We're BACK with a new episode of the #AskGaryVee show! In this episode, I share my two cents on various topics and questions such as the misconceptions about entrepreneurship, dealing with business plateaus, finding new passions after dreams fade, addressing fears of A.I, managing impatience to impress loved ones, and navigating family businesses.
I emphasize the importance of self-awareness, quick adaptation to trends, understanding the reasons behind business plateaus, and the significance of empathy and compassion in family businesses.
0:00 Intro
0:46 Misconceptions people have about entrepreneurship
1:38 Predictions for the next app or wave for creators & entrepreneurs
2:58 What to do when your business plateaus?
6:43 How to find a new passion when your dream fades?
8:26 Advice for people who're scared of A.I.
10:28 Managing impatience to impress loved ones
13:34 Advice for people who work in a family business
Thanks for watching!
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Check out another series on my channel:
Keynotes: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6vCDlmhRmBo&list=PLfA33-E9P7FCEF1izpctGGoak841XYzrJ
NFTs: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AwMJ6bScB2s&list=PLfA33-E9P7FAcvsVSFqzSuJhHu3SkW2Ma
Business Meetings: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wILI_VV6z4Y&list=PLfA33-E9P7FCTIY62wkqZ-E1cwpc2hxBJ
Gary Vaynerchuk Original Films: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLfA33-E9P7FAvnrOcgy4MvIcCXxoyjuku
Trash Talk: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLfA33-E9P7FDelN4bXFgtJuczC9HHmm2-
WeeklyVee: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLfA33-E9P7FBPjdQcF6uedz9fdk8XKn-b
Gary Vaynerchuk is a serial entrepreneur, and serves as the Chairman of VaynerX, the CEO of VaynerMedia and the Creator & CEO of VeeFriends.
Gary is considered one of the leading global minds on what’s next in culture, relevance and the internet. Known as “GaryVee” he is described as one of the most forward thinkers in business – he acutely recognizes trends and patterns early to help others understand how these shifts impact markets and consumer behavior. Whether its emerging artists, esports, NFT investing or digital communications, Gary understands how to bring brand relevance to the forefront. He is a prolific angel investor with early investments in companies such as Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, Venmo, Snapchat, Coinbase and Uber.
Gary is an entrepreneur at heart — he builds businesses. Today, he helps Fortune 1000 brands leverage consumer attention through his full service advertising agency, VaynerMedia which has offices in NY, LA, London, Mexico City, LATAM and Singapore. VaynerMedia is part of the VaynerX holding company which also includes VaynerProductions, VaynerNFT, Gallery Media Group, The Sasha Group, Tracer, VaynerSpeakers, VaynerTalent, and VaynerCommerce. Gary is also the Co-Founder of VaynerSports, Resy and Empathy Wines. Gary guided both Resy and Empathy to successful exits — both were sold respectively to American Express and Constellation Brands. He’s also a Board Member at Candy Digital, Co-Founder of VCR Group, Co-Founder of ArtOfficial, and Creator & CEO of VeeFriends. Gary was recently named to the Fortune list of the Top 50 Influential people in the NFT industry.
In addition to running multiple businesses, Gary documents his life daily as a CEO through his social media channels which has more than 34 million followers and garnishes over 272 million monthly impressions/views across all platforms. His podcast ‘The GaryVee Audio Experience’ ranks among the top podcasts globally. He is a five-time New York Times Best-Selling Author and one of the most highly sought after public speakers.
Gary serves on the board of MikMak, Bojangles Restaurants, and Pencils of Promise. He is also a longtime Well Member of Charity:Water.

If you're scared of AI I have bad news you lost the quest. Hey everybody, it's Gary Bay Nerdchuck and this is like a weird impromptu like we decided Midway doing through something else show of the Askgaryvee show. We were gonna do clips for social media but then Sid made the executive decision to turn this into an Askgaryvee episode which is super fun for me because it is still we all know we probably even just felt it right now. We need to keep figuring out how to put me in Q a format because absolutely where I'm best and so I hope you enjoy this show.

Here are some of the clips and we'll see you next time. What is the biggest question that people have in regards to what it takes to be a successful entrepreneur? A big misconception is actually the two extremes. People either think that you have to work super hard every minute and like you gotta grind in 10 years and you know or that it's like easy and lucky and like people like stumbled into it when in reality it's a massive self-awareness game of the two which is like of course talent but work ethic but then one has to deploy it on self-awareness on themselves. So I think the misconceptions sit on the two extremes.

People got lucky. that's why they're a successful entrepreneur or they like worked every second. The reality is is what I get done in eight hours is better than other people get done in eight hours. So it's not how many hours it's what you do within those hours.

