be difficult. Well he probably would. He probably needs a fresh start so I can't answer that question because I've I've never had that problem. but I think if I was to play in LA and they would boo me, It would probably get to me if I was to go home to New Jersey and play in the Meadowlands and playing in Madison Square Garden And you know people, boom me, it would probably hurt. so. I'm sure he's going through a lot. so I'm not going to jump on the kill Russ Bandwagon. but think about that the other day. like it. just it has to be a lot and and usually for us when things are going good, we don't have to worry about any of that. Come play. Go home Now. What's that guy saying to my wife? oh I missed a shot. He's making a face like it. You know it has to be overwhelming. It's funny you brought that up. I Did a podcast yesterday. hasn't come out yet where I just lost my mind on this issue. I Actually think this rough situation is going to be looked back on 15 years from now because I think it's a next level of the things I Hate the most in society I think there's a lot of young kids that think it's just cool to make fun of Russ and the behavior and the amplification of it is the most extreme thing I've seen in sports. There's been a lot of stuff, but it's It's literally disgusting that people are. We've taken the sense of tearing someone else down to make yourself feel better. I think the world is anxious I think there's a lot of unhappiness and it's it's become a thing and people are doing that they don't even fully believe in because they're just stuck in high school in their brain. and I think some of the pundits on TV are giving a lot of gas to it and I think it's a it's a real problem and it's really too bad. and I I Echo your feelings I'm I've never had any attachment to Russ I don't have his rookie cards I'm not a Thunder or other teams that he's played on fan I've had nothing. kind of like any reason to be an over fan I don't know if I've I I the whole thing has actually actually bothered me and I think it's an indicator unfortunately that things are going to get worse with the fan player relations because it's totally up unacceptable. It's one thing to be in a rivalry. a Clippers fan being like uh, but like where this is gone is really just horseshit. Yeah, it's totally disgusting. That's why I just wanted to get the State of the Union form from you guys on what that is all about. because it's up, it's up, It's up. We're gonna keep this moving I Want to get this many people as possible? Ah Gary I Love you guys! Honestly, I'm so grateful that you guys are here. My name is Jonathan from defense Canada Toronto you got you two Are the goats in like everything that you do, my question is what attributes are the most important to get to that level of greatness and how do you cultivate that? check I Try to help other people become great whether I'm great or not mentally. always thought I was great to mentally. you have to say I'm great no matter what. So but I try to spread joy to other people. hey how you doing? Whether it's a handshake, a picture piece of advice you know, kind of kind of based off the John Wooden basketball. Theory The the true definition of a great player is one that makes other people great right? So I just try to instill greatness into other people. like I don't again how much money he makes? How many companies on doesn't matter, who cares, how can I help you sir, how can I help you ma'am How can I help you little kid right? Because it was people like this that made me who I am today like I would ask questions I would see other inspiring stories I would do this I was a copycat oh I want to do that I want to be like this oh Gary's of the Nfts hey Brian what's this Nft thing about? Yeah, we should start a company. So like you know, I'm always inspired by people that are smarter than me that are greater than me But remember, we're all great. We're all great and if you believe you're great, you'll be the greatest thing since sliced bread. For me. When you asked a question, what came to mind is and I spend a lot Eight Place Trophies is no one's going to be great at anything if they're not competitive. And the fact that Society decided to kind of manipulate being competitive potentially viewed as a negative is a real problem. In my opinion, that's just something I'm very passionate about. Number two: I Think the other thing that almost everyone struggles with on their path to Greatness is 100 accountability. It is staggering to me how obsessed people are with pointing fingers and not thumbs. It is scary to watch people genuinely believe it's everyone's fault but themselves. In a world where you can do anything you want, you can adjust um, and then and then. The third one is patience like I'm just shocked how people talk about greatness or people say that is like one percent life, right? The average income in the U like the one percent earners in America start at about 440 000 a year. If you make 440 000 a year, you are now in the one percent earners in America one of the richest countries in the world. But people talk like I'm gonna make a million bucks acting like they don't realize that's a one percent thing and then aren't willing to eat one percent Everybody like the entitlement. the subconscious entitlement of human beings is fascinating and that's why when I see parenting Dynamics What I think about is are we teaching our kids that life is real and let them lose? Like back to the question earlier about the fear of losing I Think one of the most important things a parent can do is put their child in as many positions as possible to lose. What we know. what we know is that over the last 30 years of modern parenting, it went reverse. We did everything we could to not make them lose. and now we're wondering why they're struggling out there because they're scared shitless of everything because they never tasted the blood of losing. So patience matters. If you want to be goat and great and do all this that I See everyone saying that they're going to do in the Discord Well you gotta to do that over a long period of time. Nothing happens over night and you're gonna have to do it by being 100 accountable because if it's your this person's fault or that's person's fault, you suck. Thank you thank you so much I Love you guys! Hey Shaq hey Gary I'm Mike from Israel Shalom I Was sitting in my shack a couple of weeks ago thinking about you all