DailyVee is back with another crazy episode! I spent the weekend in Los Angeles to talk at Green St. My agency is dedicated to the cannabis space. This video is packed with life advice, rap lessons, and my visit to @The Nine Club podcast. Thanks for watching!
#dailyvee #garyvee #garyvaynerchuk
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Gary Vaynerchuk is a serial entrepreneur, and serves as the Chairman of VaynerX, the CEO of VaynerMedia and the Creator & CEO of VeeFriends.
Gary is considered one of the leading global minds on what’s next in culture, relevance and the internet. Known as “GaryVee” he is described as one of the most forward thinkers in business – he acutely recognizes trends and patterns early to help others understand how these shifts impact markets and consumer behavior. Whether its emerging artists, esports, NFT investing or digital communications, Gary understands how to bring brand relevance to the forefront. He is a prolific angel investor with early investments in companies such as Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, Venmo, Snapchat, Coinbase and Uber.
Gary is an entrepreneur at heart — he builds businesses. Today, he helps Fortune 1000 brands leverage consumer attention through his full service advertising agency, VaynerMedia which has offices in NY, LA, London, Mexico City, LATAM and Singapore. VaynerMedia is part of the VaynerX holding company which also includes VaynerProductions, VaynerNFT, Gallery Media Group, The Sasha Group, Tracer, VaynerSpeakers, VaynerTalent, and VaynerCommerce. Gary is also the Co-Founder of VaynerSports, Resy and Empathy Wines. Gary guided both Resy and Empathy to successful exits — both were sold respectively to American Express and Constellation Brands. He’s also a Board Member at Candy Digital, Co-Founder of VCR Group, Co-Founder of ArtOfficial, and Creator & CEO of VeeFriends. Gary was recently named to the Fortune list of the Top 50 Influential people in the NFT industry.
In addition to running multiple businesses, Gary documents his life daily as a CEO through his social media channels which has more than 34 million followers and garnishes over 272 million monthly impressions/views across all platforms. His podcast ‘The GaryVee Audio Experience’ ranks among the top podcasts globally. He is a five-time New York Times Best-Selling Author and one of the most highly sought after public speakers.
Gary serves on the board of GymShark, MikMak, Bojangles Restaurants, and Pencils of Promise. He is also a longtime Well Member of Charity:Water.

Yo me and my homies were sitting here: trying to make hands now we're building empires. We call it be friends, drew all those pictures all by myself. You like up at the elephant. I, like entrepreneur, elf, i'm a purebred entrepreneur for real for real for real, like documented i'm going somewhere to do a podcast which will be a lot of fun.

It's a little skateboard culture out here in l.a drock's here and then we will head over to the green street festivities, do a bunch of cannabis industry stuff. On that front, it should be a fun day. Now, i'm about to jump into twitter spaces with russell wilson. Quarterback, the denver broncos that feels weird to say, hi everybody, it's gary vaynerchuk, what's important to me, is that my new york jets go to denver and defeat russell this season.

The schedule is out i've circled the date russ, i'm very focused, i'm focused right now. Unfortunately, you dictate a lot i'll be sitting in the sands, dictating nothing um, but i'm still focused. Oh, i don't think actually russell you'll love this as much as i love you and that you're being very gracious, i will buy my own tickets right behind the jets bench. I will talk to no one.

I will wear six different jets jerseys because i need to pull off which one i need during that drive and i'm a maniac for this stuff, but i just want to say hi to everybody. I'm excited to be on here with the whole crew. You know i'm curious with you like, knowing how we're gon na change the game for the sports drinks. Where do you see local weather in the next 5 10 20 years from now? Well, i i hope it's the the number one drink in the world in terms of the only way to think the reason russ is a super bowl.

Winning quarterback is because his answer right there like why like, why? Wouldn't you want that, like confidence and and ambition is not delusional ego, it's a framework of perspective to try like when i say i want the friends to be disney. I want to be friends to be disney like why, wouldn't i i'm not saying be friends is going to be better than disney. That's a different sentence, i'm looking to build my disney. Why wouldn't i and for all of you, like dreaming and and strategizing, and then executing it's important? If you don't have that perspective, if you shoot for the top of that house, you're, definitely not going to a mountain if you shoot for the moon you're by accident, going to end up on that mountain on your way to the moon, i appreciate your words man.