Those are the misconceptions. Okay, my question for you would be we all know that you called The Tick Tock Explosion and massive growth years ago and everything that's happening now. you predicted what is your next prediction for other, either the next app or the next wave for social content creation and entrepreneurs so social media audience I'm gonna break the fourth wall here Google It If you don't know what that means, the answer to this question is how disappointed I am with my team behind here by putting this video in front of me. They know that there is no answer and it's fun to see them in the background right now.

Like reacting to this like this is one of the funniest videos I've ever made in my career I Am stunned that this video was just put in front of me by my team because they know the answer to this which is I don't predict I don't have a prediction I only react immediately to what's actually happening I don't know if lemon ate this or blue sky that or this I don't know I know when the moment is to fully go all in in the thing that has now happened I'm not predicting out here I'm moving quickly in the face of reality, quicker than most, harder than most. That's the game all of you need to play. Hey Gary this is Adam My question for you is what do you do when you feel like you're plateauing in your business. You had success for a while and then you start to Plateau How do you motivate yourself to keep going and keep pushing Adam A couple things: one I hate the Patriots and Celtics so you're sure Second, but I Love people from Boston It's just a sports thing.
Second, there's a lot of things to this. The reality is we have to be humble, self-aware and and honestly compassionate to ourselves when you're hitting a plateau. It's not about motivation like you know I don't want to be like a rah-rah guy for all of you out there I Don't mind it, but those are like little bursts that's not sustainable sustainability comes from Clarity Clarity is like why have I hit this Plateau Is this only as good as I Am Nobody really wants to go there but like Talent is part of the process. Uh, back to a lot of themes.

Have I gone too hard for too long and I just need a break? Like maybe this is the summer for a lot of you to just enjoy it because you've gone too hard for four years and like you've got to a place but you've plateaued and maybe the plateau is happening from you needing a little break? Think about working out. you know the people that really know. they talk about rest days like you can't pump buyer in seven days a week and expect gains. Your body needs rest well in the macro of building a business or your project.

Sometimes you just need a rest day and that might just be a rest summer. Maybe this is 2023 rest summer for the people plateaued. but this goes back to nuances I want to make sure real quick while I'm making this video for the people that are crushing and ascending. This is not rest summer.

this is continue to squeeze. It's the living out of it because you haven't plateaued summer right? and so like where people are not strong as being contextual. To find out why you've plateaued, there's a hundred reasons why maybe competitors have come in and created too much supply for the demand. Three years ago, you were the only one doing oat milk ice cream and now all of a sudden there's six more places in the city that do oat milk ice cream.

and maybe there was only so much demand for. oh so it might be external. it might be internal in general I can sense off the video I really enjoyed that I posted a couple of uh, days ago or weeks ago depending when team posted. let's pop that up.

team that long form video that I really like I think the thing that's always lost when I talk is the nuances when I talk about what I did in my 20s I Talk about that from a framework of self-awareness of what worked for me. It's nuances in these split screens answering these questions. It's nuanced. Maybe you're burnt out.

Maybe you're only so talented. You should do something else. Maybe it's the fact that there's more competition and you need to wait for more demand to come in. Maybe they'll never be more demand and it's a fad and you should jet the out of the whole thing.

There's a lot of reasons one may: Plateau Maybe you haven't focused on culture and your team is not working as hard for you because now they figured out that you're a dick, not an innovator. Could be a lot of things. There's like literally 900 answers to that. I Can literally think of 45 different reasons that company would plateau.
Look at the one that I just used at the end. Maybe it's just your company's plateaued because nobody around you believes in you anymore. Because you've they've They've snipped out your you're not a genius, you're just a dick face. Maybe you fell in love.

Boston Boy, maybe you fell in love. and you're just like spending like you're not spending every second on the business. And like you're you're googly-eyed and that's beautiful. And maybe you know the honeymoon phase will be over in a year and you can get back to focusing on a business.

Or maybe you'll never focus on the business again because you found a new balance. and that's beautiful too. Like there's just maybe, maybe, maybe maybe maybe maybe maybe we have to be like in general like I Have a feeling my 2024 content is going to be about like the heaviness of the nuances Gary My question for you is, for a lot of athletes, when that dream ends, how do you find a new passion to equivalent that dream? All right? First of all, the amped AAA in the background is the greatest thing ever building. V Friends is going to be amazing look I Think this is something I've been very passionate about I Feel so bad for people when a dream dies.

and by the way, there's a small group of people in the world that it's around. Athletics What about the majority of people who are straight A students or good students and the dream ends the day you're done with college? You're like, oh, good. grades in school means nothing in real life. like dreams die all the time.