right now. The truth is I really I haven't asked but I wanted to say thank you first. Uh, honestly, thank you to Gary putting this together but I recently saw a video shack are you saying uh that you'd like to go into stores and buy things for people who can't afford Etc and I was in Walmart earlier buying some stuff for my kids and there was a mother in front of me who put something back right there at the register and I said if I'm gonna go see Shaq and I'm gonna feature to myself so thank you Thank you Inspire me! Um when? uh when V friends started So Mikey and I we had the privilege of putting together a group of about 50 of our wonderful good friends together. Uh and we bought a number of tokens together as the pastor partners and thanks guys and um, we're gonna be building a couple of different Uh projects together. One of them we've thought of is to build a shark tank Lake Project to help out other V-friend owners and other goats to to help with. You know, we have lots of guys who have plenty of uh experience in business who can put in resources and energy to help out people to build businesses. Um and we were thinking about calling it The The goat tank. Um would you let us call it the goat Shack That's gonna cost you 600 million dollars over two years. Excellent! Talk to the guy with the blue hat would you join us and and talk to him will do I Appreciate it. In the spirit of Count of Competition, who's thrown down more Shaq you Duncan uh on the court or Gary You Dropped In F-bombs Gary Thank you down a rim in New Jersey I'll never forget that. Listen, we've got 10 minutes before the thing. we got a lot of people in line. We're going to try to convert into rapid fire Shaq and I will try to keep it tight because I'd love to sneak us in. so let's keep it going. We're gonna go fast. Please everyone? All right! My name is Mike Haga from Munich Bavaria um Gary Thank you for answering the questions in my book. Thank you! Um we have the possibility to pick the brains of two of the of the biggest marketing Geniuses here. Um, how would you Market a new beer brand that is targeted to an Nft audience I made a it's called 10 Apes it's a board beer I'm using my 10 board Apes for the 10 different beers, how would you Market that the two marketing geniuses? Well my, my marketing strategy always involves humor. Yeah, that's good I'm a comedian. You guys work hard all day. stress whatever. When you come home, you want to crack opening a beer. You want to watch a great game. You want to watch your show. whatever it is. My favorite show is Blacklist and when you see my face I Want to be the guy to make you laugh. So whatever the product is I Don't know what the product is, but it would have to have some type of humor in it. Cool Cool. I Can do that. Everyone's marketing strategies in this room has to be fully predicated on putting out as much creative to as smaller group of people as they can afford in resources in their money and their time. And say it's slow again because this matters to everybody. The tick tockification of all social media is now happened and has changed everything we grew up with the last 15 years when social media is growing in importance. putting out as much content as possible that isn't trying to reach everyone but is trying to reach small specific groups. thus rendering you being very specific in what you're putting out is now the way to win in marketing. Used to be one big commercial with a tagline to try to reach all of you because it was this. Now it's this from the bottom and so what you need to do is create 50 to 100 different consumer segmentations for your beer. 21 to 25 year olds in Mexico 30 to 35 year old moms like psychographic demographic Uh, Financial 50 to 100 30 to 40 cohorts producing one to two pieces of content per cohort across the 7 to 12 social networks. That matter when something goes viral because that's what happens now. You put paid media behind the virality to amplify it because the Algo proved that it's working. That's what you should do. Very helpful. Thank you. Cool. We're going to keep going May I leave two hands with you. We'll get them. We'll get them Hey I'm Michael from Atlanta uh Shaq I've always been a big fan ever since I was a little boy and uh, friends with Cheryl and Ernie and every year I see you on the Christmas party list and I was hoping always running Jesus It's a pleasure uh to meet you in person. This question is for both of you and this goes back to what Gary was just saying about the um the kind of the entitlement and the finger-pointing culture. I Started my business 20 years ago when I was 17. as I get older everyone now is younger than me as I as I continue to age that worked for me and this this this younger generation is not the grinding you know working hard, it's doing less and pointing fingers. My question to you is is what we struggle with every day and our business is how do you create the culture of accountability I don't have any younger people working for me so I don't know because as as a leader, I don't put up with that at all. So all the guys that's working for me are my age who grew up together. We've been together 20 years so I wish I could answer that. I'll jump in I have a thousand employees under the age of 25. Um I go back to accountability. Yeah I I have unlimited people I'm looking at many people right now under 30 who work their face off. Yeah, and they work their face off because they trust me because we have actual conversation. How many employees do you have? 40? 40? Yeah. I'm gonna throw you out the window. Let me explain why. Okay, you need to have real one-on-one conversations with these people and ask them what drives them. You should have absolutely no problem on this instead of taking an ideological point of view which you earned when I heard 17 20 you grind it but don't turn into that person. You know what I'm talking about. When my day or you like you're 37, you're not 137.