I appreciate my man. I will love you this entire lifetime, except for the three and a half hours we play each other seem like every cat ain't got ta maintain the cap. You can make change, don't change for that. Tell the whole truth get paid for that bet.

You never fall off. You was made for that. You got ta all right. This is nice from 22 to 34.

Never making that much money. I was happy as and that structure was already built in. I was happy as you did, what you loved yeah. I was happy as there's like, like you know, like we could break, we could break it down a million different ways.
I was happy as more importantly, big kudos to my mother. I was happy as from 5 to 15, where we really didn't have. So i think the luckiest person on earth is someone that's born into nothing who's happy every day, because she or he when they become an adult, realize compoundly black and white obvious that money does not equate to happiness right right right, because if you fall into a Lot and you're happy you might consciously and subconsciously. Think the money made you happy.

We went on nice vacations dinners if you're born into nothing and your household is unhappy. You think money will get you out of it sure. But if you're born into nothing and you're happy the whole time boy, are you on a foundation for everybody, who's, listening they're like who doesn't have money? It's like you who gives a like easy for you to say you have it now, but the answer is. I have it now.

What they don't know is how much happiness happened in the first 35 years of my life without it. So it's not like it's not like. I don't know yeah, i love. When people talk like i lived it, i lived not making 100 000 a year for the majority of my life.

A hundred now people talking billions and millions yeah people don't feel they're sick, like people feel like being a millionaire, is like entry level, but it's not there's a lot of different ways to live life, but if you can live within your means and not keep up With the joneses and not let other people's judgment cast on you, you can have a much happier life that was great man wow. I hope everybody enjoys this because i thoroughly enjoyed it. Thank you. Thank you, brother.

That's amazing. They will, i think, a board here too, that i think you might like dude. Oh my god, dude can you ship it sure please cause. I really want to rock that in my office i feel a little bit in a good spot where i don't feel like.

I have to win the day as much if i was a rapper, i would have built my career by being on features of people's albums, and my mindset going to the studio would be to be so good that every fan of that rapper would become a fan Of mine - and i think i've brought that energy to podcasts for the last decade, but i think that also makes me go 15 too far, which makes me not liked by a certain percentage of the audience, and i feel like that. 15 is down to like three percent, and i felt it, and this was really really happy with that podcast paid off 60 000 in debt, told you my friend, it's not something! You should worry about it's something that you should be grateful for. What you're seeing right now is where i wan na go with my social content, which is i'm most comfortable and enjoy q a right, i'm gon na go a lot more into it and i'm excited about. I think it's gon na lead to more compelling content, something that brings more value right now, i'm putting myself in the most interesting framework, which is q and paper, love blueberries, and this is the festival when my dude quit it was running the production and i'm paying Attention, so that's how much quick this will move.
You know but anyway, but everyone's very excited we're pulling it off and got the permits and you're here and you know, blueberries are delicious. There's gon na be too many people. Oh yeah, we got uh. There's a coffee thing and a tea thing, and and some of your voices and some oatmeal and anything else, there's like restaurants, you're the reason i'm here 300 and something cold emails and uh.

He answered i followed through with all the stuff. You know just to work for free for the defense yeah permission to get that knowledge. Get that experience good for you, brother, i'm proud of you! Yes, really nice to meet you. I want to tell you something: this building is so nice.

This building the vibes is good. The owner is good the people they are gold. Your vibes are good. Thank you.

Her vibes are good. Thank you, you're good, thank you and you're drawing randy the macho man savage my favorite wrestler of all time of all time. Oh yeah, black and white. I know that drock brought up again.

He brought up once before, he's like. Why? Don't you get a coach? I was like. Oh, that might make sense when i do it sometimes i'll, like the reason it doesn't work for me is when i make pretend - and i do it yeah - i can get the first line off, but where i struggle is, i try to rhyme the last word of The cadence, which i know is not the like - that's 1985, when it was like it's so much more advanced, but what's interesting that my brain does is i'll rhyme it with a non-word, oh yeah, yeah, just a sound like a rhyming, just like yeah, i'm just trying To rhyme like death with and i'll say, schmath, instead of like liquid, that, like i don't, i don't know what to do yeah. What is that you got? Ta reverse the the cadence, so most people say the line they want to say like yo, i'm sipping on a liquid death and uh right.