And so for athletes I Think you got to find another competitive. Outlet I Think the thing that really hurts athletes specifically is how much they enjoyed the competitiveness of it and so like. That's why entrepreneurship and business has been so big. One of my favorite things about the last 20 years that entrepreneurship became a thing is it became a place that athletes can go when the dream dies or when the dream dies out of retirement.

amount of athletes now that don't have to be in depression at 38 after having a great career and what do they do with themselves Like they don't want to golf? they don't want to coach, They don't want to be a sports commentator. A lot of them are going into business. Honest I Know a lot of these athletes and it's been beautiful to watch because I probably went to business because I couldn't be an athlete because they're close enough. You know what I mean And so I think for all of us whether it's sports or how I'm making this a bigger video which is especially for all of you where you realize the dream is over like school doesn't guarantee you real life success.

You got to reset and you got to find out lots of what you liked. If you loved learning, maybe you should go into strategy and research and consumer Behavior because you get to be curious like so there's a lot of cool stuff like that. We're gonna make this on our scary interesting. What do you say to people who are scared of AI How can they embrace it and use it for their business by realizing they have no choice if you're scared of AI I have bad news you lost AI Is not going back into some weird Genie You know what? What do I say? I Have no interest in confusing people.
By the way, all these comments were like when I'm putting out a stop, they're like oh, you're getting supported by the AI like there is no AI Illuminati not getting supported by anybody in AI This is what you all said to me a decade ago: like Facebook You know every time every time nobody's supporting me I want to be historically correct. you know who's supporting me me I'm supporting my self by being right historically and so it's not a very tough bet to think AI is going to be a big part of life. It's the easiest bet I've ever made. It's a profound technology I'm a human being I'm plenty scared like all of you are like what does this mean in deep fake videos and this guy I've got plenty of anxieties I have anxieties about everything just like any other human being I just don't let them control me like so many people, they sit equally to my optimism.

The internet scared people. Cars scared people, tractors scared people. Everything scares people. Social media scared everyone you know like.

So there's pros and cons to everything. You can choose to make it a con and be cynical or you can choose to make it a pro and be optimistic. You decide. But what do I say I say nothing I really don't actually care I don't talk I don't try to convince any individual person on this I put out content to be historically correct.

but I'm like. what do I say nothing like you don't want to use AI Good people didn't want to use the iPhone they eventually did I knew people that told me they wouldn't use the internet. they did. People didn't want to use email.

they did Technology beats you every time. All your hot takes always lose to actual technology. ai's actual technology. these are from influencers in your office.

Good. same for Max Hi Gary Max here I have a question for you So I really love what you say about patience, right? and I think that I'm quite a patient person. One thing that I can't quite figure out for myself is that my impatience comes from my desire to impress my grandma and that's being kind of my driver since I was a kid. So even though I am patient for myself yeah, I'm impatient because I want to see her I want her to see me, win and like, do well and know that I'm like not a failure and I'm cool and I have impact and all these things so I really can't figure out what to do I love it! What a great great question.

Cool news, Legit grandmas. And when I say legit grandmas I mean grandmas who are wonderful and have good intent not or hurt themselves and are hurting a family really don't give a about these accolades you're chasing. They only want you to be healthy and happy and you chasing your dream is the happy. not getting the trophy for what you think you need to accomplish.
She's already proud of you bro. She's already proud of you. You already accomplished what you're trying to accomplish. Parents and grandparents.

That and great grandparents that have great intent are wise. They've lived and you know what? They know. The trophy of winning the race doesn't impress them as much as the training for the race and the running of the race. That's real life.

And so good news brother, You've already impressed your grandma. You've already accomplished it. She already knows you're good. Promise it's real too.

It's not only good, it's real. Like we all, we don't even realize it's actually selfish. Like we even subconsciously or consciously know that what I just said is right. but we like create a thing within ourselves.

No, it's not for me I Want my grandma to see I mate? No, you don't and it's not in the bad way. You just don't realize that's what you're doing. Your grandma doesn't need to see your Mercedes or a Rolex or your 10 million dollar bank account. She really does it.

Similar to what you said at the closing keynote which was experience for kids. yours business success doesn't Define how much they love you. No child is disappointed if their parents don't build a big company. Children are disappointed in their parents when they don't get unconditional love If you're in here unconditionally loving your parent.

but your parent wasn't a massive business success, make some noise. Thank you. That was really cool, right? Especially when I asked everybody to like stand up or not like nobody here like loves their parents because they made money, not one person. They only love parents.