1 37 PM Big shout out. Anyway, so so what you need to do is have the humility to be an accountable leader and try to figure out what each one of them ticks with when you talk to them. After 15 minutes each, you may have a read of like two of them are like completely full of that's great. You can fire, but you're gonna find that for 12 of them. The fact that you even give a to care about what they care about versus what you care about them achieving for you changes everything. The second you realize you work for those 40 people, they don't work for you. watch what the happens with this problem. Yeah, cool. Thank you. Let's keep it going. Hi Uh, my name is Harry I'm from the UK Thank you guys for flying me out. Um get the bike closer to you brother. Shaq A question for you. Um, when people Grill you about your free throw percentage? How much does it actually get to you and how much did it get you in your playing career My mother told me one day when I was pissed. She said even when being criticized, there's some truth in criticism. not a good free throw shoot I can't get mad at that. That's a fact, right? 53 Make one miss one that doesn't bother me, it's a fact But I overcame that by saying okay, I'm gonna be so dominant and I'm still gonna win the Championships and I'm still gonna do this and I'm still gonna make your favorite player quit And it kind of offsets that. I was a terrible free throw shooter because even though I was a terrible Fredo shooter I Like to assume I was one of the most dominant big men ever. so it's funny I like to laugh and it's true. like you can't be, can't be mad at a true statement? Was it more of a case of focus on your strengths instead of getting caught up in your weaknesses? I can't hear you? Was it more of a case of uh, focusing on your strengths instead of getting caught up in your mouth? Yeah, he was like missing free throws I'm gonna take a on Chris Dudley Exactly. That's what's up. We were pissed. Me and Mooser Nick fans, we were upset about that one. Go ahead that's going viral with the you just said uh Kilted Dragon chair and I'm from Charlotte thank you for being here and Gary thank you and um I just want to say Shaq that you're epic giver and uh of course Gary gives away everything and I think it's amazing and to be early in Nfts like we all are and um I did notice that you have a mutant ape but you did not get a board ape so you probably missed out on this. So uh, this is my gift to you. Thank you for being here and appreciate it. That's awesome! thank you. It's a man with the blue hat. it's very nice. Appreciate you I'm gonna keep going fast Shaq's gonna hang out as we transition to this thing a little bit so some of you will be able to say what's up real quick. Hi guys I'm Bruce from Germany and having observed YouTube from afar and also having observed you to just now when answering questions I noticed that both of you uh guys who learn predominantly from other people around you. So my question to both of you is Shaq what did you learn from Garyvee and Gary what did you learn from Shaq I learned a lot when he listens, he's a very. The reason why I started listening to Gary is because he speaks my language I can't relate to the Harvard Facebook suit guys I can't like I Heard of Garyvee and you know we. The first time we met we were with the TNT executives and I sat up front I didn't say anything to Gary but as he was talking because they were like gave me Garyvee Garyvee motivational speaker Boom boom but when he came on dressed like that I was like who the is this guy but then when he started talking I was like he speaks my language so I slid up to the front it was me him Conan and Brian and then I started picking his brain and ever since I met him because he's a real guy he says it like he means it I started follow him and then he whenever I look and I see something you know and he he has the ability to see things before that happened he was one of the first guys to talk about the Nft thing and I didn't really know much about it but I know who did my best friend Brian bloody who's sitting right there I said hey I'm a singing this Garyvee thing tell me what So Gary spoke in a language that he understood and Brian speaks a little money. Oh it's this digitized for the band but a band. you own it on it. Okay, well let's set something up. Let's do it. So I learned a lot from him. Uh I love him because he's real and you know he speaks my language. You know the guys that wear the suits and then I I don't even listen to him and you know the fact that he drops the F-bomb every other word I love that to a lot of the traits that I most believe in, but when you asked it and I wanted to give a distinct answer I admire Emmett You know I've always been on this journey but no question when I talk about Shaq behind his back in a positive manner always. Um I talk a lot about his curiosity I'm I admire his curiosity so much he's he's spitting it the way he talks about it. He really does text me he's like what's this and like that level of inquisitive nature. Everything you know as I Got to know him because we all watched him from afar. Um, it just clicked so fast to me that that was a superpower of his. then is in the way that he loves being a superhero. I was like this guy's curious. He's inquisitive and he's humble right to be that? you've got to be humble and I think I think everybody here if we remember certain things from today and this time together, leaning more into curiosity always always puts you into a very good spot. And I think that's why he's found himself in many different places and he's been Uber successful in some some probably not as successful as he had an ideology for because he had so many passions music, film, other things like. but he's always taking at bats out of curiosity. The lack of fear comes along with that, and so that curiosity is his starting point. And then he's got a lot of great other attributes. but I would say curia. the I've been inspired to quadruple down on my triple down on curiosity because I see it in him. Thank you Cheers! Can I get one or two more juice? That's German in case you didn't know. Gary uh hi guys I'm Maddie from Boston uh First off, I've only met a handful of you, but this community is awesome. Uh, so thank you for all the fun guys. Uh, second off, sorry, let's calm it down. uh second. Gary I would love 10 minutes with you if if I could. At some point, we'll lock in for five right here. I Can give you five right here. Okay, because I know I can bring one of your childhood passions to a grand scheme. Let's go all right. Shaq Two quick questions, one web. Uh, three space one Health Uh So at right after V friends launched a couple weeks later, you launched your first Nft project on the Ethereum. Um, yes, uh. platform I Was just curious because I went hard on it, but always been a huge fan of yours. Is there anything in the future for that project? or are