That's what i did so. The key to what i do for freestyling on top is to reverse that, so i say yo i smack a rapper down with the rhyme tackles. My lyrics is sharp, just like a pineapple, so it starts with rhyme tackle and then goes pineapple because you knew you wanted pineapple, so you set up the other one first exactly so you look around the room and do it like that. If it's fiji don't say fiji first, because what if you can't pull out something that rhymes with fiji on top right? So when i was imagining like straight out of belarus, i've got to have belarus figured first, go with that and then hit it first said i get hella loose like i'm straight out of belarus right.

I think when i win my grammy i'll be like i got ta give a big shout out. He told me to start with the second mama. We did it, there's a lot of people in this room that are going to resonate with this people. That say gary.
You don't get it, i'm a perfectionist, the way my brain takes. That is, no! You don't get it. You're scared, you're scared to put it out and you're trying to make it look cute by saying you're a perfectionist, that's just makeup for insecurity and that's what you're. Basically saying people are scared to talk about the they actually care about.

They're scared to put out the content that they actually want to put out because they're addicted to the metrics of social media, because somebody knows that they normally get 500 likes or 50 likes they're. Going to keep making the same even if their brain and their soul has evolved to a new place because they don't have the humility or the self-confidence and they're deploying insecurity and it's a huge deal. Are we ready for this? Oh pledge of allegiance? Please heads up that was incredible. Thank you, so much you're really addicted to the bubble.

Hockey me and my boys are sitting here, collabing we're thinking about caleb and babin. You know you're both here to hear what i got to say: we're going to be blowing by this highway like it's like. It's a lot easier, a lot easier, yo me and my homies we're sitting here trying to make ends now we're building empires. We call it be friends, drew all those pictures all by myself.

You like up at the elephant. I like entrepreneur thing starting to like build a little bit, but getting to the fourth line is gon na, be interesting, i'm more interested in talking to the individuals that thought it was a good use of energy to tell somebody else that they weren't going to win. If they put their mind to something, that's the compassion and sympathy i have for the people that are hurting inside so much that it's interesting for them to try to stop others from seeking out their happiness because they themselves are not ready to seek out their happiness. Some fire right there right.

That was a good one right, yeah that last little part's interesting really see. This is the problem we've been trying to tell you. I need a new phone. I think so.

Look at that camera in different. It's so cool. It's so much different. That's wild 1 37 pm in the building at green street festival gary.

Yes, we know you don't smoke correct, but if you did yes, the dream, blunt rotation who would be in the mix? Yes, ms iraq, l.a and moose, why you ask those? Are my four college friends who smoked eight blunts to the face a day and for four years desperately tried to get me to puff up and i held off, but if i did it, it would be with the mal ida. Boys baby has one of those apes on his neck. Yes, if you want me to be like that before be friends and to just have a puffin on my face or something like this little pumpkin, i got some real estate right here. I can see that being like cool look.
That would be a tremendous priority of mine. I'll talk to your whole team about it. We are at a week convention how many businesses in the cannabis space are you involved with, and where do you think that the real opportunities and growth are in this case uh? So i'm i'm a large investor in a company called green street that is run by rama. That's why i'm here! That's what this is all about.

Underneath that rama's got a ton of stuff, we've got a brand called astrix and tcj, which is a lot of fun to be to be transparent. I'm a non-operating partner in green street, so i'm not even sure how many things rama has going on aboard the money and i'm there for that phone. The space overall super interesting. I grew up in the liquor business, which is regulated state by state.

So when cannabis started getting legalized and when i could see the country was finally ready to get over to hoop on it, i was like okay uh. This is something i want to learn, so i'm still in the learning phase. You know i'm uh, i'm on the board of a company called rib capital out of canada um, so i'm really in collecting information mode, because this is inevitable like for the rest of our lives like there will only be more acceptance, so i think my destiny long Term is to be involved on the brand side, we'll see um but uh, but it's a very interesting space. I mean i hate when people like, i literally have meetings with some people old heads who try to on it while they're drinking a cocktail, and i'm like you do understand.