If they feel like their parents gave them good intent, you don't have another one. Okay, good, you were sitting on that one. I'm ready. this one's Matt What up? G I'm in the office right now.

My question for you is working with family as someone that is a younger brother. What advice would you give me bringing on my older brother to help me with my content creating and media production company? Any advice? Let's go my guy. This is a tough one. Like for a million different reasons.

Family Dynamics are real. So you know even being the older brother, bringing in a younger brother comes with a ton of baggage. You've got an extra one because the natural way of things. the older brother is going to have all sorts of feelings.

Even if he's the most humble dude of all time, there's still some sort of like animalistic like I'm the older brother, What the kind of thing going on? So hey bro, you have to. And this is the answer to everybody. The only way family businesses ever work is when everyone in the equation has empathy and compassion for the other people's feelings. When the kid comes in and actually has like understand that your parents grinded this for 30 years and came from nothing.
And you can't just walk in because you went to college and think you run and make sure you're empathetic to the employees that have been there for 20 years and like you come in and now you're their boss like they built that place. On the flip side, Parents in that scenario have to be like yo the kids coming in with fire and wants to like, like prove themselves and you got to give them a little room if you're micromanaging and they'll never. And so for you personally. Hey, you have to have empathy for your brother.

It's going to be a challenge. B For everyone listening, you have to love your family more than the money. See, all of you are going to have ego and feelings all of you and you need to understand that and calibrate it. D No matter how much you fight, try to end every night with like that was up but it we're family.

Let's like be better tomorrow right? like that. Like you could have had the biggest fight of all time. but before you both go to sleep this is good at relationship advice but definitely in family business. I Think it's even easier than like personal relationships even if it was like the worst day and you literally like you no you at work before you close your eyes that night even if that fight happened at 4 pm and it's 11 30 p.m just like muster up being the bigger person and texting Be like yo bro I Know today wasn't great but like we're fam over this like we don't even need to have this business.

we're fam. Like understanding that like that's really real. So like you know being patient. You know when you're the leader and you're bringing in a family member, you got to teach them so there's a lot there.

Those are just some things to keep an eye out for. Thank you Foreign.

18 thoughts on “Discovering new passions when dreams fade l #askgaryvee 336”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jennifer Mann says:


  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sprint Web Design says:

    Boston boy 😂

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars C.D. Scales says:

    This video number is my hometown area code 😅🎉

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Patrick says:

    Gary!!! Best way I can have a heart to hear have alot of questions for you about being a young entrepreneur

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Annette Vaughn Bowlin - Digi Train 4U says:

    I have been searching and listening to your content here and on TT. I am wanting to see if you think l should have 2 or more tiktok accounts or if 1 is good? I promote my own brand of making money online but also promote a course. I am confused if I should do 2 or 1. I am being told it will confuse people if I do 1. I trust what you say. I also am always told never mix personal stuff on my TT unless I mention my digital marketing somewhere. So many opinions but I trust what you say. It’s hard to know who to trust.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars The NFL With AJL says:

    Lmao the sports shade to Adamn was great

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Rahmi Ozcan says:

    As always, I thoroughly enjoyed this! It was quite a surprise, though, to see Gary getting somewhat irritated at one point. An unexpected delight was seeing Max Klymenko pop up with a question. He has rapidly built up his channel and consistently delivers engaging content, often captured in the vibrant surroundings of London's Brick Lane.

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kartgal says:

    Yay, it’s back!

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Y says:

    How do people ask him a question?

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars PINSkiller says:

    I'm not scared about AI, I'm scared about life

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars jb says:


  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars jb says:

    We all have the same hours in the day. Yeah, what we do with this hours is the determinate. That’s the skill. Got no skills, requires more primacy and recency. Efficiency comes with consistency

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dewa Debadon says:

    Let's Go! we need more ASkGaryVee 🔥😎💯

    Daily Positivity Energy! Thanks Gary!

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sung Hyun Kim says:

    I love all these AI techs are becoming a reality and I am using some tools to do what I couldn't do without shit amounts of time. But 1 thing I agree with Anti-AI people is that, AI tool would be used by greedy/bad/biased/shitty people also and it would affect much more people in a way that SNS did. And I can already see that so many people who are not familiar with new tech or schemes behind the curtains are going to live like slaves. Swrom of distractions/misinformations/ads/brainwashing materials/confusions will come and I honestly am worried how much people will be under their power.

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mocarny Knur says:

    Finally, AGV is BACK!

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Danny Quiroz says:

    Such a beast at branding, his cap says Vayner Sports with VS so simple yet genius

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Lenk says:

    you're 4 feet tall

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Money Mavericks TV says:

    Love this

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