we like holding basically the digital version of the Shaq rookie card? I'll let my guy answer that. Yeah, you know this dude I bet he had released on Eternity. Yeah, clap it up if you have some of those because I know a lot of you do. and I think I think a lot of you remember like that shouldn't I thought Yeah right, Are you talking about Ethereum? The Shaq gives back? no. the first one. Eternity. Oh Eternity? Yeah, was that that wasn't the thing. The check is back was the first one I don't know. Like I have a bunch of ones that came like the one that was like right before the Christmas that you pumped on the podcast now I have that one too, but there was another one before that. Was that an official one? or did somebody just? yeah? because I saw it on Instagram with him talking about it. Why don't you show the dude with the blue hat it so that you guys can? When we're hanging for five minutes, he'll come over and let's confirm that. Absolutely. I'm trying to figure it out. all right. Thank you. Uh, is it one with his face on it, right. No, it's there's like the there was one that was, uh, a bid and the winner that was supposed to have lunch with you and then there was other tears underneath that it had like you were in your Orlando Jersey there was one in your uh Lakers jersey Heat jersey and they're all animated. Oh yeah, I show it to him I think I know what you're talking about. Okay, yeah, how much health? um CTE undiagnosed but I know I definitely have it. Is it? CTE I'm not sure. The concussion thing? Okay, cool. uh. I've been kind of mulling over this idea for a couple years now about doing something uh, specifically with Christopher Nowinski and because I think and it's you got a tiptoe around when you talk about this stuff. I think that there's a lot of potential in the use of psychedelics for brain injuries and I was wondering if you think that CTE is predominant in the NBA as it is in the NFL and is that something that you would potentially get involved with in the future? I probably won't get involved I've not never had a concussion, but I don't I used to give them but uh, never really looked into it. He's responsible for 63 of his specials is something I'll probably get into. Probably not Okay, cool. thank you guys. Yes, thank you like it's always go real fast but we're gonna cut it off after. Yes. I'll make I'm taking a good look at everyone who's in line. come over here right away. We'll try to make it nice because I Feel bad that you stood. We're about to transition to a little competition Courtney will come out and explain it I'm going to let you ask real quick. You five? Can you guys come to the corner over here and stand over there? I'm gonna give you a little extra love right away. Get them, go over there. go over there all right yo my man. let's go You five. Could we go to the left instead of the right other side? Fire away and then we're gonna give Shaq a lot of love for this. Really really appreciate it. Go ahead my man. thank you thank you thank you so much for for this and Dr O'Neill Thank you so much for being here and being here So uh Bernard Cobb uh super nervous. sorry don't worry brother, we got you so. I Recently was elected as the board president for Columbia Children's Theater in Columbia South Carolina and uh one of the thanks. One of the tasks that uh that's been put in front of me is is we're being kicked out of the of the of the place where we're at. So we we partnered with Brooklyn uh Lakeview Empowerment Center and they're an amazing group or organization. They helped 15 000 people a year and with underemployment and unemployment. So Shaq I know you do a lot with philanthropy as well as well as you. Gary For me, how would you you know what? what question, what questions or how would you um suggest that I go to the city of West Columbia to help um with uh with either getting together for a project to build a new theater or not a theater but a but a performance uh Center for West Columbia you explain to them your passion, you ask them what they need and you figure out and you get it done like I went to this women's shelter let's just walk in. what do you need? oh we need some new furniture. need some new TVs what else new beds Mumbo All right I'll take care of it. oh what do you mean you take her I'll take care of it so you you know again you explain them your passion. So who I am this is what I do What do you need and how can we get it done? See a lot of times when I ask people what do they need I know I can get it done right away. no bureaucracy, no talk to the mayor I'm gonna take care of it right away. So again when I went to this women's show to new Beds new TV new page Brian Alex Jump on it. Take a few weeks, a few months get it done and just get it done. Oh no charity dinners I Just you know, pay for the whole thing myself. so I'm sure you'll figure it out. I I Think for you, it's all storytelling. You're gonna have to compel the people that write the check from the government from the city, from the state. It's all storytelling. whether that's in deck form. whether that's in 45 dinners one by one with the decision makers, whether that's a video, whether that's unlimited social media content. the only way you get things done I Have a present for you. You have a present for me. Yeah, ladies and gentlemen, say hello to Charles Barkley Don't work got him? I Love it. Oh, he lost his mind. Yeah, that's The Ultimate Gift I'm glad you didn't die. Um, I Think you've got a story tell, right? And so when you're asking for money from things with bureaucracy, you could you? You're asking for money from things with bureaucracy. Okay, and the answer to that is always storytelling. Sometimes it's the local news back in the day picking up the story and that got it done. Other times it was an article in a newspaper that was also asking someone to do something. We now live in a world of unlimited cameras where our phones are better than Hollywood 30 years ago, you've got a story tell and get people to give a period. So so one last thing to the guy that was over here again: I'm new to this. this Border Director position, but it's it's acting as if and understanding that it's not a failure, right? It's it's an opportunity to learn and change in that mindset. I mean like I said I'm nervous I said I practice you know talking but I'll learn so much 100 and I absolutely appreciate it. Let's hear for Shaquille O'Neal Let's get up.