In 19, 20 and 30 people said the same thing about alcohol everything's up when it's off balance, but in balance everything can be appropriate, and so i think i think i'm excited that the stigma is going away and i think we can have far healthier conversations around It in the next decade would you be more likely to invest in a cannabis startup that had mediocre product and incredible marketing or incredible product mediocre marketing? Oh yeah, the first one's gon na work, because most people don't know what the they're eating drinking or smoking i'll say it again. The first one will work because if it's just mediocre, but the marketing is phenomenal, 98 of the world are gon na smoke. It and not know that it's mediocre all of you do that every day i love everybody's faces like nah, i was like you do that every day, every one of you is eating or drinking something mediocre compared to the person that actually knows what the going on In that category - and you don't give a so both because a great great great product with mediocre marketing, you can always fix the marketing and if the product's the best, it's always got to shop stay well. Thank you.

Thank you so much. I watch your instagram all the time. Man appreciate that yeah. I i i like everything you do.

Thank you and positive. My name. Thank you for the love bro yeah yeah for real. No, no! No! No! I don't smoke.
I don't smoke. I don't know, i'm sorry. I'm sorry, i'm sorry a pleasure. It's a pleasure to meet you like legend, like what the congratulations.

I can't even believe. I'm here right now, what's most on your mind, um i mean i've been going on. I've been touring sold out, shows everything's, amazing, i'm independent didn't have a manager until recently, so right now that it's finally everything's trying to like starting going through a breakup, so new cycles single it up. So when you look back at the history of liquor industry, when i think about the next five or ten years, i think about 1940 1945.

1950. 1955. 1960 liquor industry. If you look at the 1950s to the 60s, so much of what the liquor industry is today across all 50 states was really built from that era.

I think that's. What is gon na happen right now in cannabis this next five ten years, a lot of the pretenders are gon na shake out. A lot of the real dogs are gon na mature they're gon na go from puppies to grown-up dogs, and i you know when i think about the next five or ten years. I think it's the steel and the concrete is hardening and then 20 30 years from now we'll decorate the rooms but the foundation's being built right now.

I don't understand why people don't want to be nice to each other. There's no logical reason to not be nice to each other ever. Nobody here is gon na strip game to me and tell me why it's nice or appropriate to not be nice. It makes no sense.

We need way more kindness. We are in a society right now where people think when you get hate you deploy hate back, you get. You want to win when you get hate deployed, love back, because that person's up ego is a funny word. I, when i hear ego i hear insecurity ego to me, is insecurity with makeup on.

I think, there's a very, very not fine life and very clear line between confidence and ego confidence is you believe in yourself you have self-esteem and you're accountable when you lose ego. Is you're trying to trick everybody that you're good, because you're not good, trying to look successful and trying to look happy for everybody on the gram or on tick, tock or tonight, with what you wore always always ends up poorly? You need to actually be happy not play it on social media. I wanted to know if we could do an overrated or underrated live here at the great street, how many okay, guys overrated or underrated french bulldogs french troll dogs are underrated. They are a good ass breed.

I like those little the men gala the met. Gala is overrated. Legal lead in california, is overrated or underrated, grossly underrated, grossly it matters. It's impacting minnesota, it's impacting nevada, it's impacting and it's it's underrated for the space and every day i would run to the golden gate bridge.

Listen to your stuff on. You know, building your side right more, so i'm doing crypto full time. All right. La trip is a wrap really good times got a lot accomplished talked a lot about a lot of subject matters predominantly cannabis, nft little social really excited about that, and now really focused on b-con one thing to everybody coming here.
What would you say, bring happiness? Awesome see you guys later a week from today at this exact moment, we'll be like be conning the out of it, so really excited about that, obviously a year into making a lifetime in the making so focus on that on with dustin drock, it's been nice. That's a wrap, dailyvee see.

5 thoughts on “Becoming the next big freestyle rapper dailyvee 602”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Gary Smith says:

    Killer raps Gary. Keep up the great content!

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Adriel says:

    Better than anyone alive rn

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sachin Lee Dogemusic says:


  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Xavian Vlogs says:

    my money dont jiggle jiggle

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Marvin Sebastian says:

    Let’s go💪👑

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