11 thoughts on “18 questions about business, greatness, success and kindness – with shaquille o’neal”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kutrovski says:

    This was truly extraordinary. I haven't heard much from Shaq recently, and this was so moving. Every word of his was simple yet so profound and loaded.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars John Caldwell says:

    The market cycle actually has not met it balance, we continue onward round around and around while hanging tight for that tremendous victory on a colossal >support yet meanwhile we could constantly disregard the market promising and less promising times and remain completely contributed. Enormous thanks to Kevin Ortale for assisting me with acquiring over 15btc in about a month and a half by carrying out his technique and following his guide<

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Falvia Gee says:

    Shaq I want to give you some roses but I can't until you apology to you know who. I do not need you to make me laugh (u r just acting). I need to know you are a fair man. Walk in peace Mr. O'Neal — Thank you.

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Lenny Ducano says:

    Thank you both for this one! Very humbling 🙏💯

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Yoh Matti! says:

    Shaq the puppet

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ZESPI says:


  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars HotKey Success says:

    I like Shaq but his story about giving mums gifts in shopping centres is BS.
    As if he wouldn't get mobbed by fans within seconds, but somehow a 7 foot dude is hiding out waiting to tell kids to ask their mum for permission 😄

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars thedappercook says:

    Fuck me, if you get to ask a question, just ask a question, not the other BS

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars YouAndImpact says:

    Great video 👍

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars butt scratcher says:

    Ppl really paid for this?

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Positive Manifestation says:

    Love From Saginaw MI

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